Group 7-day waking average?

3.9 for me this morning but a lovely straight line overnight albeit ever so slightly inclined downwards, so I am quite happy with that and no actual time in the red seeing as target range is 3.9-10. I even managed a unicorn yesterday, which is the first in a long while.
Heading along to the next village this morning to tax the Freelander. Tried online but I couldn't remember my Visa verified password. I had the same problem last year and rang up and had to create a new password but have forgotten it, now I need it a year later, so I have concluded that a walk along to the Post Office will be much less frustrating than having to create yet another new password that I will forget..... Does anyone else rue this modern scourge of needing passwords for everything! It absolutely does my head in! A good leg swing along the riverside footpath and back along the old railway line on a nice sunny day seems infinitely preferable to sitting on the phone for ages and then trying to think of a suitable and memorable 8 character word with symbols and numbers and capital letters etc. 😡 Apologies to you guys down in rainy Cornwall for rubbing your noses in it, but absolutely glorious here today. Hope your inclement weather passes over quickly.

Congratulations to @MeeTooTeeTo on your House Special achievement this morning.
Sadly not - but at 5.6, not too bad! (I’m sure @ColinUK could apply some rounding and averaging to make that a 5.2 :rofl: )

@eggyg - love the greenhouse, it looks really great! Definitely more of an orangery!

Grandchildren landed yesterday evening, but it’s lovely having them here. Rain today has changed plans so we’re going bowling and toy shopping for grandson’s birthday next week (wish us luck!), I don’t doubt this will involve getting a small present for each of them but still.

Have a good day everyone!
Not even my maths can make that round down to a 5.2!

Anyway nothing wrong with a 5.6 or even a 6.5 which is what I scored this morning.
Morning all and a 6.9 for me. Would have been 5.9 but went back to bed after a pitstop.

Review with consultant today which I will be taking down the studio.

@rebrascora chrome also has a password manager which syncs across your devices.

Fog has lifted here in the Aire valley and it's a sunny day.

Have a good day everyone.
FWIW Firefox remembers your passwords for you... but yes, it's a right PITA and you have to have them for just about everything, important or not!
Not sure I trust anything computer related to store passwords, even if the majority of people do.
Morning all and it’s a happy 5.0 for me today.

Rain due around noon so I’ll be having a lazy day indoors me thinks.

Have a good day whatever you’re up to and stay safe.
It’s glorious here too Barbara. Wall to wall sunshine and hardly a breath of wind. 21c. It’s not always grim oop north is it?
Sounds lovely. Cloudy and cool here. Fancy a visitor 😉? I can't believe summer is over and i'm back at work Monday. I think i blinked and missed the last few weeks.
Sounds lovely. Cloudy and cool here. Fancy a visitor 😉? I can't believe summer is over and i'm back at work Monday. I think i blinked and missed the last few weeks.
I can’t believe the weather is changing for the better as soon as the kids and staff go back to school. They’ve hardly had a dry day the last six weeks. Absolutely typical.
I’m going to need a holiday to recover from this holiday
I was just thinking in the travel from London to Glasgow, that must be tiring o_O
Same, I'm not paranoid about data protection but I never select the option to remember passwords (even less bank card details). But I do keep a handwritten list of passwords at home, sort of coded so they are very easy to understand for me but not for a random person. You could try something similar.

Is totally understandable that you would forget a password you only use once a year!
Not sure I trust anything computer related to store passwords
I can’t believe the weather is changing for the better as soon as the kids and staff go back to school. They’ve hardly had a dry day the last six weeks. Absolutely typical.
After the hottest June ever the 'experts' were telling us we'd better get used to it as that's what climate change means. Since then it's been nothing but cool and wet and they've been remarkably quiet.
After the hottest June ever the 'experts' were telling us we'd better get used to it as that's what climate change means. Since then it's been nothing but cool and wet and they've been remarkably quiet.
Strictly what the experts said is that we need to get used to weather patterns being significantly different from what we are used to, that's what climate change will lead to.

Regarding being silent since, I don't think that's the case, just look at the reporting on wild fires, flooding and hurricanes, or even the unseasonably wet and cool weather we are having.
I always need a holiday after a holiday! That’s my excuse and I’m sticking to it! 😉
I am having a busy go all over the place and see all the people first week of holiday, then do have a second holiday week planned of a cruise to recover
3.9 for me this morning but a lovely straight line overnight albeit ever so slightly inclined downwards, so I am quite happy with that and no actual time in the red seeing as target range is 3.9-10. I even managed a unicorn yesterday, which is the first in a long while.
Heading along to the next village this morning to tax the Freelander. Tried online but I couldn't remember my Visa verified password. I had the same problem last year and rang up and had to create a new password but have forgotten it, now I need it a year later, so I have concluded that a walk along to the Post Office will be much less frustrating than having to create yet another new password that I will forget..... Does anyone else rue this modern scourge of needing passwords for everything! It absolutely does my head in! A good leg swing along the riverside footpath and back along the old railway line on a nice sunny day seems infinitely preferable to sitting on the phone for ages and then trying to think of a suitable and memorable 8 character word with symbols and numbers and capital letters etc. 😡 Apologies to you guys down in rainy Cornwall for rubbing your noses in it, but absolutely glorious here today. Hope your inclement weather passes over quickly.

Congratulations to @MeeTooTeeTo on your House Special achievement this morning.
It is when they text or phone or e-mail with a number which only lasts a few minutes which you have to enter into the payment screen to complete the transaction. It sends me into panic mode.