Group 7-day waking average?

It's a bright and sunny Cornish morning here but whereas yesterday I couldn't see the other side of the Fowey estuary because of the dismal weather, this morning it's because there's a bloody great cruise liner in the way. It's a SAGA ship, the Spirit of Adventure. Fowey and Polruan likely to be busy today, then. Hope it doesn't wreck our plans to have lunch in our favourite cafe on this our last day.

Went over to Looe yesterday. Not my favourite place to be honest but our eldest and his girlfriend wanted to have a look. It rained while we were there, which didn't help. When you see a shop called ountain Warehouse and another called Britis Heart Foundation you know a place could do with some TLC.

Ate out yesterday evening and the pub did my favourite - Hunter's Chicken. Traditional pub grub with a good menu and something for everyone. Drove there and back in the pouring rain, so the day ended the way it started.

Back in the 5s with a 5.7 this morning so no damage from sharing my wife's profiteroles at the pub.

Have a good start to September.
A 4.5 for me this morning. And my August waking average was 5.2. 🙂😎

Morning all. 9.7. Not sure whats going on atm. The last couple of nights i've been in the 11-13s overnight despite corrections, before drifting into target by the morning. I don't want to up my basal again yet as back at work on Monday so i'll be needing to look at it again then.
Good morning everyone

Suffering from a bad back and painful neck these last few days. It takes all my strength and energy away. Still very painful today

BG 5.5
Pulse 53
Temp 36.4
Oxy 98
BP 126/78

Today rest and trying to escape the constant pain.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Type 2 because I am middle-aged!
Unfortunately there are lots of assumptions made and I think quite a lot of us have been incorrectly classed, at least initially, as T2 simply because of age at presentation. From what I read and hear there is more realisation that T1 can present at any age. But I guess the fact that something like 95% of people presenting with symptoms are T2 means that assumptions are still made.
A steadyish 5.8 for me this morning.

Congrats on your HS average @MeeTooTeeTo - quite the achievement!
Still no sleep. Time for a cuppa I think! BG has climbed to 9.7!

Weather - still dark!

Finally got out of bed half-an-hour ago. BG dropped to 5.0. Half-an-hour before that and I might have got a HS!

Now it is daylight decided it was better dark as it is mizzle to greet autumn. I suspect the Daily Fail's 40C heatwave won't arrive now!
Morning folks. 🙂 6.1 here.

I didn't think it was muck-spreading season, but our neighbour was in his field after dark spraying a fresh s**t slick (after harvesting the maize crop for animal feed). It's a BIG field, so I'm not sure why he started as near to our house as possible, poo-er. o_O I could smell it thru the walls as I lay in bed! :rofl:😱😛

A 10.8 - lower at least !

Last day of the holidays for me. Not sure what I’ll do. A TV day I think.

Have a good day.
Good morning. 5.7

Feeling a bit daunted by the thought of driving a mini digger all weekend but at least it will be a deisel engine and not my aching body which is making the effort - I am getting a bit brassed off with the current flare. I am also not too keen on our local highway authority who have failed to look after their drains. I've been contacting them for 6 years to no effect and then going out with a spade to dig out the channels rather than have all their dirty water runing into the yard. I'm not really strong enough to do it by hand again this autumn so I am going for a more radical solution - goodbye overgrown verge and blocked gutter, hello ditch. If they complain (or catch me at it) I shall exprress the view that they are wrong to consder the area worked on any of their concern - it cannot be highways ground when they have failed to do anything about it for 6 years, surely they would not be so neglifgent? If this does not work please send lowcarb food parcel enclosing a file..

@Grannylorraine Enjoy your break from work.

Lots of cloud but the promise of some sunshine from tomorrow - hope it shines on us all.
5.6 (ish) today and a slow drift down overnight.

Need to nip into town to get a new battery supplied and fitted in my phone. I miss the days you could just pop the back off yourself and clip one in. Hope its a £30 well spent and they will do it while I wait. My bloods have one job - behave for those 20 mins that I will be untethered :rofl:. fotf is kicking in and I'm not correcting it before I go 😉

Have a great day everyone!
Good morning - 8.9

Have a great day everyone
4.6 for me this morning and happy with that although my 2 unit Levemir reduction last night for exercise yesterday then needed to be propped up through the night with a bit of Fiasp, so I clearly got that a bit wrong. No big deal though.

Damp and overcast here today after a really glorious day yesterday. Hope it improves for the show tomorrow as we are taking both horses and 3 different carriages to enter 3 different classes. It is a local show, so U am taking the Freelander with a trailer and 2 vehicles on it and Ian will have the horses and one vehicle. It will be manic trying to get horses and harness changes around between classes so a bit of cooperation from the weather would be appreciated.

Congrats to @MeeTooTeeTo on a monthly average House Special for August. Definitely not an "average" achievement! Well done!

@TinaD Hope you have fun with your digger.... and don't get caught, although pity help anyone officious enough to cross swords with you!..... I have a file ready just in case though and will check out SugarFreeLondoner's site for a suitable cake recipe! 😉
Morning all.4.6; for me this morning.Managed to get an appointment to see gp on Monday got another disc on its way out lot of pain in lower back.hip and all down left side .See what happens Hope everyone is doing well and have a good day folks
Morning all and 6.4

Review went well yesterday. Keep doing what you are doing was the outcome. I finally got round to asking if I was a 3c rather than a T1 being a creonista. He thought it was highly likely. Not that it makes much difference as the treatment is the same.

Have a good day everyone.
@TinaD Hope you have fun with your digger.... and don't get caught, although pity help anyone officious enough to cross swords with you!..... I have a file ready just in case though and will check out SugarFreeLondoner's site for a suitable cake recipe! 😉
My thoughts exactly!
The password management facility built into Apple devices is fantastic.
Not only does it automatically generate random passwords but it also gives you the ability to create unlimited disposable email addresses when you sign up for any service/email list.
So not only do they have a random password but they also have a random email address.
I'm personally an Android girly but that sounds very interesting for the Apple users out there 🙂
Unfortunately there are lots of assumptions made and I think quite a lot of us have been incorrectly classed, at least initially, as T2 simply because of age at presentation. From what I read and hear there is more realisation that T1 can present at any age. But I guess the fact that something like 95% of people presenting with symptoms are T2 means that assumptions are still made.
That was what happened to me - presumption by the hospital DSN over the phone having never seen me - that because of my age it had to be T2. For 8 years I was told "you can't have carb counting course" "T2s can't have this, T2s can't have that" In the end I broke down in front of the surgery nurse and she wrote a letter to the new consultant who gave me the tests and re-classified me. I subsequently saw the same hospital DSN who'd pronounced I was T2. She had a student with her. She turned to the student and said "This woman would not have had those tests had Dr Foote not retired". I was boiling!
Morning all - what a contrast to yesterday! Lovely sun and forecast to last at least until next Thursday. Sorry @Martin.A just as you are going home.

6.1 this morning with a flatfish and another Unicorn! Perhaps I should always eat my main meal at lunchtime!

Visit to the vampire this afternoon - I have so many appointments for blood I honestly can't recall what this one is for! Might be kidney function. I hope she can find a vein that's full.. most should be empty by now!

@Gwynn if it's frozen shoulder then acupuncture is said to be very efficacious. If it's a trapped nerve in the neck then the Chiropractor sorted me out. All costs though, but worth it for the relief.

@rebrascora good luck with the shows. Sounds like very hard work, make sure you have an ample supply of JBs.

Hubby uses KeePass on his laptop for passwords. It lives on the laptop not the internet.

@MeeTooTeeTo very well done on your monthly average!

Have a fab day all.