Group 7-day waking average?

Afternoon all, nothing to get up for today so I had a lie in and read my book until 12 hence my
late posting of a 5.2 taken at 9.15 today..... :D

Have a good rest of the day everyone.....
Good evening! 5'6 this morning.

This week I noticed there's a Halloween section in tk-maxx. Then I saw mince pies in Iceland. Already?? 😳 And just today a guest brought a round tub of Roses chocolates for us staff to share. My supervisor joked about me not being able to eat them because of my diabetes. These comments trigger a bit of an "no? watch me!" attitude but I think I was very reasonable, picked my favourite flavour and only had one of them.

Well, that was the morning. The tub was still there when I came back for the evening shift and 2 more chocolates fell into my mouth somehow...:D

To be fair I was a bit low. But I don't know if I have to act in response to "hypos" when I'm not taking insulin?? The instinct is to grab a Dextro tab but is probably not necessary...what do you think?
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Good morning 🙂 9.9 for me today -not really trusting this new sensor I put on yesterday, might be a phone call in the offing :( Huge jump just after two 'sensor errors', then ten minutes later it's dropped nearly 2 mmol/l 🙄 More used to seeing an overnight flatfish 🙂

Good morning all. 6.8 and a unicorn on this beautiful day. Forecast is for a lovely day.

Childcare duties all weekend. The farmers’ children are staying over as it’s mum and dad’s wedding anniversary and they’re having a very rare evening out. Two are arriving at 10.30 before mum starts work and one of us will pick the eldest up from work at 4pm. Zara is also coming to see her cousins whilst her mummy pops out to do the “big shop”. No sleepover for her though, not enough beds now she’s not in the travel cot anymore. Plus three is enough at any one time! 😱

Having a chill before the chaos begins, first loaf of bread already in the bread maker, we’ll probably need another couple before the weekend’s out! TBF the loaves aren’t as big as a shop bought one. Biscuit and chocolate drawer fully stocked, found out yesterday Zara can now reach and pull open the chocolate drawer, need to go higher!

Have a super, sunny Saturday.😎
4.1 with a today I'm glad for fotf. no JB needed.
Also realised my libre alarm was set at 1 and I leave those settings alone usually once they are set. Body alarm went off tho and alarm settings fixed :D.

My plan of have a sleep in has been busted and dunno what's going on today. Kiddos knee is on the dodgier side of normal today so unlikely I will get out anywhere.

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!
Good morning everyone

Neck and shoulder are a lot better but still niggling. I used to go to an osteopath, really good, really expensive. Can't afford it now I am retired. I had it easy when I lived at home many many years ago because my mother was an osteopath!!! I have tried chiroprators but found they didn't work for me.

BG 5.4
Temp 36.4
Pulse 53
oxy 98
BP 117/71

Today, some exercise and that's about it. Nothing planned

Oh, just remembered, I have to help my wife set up a new mobile phone she bought. She is a techophobe, suspicious of every step, will resist any changes or anything new (so why did she get a new phone? Ahh because she feels her old one has been got at by hackers, scammers, everyone ). Wish me luck helping her. It should be a doddle but with her resistance it may be very hard work.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
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Not feeling brilliant this morning after a poor night's sleep. BG slightly up at 6.2 (6.3 on the other hand, so looks like that's where I definitely am). Heading home today and have to be out of our accommodation by 10, but so far I'm the only one up.

Had a good day yesterday with only one short shower late on. Had lunch in our favourite cafe and visited the China Clay Museum near St Austell. Had no idea how involved a process extracting it was, or what it's used for these days other than ceramics. Well worth it if you're ever down this way.

Planning on stopping at an NT place for lunch on the way home rather than a Motorway Services. There are a couple on our route if we use the A303.

Have a good start to the weekend.
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A 5.4 for me this morning. The overnight mist/fog has finally cleared to reveal grey cloudy skies. :(

Hope it's brighter where you are.

Stourhead? Montacute? We used to use the 303 to avoid the M5 on the way to Devon, we always try to use NT places as service stations.
Yes, will be one of those. Montacute looks to be favourite at the moment. Roughly halfway.
Morning all. 5.7 after a JB earlier. Nothing planned for today so far, apart from enjoying the sunshine (when it comes, its cloudy atm). Its the last weekend before going back to work and the forecast for next week is hot, hot, hot!! Typical!!! It will be roasting in the classrooms.

Have a good day everyone.
4.5 this morning for me.

Grandchildren safely delivered back home yesterday evening, it’s so quiet now in the house without them! Had a lovely day yesterday with them in the Wyre Forest where they burnt off loads of energy and played in the kids play area there.

Dull day here so far, promise of full sun tomorrow though. Visiting my parents and getting hair cut later, otherwise no other plans.

Hope everyone has a good day!