Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all a much better 9.8 today - its
Coming down.

Have a great day.
Morning all and 6.7 for me.

Going to Keighley Agricultural Show today. Haven't been for ages.

Just got a revised schedule for our mini tour of the USA. One of the dates is in Las Vegas on the same day as the Grand Prix. I doubt they'll be worried about us as affecting their attendance figures but getting round the place could be interesting.

Have a good day everyone.
Good morning - 8.3

I’ve had my new timetable - I’ve got my schools headteacher for Life Skills - they’re nice but still scary because they’re the head 😱

Have a great day everyone
Morning all.

It's a happy 5.1 for me on this fine sunny morning.

Have a good day everyone and stay safe....
Good morning! 5'1 today.

They had the audacity to leave the Roses chocolate box in my work area AGAIN, so I had the last of the Hazelnut Whirl with a coffee. Then proceeded to move the box to a cupboard away from me. I didn't even fancy the rest of the flavours left but is better to keep them out of sight. Willpower needs a bit of help sometimes :D
Good morning! 5'1 today.

They had the audacity to leave the Roses chocolate box in my work area AGAIN, so I had the last of the Hazelnut Whirl with a coffee. Then proceeded to move the box to a cupboard away from me. I didn't even fancy the rest of the flavours left but is better to keep them out of sight. Willpower needs a bit of help sometimes :D
If you get someone to throw a Roses chocolate to you, it loses the carbs as it flies through the air 😉 (Just a joke!)
If you get someone to throw a Roses chocolate to you, it loses the carbs as it flies through the air 😉 (Just a joke!)
Do the carbs fall off during the flight??? 😛
@Eternal422 I'd like to try the flying carb technique with some pasta but I'm afraid it would be too messy with the sauce and all. What a shame! :rofl:
Good morning this pitch black, cool morning

Wake 4:15am
BG 5.4 (again )
Temp 36.4 (again)
Pulse 51 (low again)
BP 126/79 (slightly high for me)

Yesterdays practice at the church went well. We had a drummer on this occasion which really added to the mix. I was doing the sound rather than playing.

Today, church, walk, eat, rest

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Morning all. 6.4, a flatfish and a unicorn.

We had glorious weather yesterday, 23c. Had our lunch outside on the new bistro set we bought last week. Really didn’t think we’d be using it this year. Kids ran riot ( Zara visited too) in the garden and then Mr Eggy took them to the river whilst I prepped the tea. Full roast chicken dinner! Of all the things to cook on the hottest day we’ve had for two months, but they all enjoyed it so was worth it. Potatoes, carrots, swede, runner beans and parsnips all from the garden. That makes me happy.

They’re all still in bed but full English for breakfast ( I really do spoil those children) as soon as they get up. Not sure when they’re getting picked up but it definitely won’t be before lunch so they’ll need fed again, yes, even after a cooked breakfast! Good forecast again so maybe a longer walk today as we won’t have Zara with us.

Is it bedtime yet? 🙄

Have a great day.