Group 7-day waking average?

Safely back home after a remarkably clear run back from Cornwall yesterday. We've experienced some horrendous jams on our way home from the West Country in the past (who hasn't?) but yesterday - nothing, not even the stretch running past Stonehenge where traffic often moves at a snail's pace, when it's moving at all. Stopped for lunch at Montacute House, a National Trust place just off the A303 (we're members) and were there so long that we decided to have tea there too. Saved having to cook when we got home. Managed to avoid straying too much off my diet this past week - only one ice cream, for example - but back on the straight & narrow starting today.

6.0 on waking, so still a little higher than where I usually am, but hopefully I'll be reporting mid-to-low 5s again now that we're home and back in food diary mode.

Big wash day ahead, plus a big shop, so expect to be a busy boy for most of the day. Bit grey and misty out there at the moment but forecast is good so should manage to get everything out on the line.

Whatever your plans enjoy your Sunday.
I am on a bellringing trip this week in Staffordshire which is rather marred by having bruised ribs having fallen flat on my face last Thursday as my knee suddenly gave way, Dosed up on painkillers being determined not to let it stop me ringing but ooooo it does hurt. I grazed my hand as well but luckily no damage to my knee. At the time I was more concerned about the stained glass in the bag I was carrying which also went flying, but to harm done there.
A kind lady helped me up, you just feel a real twit sprawled out on the path.
I hope everyone has a good Sunday.
Good morning 6.9 today
7.2 yesterday 9.6 on Friday and 8.0 Thursday

GP phoned a few days ago following my recently repeated blood test,
he is still slightly concerned and confused with excessive levels of enzymes in my liver
no recent changes to my Meds’
repeating the visit to the vampires on Tuesday will see how that one goes
TBH I’m thinking I need to eat more vegetables (and eat less snacks and processed food)
which will benefit other parts of my body also (Including shrinking my spare tyres which re-appeared recently)
I’ve been piling on weight over last few months
so….activity levels need to increase

Have a super-doooper Sunday everyone 😎
House! 🙂

Morning all. 5.3 here and its sunny outside so i aim to spend most of the day lazing in the garden. The summer holidays have gone way too quick this year.

@ColinUK enjoy your break.
@MeeTooTeeTo congrats on the HS.

Enjoy Sunday everyone.
Morning all. 🙂 5.1 here.

Found one of these critters in the kitchen sink last night when we got home. Managed to grab it with some tongs and put it outside. I'd seen it's cheeky face poking out of a hole in the ceiling a few days ago, so no big surprise. I finally found a name for it online - garden dormouse, apparently. The locals call them lorines. Very cute, but I just hope it stays OUTside! 😉


Enjoy the SW Meet-up, ev1! :D
Lovely start to the day today for me!


Congratulations to my fellow HSer today @MeeTooTeeTo !

Looks like we‘re getting the summer’s last hurray today, so planning on actually sitting out in the garden today (first time this year!).

Hope everyone has a good day!
Good morning - 5.3

Have a great day everyone
Good morning! 4'9 this morning, up to 5'8 when I got ready for breakfast.

There was a Pride celebration in my town yesterday that I had totally forgotten about until I saw a few people with diverse flags in Poundland 😱 I saw the posters some time ago and wanted to go but didn't set a reminder or anything. I had to work in the evening so just stopped by for an hour or so. Enough to get some dancing and buy 2 enamel pins which totally represent my identity...

I also found something for the diabetic and fabulous (LGBTQ or not!) 😎
Didn't buy because I don't think is the most practical for my own diabetic sh... But it was fun to find.

Now should leave the house soon to catch the train to Taunton. Looking forward to it. Have a great day everyone!

@ColinUK so happy that you are going on holiday, enjoy!
Morning all. 🙂 5.1 here.

Found one of these critters in the kitchen sink last night when we got home. Managed to grab it with some tongs and put it outside. I'd seen it's cheeky face poking out of a hole in the ceiling a few days ago, so no big surprise. I finally found a name for it online - garden dormouse, apparently. The locals call them lorines. Very cute, but I just hope it stays OUTside! 😉

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Enjoy the SW Meet-up, ev1! :D

Have you got a cat? Back before bypass and amputation when I had a partner the cat eliminated all rodents in the area even taking out a whole rat colony!