Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all.8.9 for me this morning.And no I haven't had pizza not in over 20 years Yes temperature dropping.noticed the swallows gathering on electricity cables on Saturday.They have gone back early this year.Managed to get a 10 mile walk in with dog yesterday.dont think I will get many more another disc in back slipping pain down left side giving me gyp .no painkillers Had two and as much of the third the surgeon could get out 18 years ago He said he'd never seen discs in such a bad state of calcification and fused together.Left me in constant pain with the part of disc he couldn't remove.left it touching the nerve Got a high pain threshold but this is causing me pain . Hope everyone is doing well and have a good day folks
really hope you get sorted soon. Could the GP secretary not say who the referral had been sent to?
I wish I’d thought to ask. I’m giving it two weeks then I’m ringing again. Going on holiday in a months time and would like something sorted. Currently making cottage pie for tea, in August, but it’s blandish and soft and just what I fancy. I’ll just have to manage as best I can in the meantime.

6.3 today, but have a pain in th upper left side of my back, think it is poor posture yesterday rather than anything else, hope it eases during the day as off to see Peter Kay at the O2 this evening. The off to the Costa Brava at the weekend. Lost another lb last night, so slowly moving in the right direction, however I am a little disappointed it is not more, so far 4 1/2lbs in 3 weeks.

@Paul Gibbins - congratulations on your HS

@Eternal422 - congratulations on your HS

@eggyg - hope you get things sorted soon, you can’t keep waiting like this.

@The_Bowlii - welcome to the forum, I also struggled when first diagnosed. As others have said this is a great place to vent, not only about your diabetes, but things in general, including the weather.

Very grey here again today, started sunny but soon clouded over.
Well done on the weight loss. It doesn't matter thatit isn't the spectacualr loss per week that some, usually teenagers or celebraties, report - it is a safe steady improvement for which you are fighting hard and deserve credit. So congratulations and keep on keeping on.
What, I am saying if you go private, You chose the consultant. So look for a consultant at the private hospital, if he is wrong he will refer you to the correct specialist.
I am going to put my pennies worth in here and 30 years ago the condition of Diverticulitis, is extremely difficult to treat. What sets one person off will not another.
What about FODMAP have you tried that diet as that does seem to help but again Id maybe get a referral to a Dietician there are lots in your area if you look those up. Don't get a nutritionist go to the BDA as they are registered.
However if there is more going on, hopefully the secretary will get things sorted out but NHS is very very slow.
You are explaining , not ranting, I read your frustration and I'd be chomping at the bit as we say.
Its very difficult and it is like Diabetes because there is that Pie of scenarios. It is affected by stress, what your immune system is doing, what you eat, drink and exercise in that day, how hot the weather is , how polluted your earth is etc etc
How ill you body is that day in other words. Sometimes you cannot do anything right and that in itself is HUGE.
I hope you get sorted as it is a circle and all you want is to enjoy life.
HUGS my rant over too.
It has to get better.Please xxx
I don’t think it’s the diverticulitis that’s the main problem, but it probably doesn’t help, it’s more than likely my partially blocked small intestine. It’s getting strangled by adhesions, I follow a low residue diet which I think is similar to Fodmap. But because I don’t have a pancreas or gallbladder fatty food is problematic as well. Not to mention the diabetes. I don’t actually blame the GPs saying my problems are way beyond their remit but I just want to talk to someone who is an expert and hopefully listens to me. If there’s nothing they can do at least give me some guidance. I’m floundering at the minute.
The problem is I have such complex issues I don’t know what type of consultant I will be seeing. They referred me this time last year and when I went for the consultation I was told I should have been referred to Lower GI and he was Upper GI! He was very nice and kind and organised a colonoscopy for me. I was then referred to a Colorectal Surgeon after getting results from colonoscopy ( which took 10 weeks) and he wrote to me and told me he didn’t need to see me! Just to have my regular over 60 bowel screening tests, they found something that could indicate I MAY be more at risk bowel cancer. But none of these findings ( also found I had diverticulitis) have anything to do with the symptoms I first went to GP about and are now just getting worse and worse. It appears the right hand doesn’t know what the left hand is doing and I’m sure if someone read my notes from the last two decades instead of just the last few months it might get resolved! No one really knows what to do with me, a bit like my diabetes really. Rant over.
Given what you are goiing through that does not qualify as a rant - please re-score as a well justified mild complaint! I do hope you get a decent consultaion asap and a quick resolution. Large hugs.
A rather late posting of a 3.8 for me today, only my second hypo since being diagnosed 14 months ago - can't be bad.

Have a good day all and stay for a bike ride now.
Good morning. 5.8

Running late today after a frustrating yesterday afternoon which demonstrated part of the problems with the NHS. After an infuriating drive around Cardigan to find the brand new health centre, for which no remote signs are provided as, apparetly, the locals know where it is, the instructions on line were crap, and satnav said "Che?" I waited for quarter of an hour to be told that a) they hadn't time to treat me and I should re-book and b) the appointment was to sort out problems with my shoulder...I politely pointed out that the palindromic arthritis hadn't caused problems in that area for over 6 months and it was the knees, hips and back with which I most regularly had trouble although the wretched complaint could strike anywhere from thumbs to toes. "Oh well, book a new appointment if it doesn't go away in 9 weeks..." Thanking God for ingrained manners I restrained myself from pointing out that either she or the ass-hole who had referred me should look up the condition and bade her a courteous goodbye.

Pottered off peg legged to car, drove to friends and had a good giggle for 3 hours which did me much more good!

A nice morning here - 17 degrees on outdoor thermometer, lightest of breezes, blue sky populated by massive cumulus clouds. I may attack the remaining flower bed or I may just be a total slob and enjoy the day. Getting up off my kneeler provokes noises and sights reminiscent of a disgruntled hippo stuck in a morass at the moment so I feel the second option may be more aestetically pleasing.

Congrats to @Paul Gibbins and @Eternal422 (and anyone else I missed) on your HS. I feel appropriately in awe.

Hope everyone has a good day.
Good morning. 5.8

Running late today after a frustrating yesterday afternoon which demonstrated part of the problems with the NHS. After an infuriating drive around Cardigan to find the brand new health centre, for which no remote signs are provided as, apparetly, the locals know where it is, the instructions on line were crap, and satnav said "Che?" I waited for quarter of an hour to be told that a) they hadn't time to treat me and I should re-book and b) the appointment was to sort out problems with my shoulder...I politely pointed out that the palindromic arthritis hadn't caused problems in that area for over 6 months and it was the knees, hips and back with which I most regularly had trouble although the wretched complaint could strike anywhere from thumbs to toes. "Oh well, book a new appointment if it doesn't go away in 9 weeks..." Thanking God for ingrained manners I restrained myself from pointing out that either she or the ass-hole who had referred me should look up the condition and bade her a courteous goodbye.

Pottered off peg legged to car, drove to friends and had a good giggle for 3 hours which did me much more good!

A nice morning here - 17 degrees on outdoor thermometer, lightest of breezes, blue sky populated by massive cumulus clouds. I may attack the remaining flower bed or I may just be a total slob and enjoy the day. Getting up off my kneeler provokes noises and sights reminiscent of a disgruntled hippo stuck in a morass at the moment so I feel the second option may be more aestetically pleasing.

Congrats to @Paul Gibbins and @Eternal422 (and anyone else I missed) on your HS. I feel appropriately in awe.

Hope everyone has a good day.
The NHS is broken Tina. I’m convinced they are pushing us all to go private, dividing the country into haves and have nots. It sticks in my craw that I even have to contemplate it and push some poor sod who can’t afford to go private even further to the back of the queue. Will it be any better under another party? I’m actually not certain it will be, it’s gone too far now. Bevan must be turning in his grave.
Hi All.

Not been on for quite a while. Read most days but not posted.

Real struggle at the moment with levels. Been double figures no matter what I do for a few weeks. Finally admitted to myself there’s a problem I can’t fix so called DSN and have started with help. The final beta cells have given up apparently it can take a while “honeymoon period”? and it’s all down to maths calculations now

10.9 waking. Really fed up.
Congratulations @Eternal422 - my fellow award winner.
The NHS is broken Tina. I’m convinced they are pushing us all to go private, dividing the country into haves and have nots. It sticks in my craw that I even have to contemplate it and push some poor sod who can’t afford to go private even further to the back of the queue. Will it be any better under another party? I’m actually not certain it will be, it’s gone too far now. Bevan must be turning in his grave.
Couldn't agree with you more.
Privatisation through the back door. I went private for a recent problem which I once swore I would never do. When I eventually got an NHS consultation I received equally good and effective treatment but was, by then, a small fortune worse off.
I don’t think it’s the diverticulitis that’s the main problem, but it probably doesn’t help, it’s more than likely my partially blocked small intestine. It’s getting strangled by adhesions, I follow a low residue diet which I think is similar to Fodmap. But because I don’t have a pancreas or gallbladder fatty food is problematic as well. Not to mention the diabetes. I don’t actually blame the GPs saying my problems are way beyond their remit but I just want to talk to someone who is an expert and hopefully listens to me. If there’s nothing they can do at least give me some guidance. I’m floundering at the minute.
so complex , lets hope you see someone soon
Hi All.

Not been on for quite a while. Read most days but not posted.

Real struggle at the moment with levels. Been double figures no matter what I do for a few weeks. Finally admitted to myself there’s a problem I can’t fix so called DSN and have started with help. The final beta cells have given up apparently it can take a while “honeymoon period”? and it’s all down to maths calculations now

10.9 waking. Really fed up.
Really sorry to hear you have been struggling, but so pleased you have now reached out for help. Hopefully the DSN will gradually adjust your doses to help you steadily glide back down into range. Have they adjusted your basal or your bolus?
Just curious as for me it was my basal that needed increasing and it took me about 3 months to get it balanced + or - a couple of units for exercise here and there. Wondering if it is the same for everyone or if other people find their ratios need changing too or instead?
Hopefully once your levels are steady and in range you will feel more motivated again and find it easier. I know I am pleased to have the honeymoon period behind me.
The NHS is broken Tina. I’m convinced they are pushing us all to go private, dividing the country into haves and have nots. It sticks in my craw that I even have to contemplate it and push some poor sod who can’t afford to go private even further to the back of the queue. Will it be any better under another party? I’m actually not certain it will be, it’s gone too far now. Bevan must be turning in his grave.
It certainly is in a sorry state. In the past 5 years I have paid 2 consultants (one 3 times, one twice), for advice, an MRI scan, X-rays and first prescriptions, going back firmly on to the NHS for the repeat prescriptions. I too grieve for those who cannot raise the wind to pay. However I do not think it delays their NHS appointments as Consultants (admittedly also working for the NHS) do the work in other hours and the kit is in private hospitals.

For diabetes I have no recourse but here - and thank goodness for it! The NHS hasn't been too bad on the lungs and heart (not that they have fixed anything) but for palindromic arthritis its pay or spend hours arguing with the ignorant who have no desire to learn (I have too little time and patience left for that).

I too am not certain that even a Labour government can sort it out in the short term (or sadly at all). I am rather unhappy with Sir Keir, of whom I had great hopes, as he seems to me so wet you could take him home in a bucket. Where is the fire in the soul of Bevan today?
Really sorry to hear you have been struggling, but so pleased you have now reached out for help. Hopefully the DSN will gradually adjust your doses to help you steadily glide back down into range. Have they adjusted your basal or your bolus?
Hi. I’ve split basal to 1/2 morning and 1/2 night rather than all at night and changed my bolus ratio quite drastically I feel. Levels are coming down a little bit but still double figures. It’s hard to admit at time things are difficult.
@Bexlee - so sorry to hear you have been struggling, but pleased you have reached out on here.

Somehow I missed my honeymoon period, must have been during my misdiagnosed T2 period before someone had the good sense to stop messing around with metformin and putting me on insulin. By then I guess the beta cells had given up so making adjustments / guesses on insulin doses was more straightforward.

Hopefully your DSN will help guide you into what adjustments you need to get things in line, well as much as D can ever be brought into line :rofl:. Stay strong, keep laughing, cry when you need at times, reach out on here anytime. Take care and I’m sure you will soon be the proud owner of some HS awards😉
Morning all. 5.5 then 6.6 (I fell back asleep).

Had a great day hanging out with @Lucyr in Glasgow city centre. We did the museum of modern art and had a wander after the usual lunch at weatherspoons.
Always love catching up in person and having competitions on who has the best/worst libre graph after lunch :rofl:

Hope you all have a fantastic day whatever is on the cards 🙂
Good morning/moaning! Woke up with phantom pain again at abour 5:00am. BG 9.1 although it ha been on the upper part of In Range most of the night. I think yesterday's ridiculously early start pur me totally out of sync. I gad an early breakfast but before Myy early lunch went hypo! Despite all that 85% IR.

Physio this morning so hope phantom pain subsides! :(

Cloudy above giving way to a streaky sky then bljeto the north.
Morning. 7.1 on this fresh morning. 8c! It’s lovely out there though.

Haircut today at 10am. Might persuade Mr Eggy to take me out for lunch whilst we’re out and about. We’re celebrating. All the glass is in the greenhouse! It was touch and go though as the very last pane ( spookily enough number 13) smashed in one corner as he pushed it into the putty! He thinks there must have been a small crack in it. Down to the glass shop and voila it’s done! He’s even put a handle and lock on the door. Still got a few things to do, gutters, bit more painting, floor needs sealed, wall needs sealed, electrics, water and of course the staging/ cupboards. I’ve told him the expensive things can wait until after our hols.It’s looking good though and I’m very proud of him, he’s done absolutely everything from scratch. He’s thoroughly enjoyed learning new skills, ie carpentry. I’m thinking of hiring him out! 🙂

@Eternal422 congratulations on yesterday’s HS. Can you make it a hat trick today?

Have a great day everyone.


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