Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all, 5.2 here! I think this current Libre sensor has produced more HSs in the past two weeks than the rest of the year put together.
@rebrascora The vet recommended clipping his feathers off to keep down the mites, as his legs are a bit lumpy, we shall see. I don’t want him ending up with CPL. I definitely need to practise my plaiting skills for his mane!
Surprised to see it bone dry outside this morning as all the weather forecasts yesterday were saying we were going to get a battering from Storm Betty. Looks like she decided to give us a miss down here in Berkshire. Anyone get a visit?

Bit alarmed to see a post-prandial 8.0 yesterday evening. Not often up there. Because we'd had lunch in town (Chicken Caesar for me) I only had a BLT for tea and my wife's GF bread is only 10g carb per slice, so hardly heavy on the carbs. However, I did help her finish off her Lily O'Brien's caramel & sea salt chocolates shortly beforehand, so even though I only had two I expect they were the culprits. That'll teach me. Normal service resumed with a 5.5 this morning.

Forgot to mention yesterday that our youngest, who's being doing a 2-year college course on Creative Media Production, got his results on Thursday. He was really on edge in the run-up to results day but not only did he pass, he got a Merit. There are studios springing up all around this area so he's now got an entry-level qualification for working in that field, should he choose to do so.

@New-journey - pleased you seem to be over the worst. I had Covid last November but after a couple of rough days (I've had worse flu) I felt fine. What I found frustrating was feeling back to normal but still testing positive for a few more days.

@Robin - well done on the HS

Whatever your plans enjoy your Saturday, Betty permitting.

4.1 today, going for a run as yesterdays turned into a short walk due to the weather, then after a show off to knit and natter which is a 20 min walk each way.

@Robin congratulations on your HS

@New-journey - hope you feel better soon

Have a great day everyone.
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Morning all. Clickety click 6.6 and a unicorn.

Betty hasn’t been here, yet, 40mph winds forecast this morning, a bit gusty now, she must be practising!
Absolutely nothing planned today. Mr Eggy is hoping to get some work done on Project Greenhouse before the battering from Betty. I think I’ll just have a lazy day.

@Robin you're on a roll. Congratulations. Hope your next sensor is as good. BTW what’s CPL?
Blimey @Grannylorraine that’s low, you’re obviously doing something right.

Have a super Saturday and hope Betty doesn’t come to much where you are.
Good morning everyone! 5.3 today which I’m really chuffed about considering we went out for a meal with friends last night. Must have played Guess The Carbs right and was rewarded with a flatfish overnight around the low 5s.

We’re going on a little trip today up to Stone to get the walking boots my wife left on the boat after our June holiday on it. It’s turnaround day today, so the boat will be in the marina this morning until early afternoon when the next owners take it out. Whilst up there we are going to make a day of it and visit Biddulph Grange NT gardens, a place I visited after it was first opened, so it will be good to see it now.

Congratulations @Robin on your HS!

Hope everyone has a great day!
Well done @Robin on the HS. A 5.6 for me this morning. 🙂

Morning all. 4.7 for me. The sun is out and its supposed to be a nice 23°. All the cleaning has been done, just got some washing to do and hang out so i shall have a lazy day reading my book and maybe dozing.

@Robin congrats on the HS. How is your pony settling in?

Have a good day everyone.
Good morning! Finally woke to a HS at 8:00. These antibiotics sure are knock out drops and my body clock is all over the place as I was wide awake at 1:00am!

Nothing till podiatry next Tuesday when I have to be ready for transport at silly o'clock (well 9:00)! :rofl:

A lighter grey today!
BTW what’s CPL?
Oops, falling into Horse-speak already. It’s Chronic Progressive Lymphodema. Cobs with feathers tend to get feather mites, and if there’s a prolonged allergic reaction over the years, they can suffer a breakdown in the lymph nodes in their legs, so they get a build up of fluid and swollen legs. Once they get it, it tends to progress and result in chronic lameness unless carefully managed, so stopping the mites being a problem in the first place is the first line of defence. Toby hasn’t got any signs at the moment, but the vet did say he’s got lumps on his legs that look like an allergic reaction, so we’ve got to be vigilant. Previous owners have been using an anti mite spray, but if the feathers are thick, it doesn’t really get in deep enough.
(Sorry, I’ll stop being a horse bore soon. You learn all sorts of things on this forum, though, I’ve picked up all sorts of things just reading about other people’s lives and hobbies)
Oops, falling into Horse-speak already. It’s Chronic Progressive Lymphodema. Cobs with feathers tend to get feather mites, and if there’s a prolonged allergic reaction over the years, they can suffer a breakdown in the lymph nodes in their legs, so they get a build up of fluid and swollen legs. Once they get it, it tends to progress and result in chronic lameness unless carefully managed, so stopping the mites being a problem in the first place is the first line of defence. Toby hasn’t got any signs at the moment, but the vet did say he’s got lumps on his legs that look like an allergic reaction, so we’ve got to be vigilant. Previous owners have been using an anti mite spray, but if the feathers are thick, it doesn’t really get in deep enough.
(Sorry, I’ll stop being a horse bore soon. You learn all sorts of things on this forum, though, I’ve picked up all sorts of things just reading about other people’s lives and hobbies)
You don’t have to apologise @Robin, my three daughters all rode, my eldest is a fully qualified BHS riding instructor ( although she doesn’t teach anymore as like a lot of riding schools the one she worked in closed down a few years ago) and at one time had 26 horses/ ponies of her own. 😱 She’s down to a more manageable 6 or 7, I can’t remember exactly. Now have two pony mad granddaughters. The 10 year old has a cob too, but I don’t think he has feathers, you’ve got me wondering now. I’ll have to look a photo of him.
I hope Toby doesn’t develop CPL.
Edited to add: He does have feathers!


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Good morning everyone

BG 5.3
Temp 36.4
Pulse 49
Oxy 96
BP 118/72

Last evenings practice at the church went incredibly well. Very hard work but, oh, so enjoyable.

No real storm here yesterday. Today started gloomy, threatening, but the sun has just made an appearance.

Today, rest, exercise, more practice (once I have set the keyboard up again)

I wish all the people of my era would stop dying (Michael Parkinson being the latest). It's most unsettling. :(

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Oops, falling into Horse-speak already. It’s Chronic Progressive Lymphodema. Cobs with feathers tend to get feather mites, and if there’s a prolonged allergic reaction over the years, they can suffer a breakdown in the lymph nodes in their legs, so they get a build up of fluid and swollen legs. Once they get it, it tends to progress and result in chronic lameness unless carefully managed, so stopping the mites being a problem in the first place is the first line of defence. Toby hasn’t got any signs at the moment, but the vet did say he’s got lumps on his legs that look like an allergic reaction, so we’ve got to be vigilant. Previous owners have been using an anti mite spray, but if the feathers are thick, it doesn’t really get in deep enough.
(Sorry, I’ll stop being a horse bore soon. You learn all sorts of things on this forum, though, I’ve picked up all sorts of things just reading about other people’s lives and hobbies)

I am on the diuretic Furosemide (temporarily) for Lympodema caused by both PAD (Peripheral Arterial Disease) and spending most waking hours in a wheelchair. Do they treat horses with Lympodema with diuretics?
You don’t have to apologise @Robin, my three daughters all rode, my eldest is a fully qualified BHS riding instructor ( although she doesn’t teach anymore as like a lot of riding schools the one she worked in closed down a few years ago) and at one time had 26 horses/ ponies of her own. 😱 She’s down to a more manageable 6 or 7, I can’t remember exactly. Now have two pony mad granddaughters. The 10 year old has a cob too, but I don’t think he has feathers, you’ve got me wondering now. I’ll have to look a photo of him.
I hope Toby doesn’t develop CPL.
Edited to add: He does have feathers!

I have Lympodema but no feathers! :rofl: In fact I no longer have hair below the knee! :(
What is a cob?
I’m no expert but when I were but a lass, a cob was called a cart or dray horse and typically pulled carts with barrels of beer. That’s how I always think of them. I think they’re quite strong and sturdy. @Robin will be much more knowledgeable.
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I’m no expert but when I were but a lass, a cob was called a cart or draft horse and typically pulled carts with barrels of beer. That’s how I always think of them. I think they’re quite strong and sturdy. @Robin will be much more knowledgeable.
Like a shire horse? Or is that something different again? I know nothing about horses but they are beautiful animals, even if they don't like me.