Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all. A lovely round 6 and an almost flatfish.

Not much going on in Eggyland today. Ironing and catching up with my programmes I missed whilst away, Bake Off: The Professionals, and Long Lost Family. Think I need another one as I’ve loads of ironing! 😉

@ColinUK I woke at 3.20am, struggled to get back to sleep, the more I struggled the more my mind was whirring, over daft things, nothing important. At 4.30 I read my Kindle and ended up dropping off. Woke at 7 with a stonker of a headache. We’d both better have a nana nap later.
@Gwynn congratulations.
@Nayshiftin be happy. I rarely get into the fives and I take insulin, so you should be very proud.
@Robin bonnie hoss. Reminds me of the children’s show I watched in the 60s and 70s. The White Horses. I feel I could sing the theme tune all the way through. Sorry if I’ve given anyone an ear worm but I’ve now got one so you all can join me! :rofl:

Have a gud un folks.🙂
Morning all. A lovely round 6 and an almost flatfish.

Not much going on in Eggyland today. Ironing and catching up with my programmes I missed whilst away, Bake Off: The Professionals, and Long Lost Family. Think I need another one as I’ve loads of ironing! 😉

@ColinUK I woke at 3.20am, struggled to get back to sleep, the more I struggled the more my mind was whirring, over daft things, nothing important. At 4.30 I read my Kindle and ended up dropping off. Woke at 7 with a stonker of a headache. We’d both better have a nana nap later.
@Gwynn congratulations.
@Nayshiftin be happy. I rarely get into the fives and I take insulin, so you should be very proud.
@Robin bonnie hoss. Reminds me of the children’s show I watched in the 60s and 70s. The White Horses. I feel I could sing the theme tune all the way through. Sorry if I’ve given anyone an ear worm but I’ve now got one so you all can join me! :rofl:

Have a gud un folks.🙂
A nana nap is certainly on the cards methinks - Had thought about heading to RHS Wiseley but it’s clouded over and rain is forecast.
A 5.7 for me after a wet and windy night. 🙂

Morning all. A lovely round 6 and an almost flatfish.

Not much going on in Eggyland today. Ironing and catching up with my programmes I missed whilst away, Bake Off: The Professionals, and Long Lost Family. Think I need another one as I’ve loads of ironing! 😉

@ColinUK I woke at 3.20am, struggled to get back to sleep, the more I struggled the more my mind was whirring, over daft things, nothing important. At 4.30 I read my Kindle and ended up dropping off. Woke at 7 with a stonker of a headache. We’d both better have a nana nap later.
@Gwynn congratulations.
@Nayshiftin be happy. I rarely get into the fives and I take insulin, so you should be very proud.
@Robin bonnie hoss. Reminds me of the children’s show I watched in the 60s and 70s. The White Horses. I feel I could sing the theme tune all the way through. Sorry if I’ve given anyone an ear worm but I’ve now got one so you all can join me! :rofl:

Have a gud un folks.🙂
oh that n follyfoot and Black beauty . ill play that today whilst i too need to do ironing and get house in shape for a lazy weekend . My leg hurts poor me . i want to walk this weekend do you think its laziness @ lol
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Morning all. 4.6 and been woken by a pneumatic drill and banging nearby. I hope they stop when the rain starts else its going to be a long day with a headache.

@Nayshiftin great waking reading in the 5s. Congratulations!
@Gwynn congrats on the HS
@Robin lovely pic of the pony. Whats its name?
@eggyg thanks for that earworm!! I remember the programme. I've now got that theme tune in my head. Help!! Someone, please!!
Good morning! An 8.4 but I estimate 7.5 on waking as I had been up half-an-hour before scanning and DP came to play. Slept on as up late to keep minimum separation between antibiotics. Was shattered by effect of antibiotics and a physio session where I walked further, and they said better, than ever before in my physio session!

Easy day today. Overcast and the usual grey today although it felt like summer for a couple of hours yesterday afternoon! :(
Really pleased you are seeing those numbers come down.
Its the medication but i am pleased. Its certainly going well.
i think sticking with low carb snd not going keto is the way for me.
i really cant do keto yet.
Yes yet is my new motto . i aim to get an HS yet
Good morning! An 8.4 but I estimate 7.5 on waking as I had been up half-an-hour before scanning and DP came to play. Slept on as up late to keep minimum separation between antibiotics. Was shattered by effect of antibiotics and a physio session where I walked further, and they said better, than ever before in my physio session!

Easy day today. Overcast and the usual grey today although it felt like summer for a couple of hours yesterday afternoon! :(
So pleased you are walking better hope that means your getting better. its such a long haul but any improvement in walking is a good sign .
Enjoy your day pity about the weather.
Well would you Adam & Eve it, I've got another 5.4 - that's four days in a row. Friday is BP check day - 122/58, so a toe over the border into that zone known as High Normal. I do drift into there now and again, but not often and not very far.

Rotten day here. Like @ColinUK & @eggyg I had trouble sleeping last night. Woke at 1 o'clock and then again at 2 o'clock. Kicked off the duvet as it was uncomfortably warm but was still awake at 4. Thankfully I must have dropped off again soon afterwards as the next I knew it was almost 7 o'clock. Opened the curtains to grey skies and rain, and there's been no change since. Shame, as the last two days have been lovely. Rain's forecast to clear this afternoon before it returns with a vengeance and gives us another drenching overnight. What a Summer we're having. Got a week in Cornwall coming up shortly so fingers crossed that the weather doesn't spoil it.

@Gwynn - well done on another HS

Friday is Big Shop Day so will shortly be off to Sainsbury's and then out to our local garden centre greengrocer for fruit & veg. My wife's WFH so we'll probably nip into town for lunch today. Chicken Caesar for me if we do.

Hope this awful weather doesn't ruin anyone's plans for the day.
So close! 5.3 this morning for me.

Been raining heavily already here, but brightened a little bit now and we are making 380W from the solar panels which is just covering household load.

Lots of work today, typically everyone waits until a Friday to unload their problems to me to get fixed before the weekend! I must admit an old boss’s phrase of “Your lack of planning does not constitute my crisis” comes to mind :rofl:

@Gwynn - congratulations on just beating me to a HS! I almost match your BP today, mine is 117/77 this morning.

@ColinUK - hope you are ok and get a little snooze later on today to make up for your early wake up! You too @eggyg!

@Nayshiftin - you’re doing really well bringing those numbers down! It’s especially hard without insulin so well done!

Take care everyone, and stay dry!
Morning all

It’s grey and it’s raining here after that beautiful sunny day yesterday. Woke at 8.25 to a 5.7 today which I’m happy with.

Have a good day everyone and stay safe.
Morning all and 5.6 for me.

Had a nice walk round a nature reserve yesterday. Saw a kingfisher, many butterflies and a most enormous dragonfly. Doesn't look like we'll be doing anything similar today.

Have a good day everyone.
8.4 for me this morning but was in the red quite a bit last night again, despite another basal reduction.... which is probably why I had DP because I didn't overtreat. My TIR now shows 11% in the red for the past 7 days... almost all nocturnal hypos 😱, thankfully all mild ones though. Odds on I will get a letter for an appointment with the consultant next week now. I am way overdue. It always happens when your results are naff. Last week I was 94% TIR and only 2% below, this week 88% and 11% below.

Good news is that my reader which I lost in the garden and then found a very rainy month later, literally full of water, has miraculously recovered from the ordeal. It has had 2 weeks in a tub of couscous, but still had condensation inside, so I zapped the dry couscous in the microwave for a minute or so, until it was hot and then put the reader back into it for another week and that seems to have done the trick. I have just taken it out, used a needle to remove the couscous from it's various orifices and plugged it in to charge and it came straight on. The touch screen is still working and I have been able to set the time and date and it has accepted that. Obviously I won't know if it is able to scan until I change my sensor as only one reader will work with a sensor. I am only going to let it sit on charge when I am able to monitor it in case it overheats, but I can't believe it is even charging and the screen working considering that I literally poured the rainwater out of it when I found it.
My levels have just dropped into a hypo again which my Libre alarm was a bit slow to warn me of but clearly dropping fast and feeling it. Had a couple of JBs and then thought I might try a test strip in the recovering reader which has given me a slightly lower reading than I would like of 2.9, double checked afterwards with my usual BG meter a Caresens Duo and that has given me a 3.2, so it doesn't appear to be too far out and my current Libre reader has just given me a 3.3 so not much between them all and previously the Freestyle Optium test strips had read quite a bit lower than my usual Caresens ones and the Libre scan was in between, so it looks like that function is working much the same as previously, so all very positive signs of normal function..... even if my levels are misbehaving a bit still.

Bad news is that my lads are still fighting! No major injuries but Rascal has a 3 inch bite mark on his rump which has taken the top layer of skin off. Unfortunately it looks like Rebel may be losing his leadership though. I am making a big fuss of him when he is on his own as he will hate being deposed and at his age it could have a really negative effect, mentally and physically. I am still holding out hope that he will regain control and put Rascal in his place and it is it is currently still in the balance and dangerous, particularly at feeding time and I can't not feed them as Cora needs her feeds and medication but she won't eat unless the others are in the stable with her, so I have to stand guard with my training stick (a long carbon fibre stick with a plastic bag tied on the end) between the lads whilst they eat. It is not a good situation. :(

@Nayshiftin Great to see you with a reading in the 5s, so you get a gold star. It isn't just the medication, so don't do yourself down. The hard work with your dietary changes already brought you down from mid teens into 6s, 7s and 8s and then the medication is helping to bring you down that last little bit. There is no need for you to do keto so don't even think about it and certainly not whilst you are on that medication. You are doing brilliantly so give yourself some credit. You should be VERY HAPPY with what you have achieved!

@eggyg Thanks for the ear worm and happy childhood recollections. @freesia it has to be better having that earworm to help overcom the noise of the workmen and machines outside.

@Robin Oh Wow! What a handsome lad your new boy is! Don't envy you keeping him clean but I am sure between the two of you you will have him gleaming, although that feather will be challenging! It will probably cost you a small fortune in products to do so!! Ian is always bumping his gums about how much money and effort he has to spend trying to keep Arthur's hind legs clean and he has no feather!! Toby sounds like a great allrounder and I have no doubt he would do well driven too, judging by his conformation and action in that photo, if you ever fancied that option. There is a great guy down your way called Barry Hook who trains horses to drive, if you ever consider it. So pleased he is settling in well and I hope you and your daughter have many years of fun with him.
How about for a bit of fun if people who test in the mornings post their waking levels? I think it would be interesting to see what the average works out at after a week 🙂

I'll start with mine - I was 6.0 when I woke up this morning 🙂

(please don't let me be the only person to enter one! 😉)
Hi, Mine was 10.6 which i don't understand. I have a libre2 sensor and according to the graph my level at 2am was around 4. Now i went to bed around 11.30pm at 5.9
Since the disappearance of Ozempic, my GP has been trying to sort me by changing doses of Humalog. It is still a work-in-progress so i'm still hopefull that we can get it settled. I just dont understand how it dips so low and then rises to about 10, all while i'm sleeping.
I do check by finger pricks at times, so i'm happy the sensor is ok
8.4 for me this morning but was in the red quite a bit last night again, despite another basal reduction.... which is probably why I had DP because I didn't overtreat. My TIR now shows 11% in the red for the past 7 days... almost all nocturnal hypos 😱, thankfully all mild ones though. Odds on I will get a letter for an appointment with the consultant next week now. I am way overdue. It always happens when your results are naff. Last week I was 94% TIR and only 2% below, this week 88% and 11% below.

Good news is that my reader which I lost in the garden and then found a very rainy month later, literally full of water, has miraculously recovered from the ordeal. It has had 2 weeks in a tub of couscous, but still had condensation inside, so I zapped the dry couscous in the microwave for a minute or so, until it was hot and then put the reader back into it for another week and that seems to have done the trick. I have just taken it out, used a needle to remove the couscous from it's various orifices and plugged it in to charge and it came straight on. The touch screen is still working and I have been able to set the time and date and it has accepted that. Obviously I won't know if it is able to scan until I change my sensor as only one reader will work with a sensor. I am only going to let it sit on charge when I am able to monitor it in case it overheats, but I can't believe it is even charging and the screen working considering that I literally poured the rainwater out of it when I found it.
My levels have just dropped into a hypo again which my Libre alarm was a bit slow to warn me of but clearly dropping fast and feeling it. Had a couple of JBs and then thought I might try a test strip in the recovering reader which has given me a slightly lower reading than I would like of 2.9, double checked afterwards with my usual BG meter a Caresens Duo and that has given me a 3.2, so it doesn't appear to be too far out and my current Libre reader has just given me a 3.3 so not much between them all and previously the Freestyle Optium test strips had read quite a bit lower than my usual Caresens ones and the Libre scan was in between, so it looks like that function is working much the same as previously, so all very positive signs of normal function..... even if my levels are misbehaving a bit still.

Bad news is that my lads are still fighting! No major injuries but Rascal has a 3 inch bite mark on his rump which has taken the top layer of skin off. Unfortunately it looks like Rebel may be losing his leadership though. I am making a big fuss of him when he is on his own as he will hate being deposed and at his age it could have a really negative effect, mentally and physically. I am still holding out hope that he will regain control and put Rascal in his place and it is it is currently still in the balance and dangerous, particularly at feeding time and I can't not feed them as Cora needs her feeds and medication but she won't eat unless the others are in the stable with her, so I have to stand guard with my training stick (a long carbon fibre stick with a plastic bag tied on the end) between the lads whilst they eat. It is not a good situation. :(

@Nayshiftin Great to see you with a reading in the 5s, so you get a gold star. It isn't just the medication, so don't do yourself down. The hard work with your dietary changes already brought you down from mid teens into 6s, 7s and 8s and then the medication is helping to bring you down that last little bit. There is no need for you to do keto so don't even think about it and certainly not whilst you are on that medication. You are doing brilliantly so give yourself some credit. You should be VERY HAPPY with what you have achieved!

@eggyg Thanks for the ear worm and happy childhood recollections. @freesia it has to be better having that earworm to help overcom the noise of the workmen and machines outside.

@Robin Oh Wow! What a handsome lad your new boy is! Don't envy you keeping him clean but I am sure between the two of you you will have him gleaming, although that feather will be challenging! It will probably cost you a small fortune in products to do so!! Ian is always bumping his gums about how much money and effort he has to spend trying to keep Arthur's hind legs clean and he has no feather!! Toby sounds like a great allrounder and I have no doubt he would do well driven too, judging by his conformation and action in that photo, if you ever fancied that option. There is a great guy down your way called Barry Hook who trains horses to drive, if you ever consider it. So pleased he is settling in well and I hope you and your daughter have many years of fun with him.
Thank you. Honestly, it is all the encouragement I get here. So very well done.
No Keto so in case I would be naughty I had to make muffins for breakfast as due to make some. I made them as fairy cake I ate two so that I think was good. However, then for coffee hubby said go on they are only 3.5 each have another. So I did. Still within low carb but very greedy so not going to be a day I am good.
Still, it is within low carb limits and folks say to eat if hungry. They are in the freezer now so the temptations are gone.
I wish I could help your boys not to fight but I've no clue re horses. Yes, they are beautiful but I think they know.
I took the children to Princes Risborough a place for retired horses. They loved polos'. The children were given them so both were happy. I was asked, "Mum go on feed the horses". I went arm's length away and this horse grinned apparently I just saw teeth and was on the floor. Not been back since. Lol, they said Mum he was laughing at you.
I was like hmmm .
There is one in the field where I walk who looks at me and his ears go up. There is a huge fence but he'd jump it if I did not go quickly. I look out until I no longer see him. He seems to stand still ears back as if he's waiting on me to say come. Hubby laughs he will not come your fine.
I never feed though as a sign requests that no one does, which is good as I'd be too scared.
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has to be better having that earworm to help overcom the noise of the workmen and machines outside.
Very true! The rain doesn't appear to be stopping them. I shall have to turn the radio up louder.