Group 7-day waking average?

@Elenka_HM here's a happy house for you. Congratulations on the HS

I've had a flood of appointments come through the post (and by phone) in recent weeks, some new, some cancelled, some rearranged, some duplicated. So I spent a good hour this morning telephoning 4 hospitals to sort out who thought I appointments and when...

I am glad that I did as much confusion and error was sorted out. Phew, hard work, stressful, and that queue 'music'...aghhh!!!!

Time for a rest. At least it is all sorted out now...I think

It's a good job that I have a bus pass. No way I could afford all the travelling to the different hospitals!

I was glad that all the receptionists were kind, helpful and cheerful. Thank you all
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Morning folks. 🙂 7.0 here.

Had a v nice lunch out with friends yesterday. Luckily, she was the designated driver - if he's the driver, he sulks LOL. Nice for my OH to have a drinking buddy too. I think they put the world to rights! He usually takes the dog to the pub these days, cos I don't drink anymore. Not quite the same - her conversation's limited to chasing tennis balls and rolling in fox poo. 😛:rofl:
Morning all, and it was a 5.6 for me earlier this fine sunny day.

Have a great day and stay safe.....
Morning all (well a little past that!) - another blue sky and sunshine.

6.4 this morning - not bad considering we had rice noodles with stir fry and M&S Thai prawn burgers last night. It was delicious though!

Nothing much to do today except go and have a pedicure - a lovely treat. I have a house full of flowers that friends have brought round. We have such fabulous friends and I am so grateful for their concern and offers to help with anything needed.

@eggyg, glad you had a lovely time (trains excepted). Lovely photos!

@Elenka_HM congratulations on your HS!

@Robin congrats on your new horse!

@ColinUK hope you can find a suitable holiday.

Have a lovely day all.... and @Grannylorraine keep up the running!
Good afternoon.
I don't post very often these days but today, following my fall the day after my 80th birthday, I had to sit a driving test for my new licence. The over 80;s drivers here have a strict test and medical. It was a near thing but I got a licence provided that I do the following.

Get an appointment with an opthalmologist
Don't drive more that 20 km a day
Don't drive at night

It is better than nothing I suppose
Up for today, MY today as well, 1st time 09:09 BS 4.8 after text message woke me from social worker to cancel this morning’s 10:00 appointment as she was up all night with a stomach bug. Half an oatcake & it dropped to 4.1 before rising to 5.3 at 09:40 so, went back to sleep. 2nd time midday alarm woke me for 1st day of 74 tresiba 12:03 BS 6.0 rose to 7.1 by the time I sat down to breakfast 12:44.

Hope you’re all having a Lovely Day: already gave you lovely lot a Morning Greeting earlier! :D😉

In a change from late night corrections after wrongly guessed dinner portion sizes, really rather than NR as the ceiling is 48, I tried a bit of housework, which has been this whole month or so like exercise in the fast & big BS lower effect it has due to the still big effort it costs me to do, by washing the backlog of dishes in 4 sinkfuls with breathers in between to a) catch my breath as I get very winded & short of breath & b) check on quickly falling BS! Went from 23:01 BS 12.8 to 01:25 BS 7.0! At which point considering the exercise & my overnight drops when I sleep was too low to go to bed on so, had tea & an angel cake slice with no NR which sent me up to 02:19 BS 10.4 before going down, I thought the cake would have been too much but, it wasn’t quite enough: the exercise factor was bigger than I thought!

Let’s see what today is like? Trying new week of reduced 74 tresiba & DSN will be back next Monday & see if it’s right: we both felt that that’s right as 70, due to surprise cycle, was too little & 78, 76 was too much?

Oh yes! Almost forgot! If something keeps reoccurring under the same conditions I start to notice it: can see why DSN wanted me to keep to a ceiling of 48 NR as much as possible; seems to be an insulin resistance backlash on the day after I’ve used more NR when I got my guesses wrong & don’t want to go to bed too high! I get my BS down at a price as my BS gets stuck sooner & higher the next day: happened too many times now for me NOT to notice it! Which reminds: better write that in the logbook so, DSN can see what I’m thinking; see if she agrees with me?
Morning all and 5.8 for me.

Heavy, headache inducing weather. Paracetamol taken.

Not sure what the day will bring but I have a couple of songs to knock into something I can share with the band.

Have a good day everyone.
Hope your headache disappears and you have a good day
Morning all (well a little past that!) - another blue sky and sunshine.

6.4 this morning - not bad considering we had rice noodles with stir fry and M&S Thai prawn burgers last night. It was delicious though!

Nothing much to do today except go and have a pedicure - a lovely treat. I have a house full of flowers that friends have brought round. We have such fabulous friends and I am so grateful for their concern and offers to help with anything needed.

@eggyg, glad you had a lovely time (trains excepted). Lovely photos!

@Elenka_HM congratulations on your HS!

@Robin congrats on your new horse!

@ColinUK hope you can find a suitable holiday.

Have a lovely day all.... and @Grannylorraine keep up the running!
Enjoy I am sure the friends only care for you as you do for them. Bless you enjoy your pedicure and wish you well
Good afternoon.
I don't post very often these days but today, following my fall the day after my 80th birthday, I had to sit a driving test for my new licence. The over 80;s drivers here have a strict test and medical. It was a near thing but I got a licence provided that I do the following.

Get an appointment with an opthalmologist
Don't drive more that 20 km a day
Don't drive at night

It is better than nothing I suppose
So you can drive locally I imagine 6 miles there and back is not so restrictive if you are popping to shops / However I would find it too much if going to restaurants and back and maybe the Sunday run.
I rarely drive in the dark if I can help it. Usually only if hubby gets a puncture late at night im on call for the rescue .
Ophthalmologists will make sure you see the best you can.
Not many get to 80 and stay driving .
Well done