Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all
And it was a 4.9 for me earlier this fine sunny morning. Have a good day everyone.

Come on you Lionesses.
Morning all. Yesterday was absolutely glorious and very hot! Looks like today is going to be the same.

5.4 this morning, though still only 64% in target over the 24 hours. Feeling less tired today and a lot more cheerful.

Visit to the Chiropractor this afternoon. Not much else on, I will probably sit in the garden and read.

Congratulations to @freesia on your HS.

@Grannylorraine very well done on losing 2.5 lbs. That's excellent for 1 week.

@ColinUK big hugs.... you know we are here for you.

Have a lovely day all.
Well done the Lionesses into the ladies' world cup final with a 3-1 win against Australia.

I believe it's the first world cup final England has been in since the men's in 1966.

Well done girls... Sorry had to post this somewhere..... :D
Posting this, while I remember in the middle of the night, before going to bed! Forgot to post the last two days! 😳

Today, since I haven’t gone to bed yet, for me & yesterday for you lovely lot it was BS 7.3 & the day before that BS 7.2 🙂 Very consistent! But, two completely different days as I got today, for me, wrong guesses wise & the day before more or less bang on with the lowest hills on the graph: still trying new things & sometimes I get it right; sometimes wrong! Because of that my A1c has gone up from 66 last week to 68 this week BUT, on less insulin & I’m building up a new catalogue of food vs insulin!

A Very Good Morning to you all, coming up for you normal lot, & have a Wonderful Day from me, a bit out of whack! 😉:rofl:
3.3 for me this morning despite a basal reduction last night and a JB about 3am. The past week or so I have either been high or low. Can't seem to hit the middle "Goldilocks" ground and get it just right. I think i is partly to do with hormones as I had let my HRT regime slip, but I put a new patch on the night before last and had 2 low readings since.

Woke up early and feeling refreshed (another benefit of HRT I am sure) this morning despite the hypo, so going for an early walk. I need to check up on my lads as they fell out yesterday and there was a power struggle going on, which is very dangerous with horses. They are 25 and 26 and are full brothers and they have lived together all their lives and there has only once been a similar situation about 12 years ago. They are too old now to be chasing each other and biting and kicking and poor Cora is too old and stiff to get out of their way when feet start flying.... to say nothing of me also getting too old to take a full blooded kick in the crossfire. Rebel is the eldest and he is an excellent herd leader and happily shares power when he is not challenged, but for some reason yesterday Rascal decided to challenge him. In the stable Rascal is the clear winner because he is very comfortable in confined spaces but in the field Reb has the better of him. I really don't want Rascal to win this power struggle much as I love them both. Don't want to block them out of the stable because the flies are horrendous in this muggy weather but it may be safer and give Reb the advantage, until Rascal winds his neck in. Fingers crossed we can get back to harmony soon and without sustaining any injuries.
Morning all. 6.1 which I am very happy with. My graphs look like one of the roller coasters which we have looked at for the last three days.

Home at 6pm yesterday after more train cancellations. Our train from Blackpool Pleasure Beach station, which was literally across the road from our hotel, was cancelled as were the two after that. We decided to get an earlier train and just have a 1.5 hour wait for our train from Preston. We could have got an earlier train to Carlisle but we’d booked seats and I didn’t want to chance not being able to sit together. Our train was absolutely packed,and sure as eggs is eggs, two of our seats were occupied. They did move but why do folks do that when there’s clearly a reservation showing. So all this meant we blocked the aisle whilst they collected their stuff from our seats. We had two cases, five rucksacks, a buggy and a big bag of snacks. They ended up being scattered all over the carriage! I thought train travel was supposed to be the least stressful way to travel.

Anyhoo, a good time was had be all, the girls, on the whole were amazing, a few mini tantrums from Miss Zara, but she was actually quite good when I said no you can’t eat sweeties at 9 o’clock at night! Would we do it again?The jury is still out on that one! 🙄

Here’s the last of the photos. These are from photographer extraordinaire Mr Eggy.

I’ve sped read yesterday’s posts, @Pattidevans good news. Take it easy for a while. @ColinUK big hugs. For anyone who got a HS well done, and for those that didn’t, it’s only a wee bit fun and we are all different. Promise you’ll have my full attention today, hopefully, I’m a tad weary. 😉


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Good morning! Woke to alarm (wakey wakey not Libre) and an 8.2 after a midnight low!

Feel knackered. Apparently this is the poorly leg antibiotics but the box only said"Take four times daily"! Need to her going so ready for Patient Transport to physio.

Dull and grey but rather close even with windows open.
Morning all, 5.8 here. Busy day today, our new pony is arriving at the yard round about lunchtime. Daughter is officially in charge, but I have a half share in it, so will be making sure my half is happy! May have to change my avatar, which is of the horse I rode for years, and fully loaned over lockdowns, whose arthritis sadly got the better of him last year.
Poor horse arthritis is awful. New start today enjoy the new arrival. I can imagine what excitement is to be today. Enjoy. Have a wonderful day.
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Good morning everyone

Had a surprise yesterday evening BG 1.8 I did't consider it valid. Did another test straight away and it was 5.6

Woke up to my eyes stinging. Washing them out seems to have calmed them down. Phew.

BG this morning 5.3
Pulse 50
Temp 36.4
BP 123/75

Today more practice and possibly a practice at the church too, a little exercise, and that's about it

Have a great day today whatever you are doing