Group 7-day waking average?


Waiting in for a delivery today. A new radiator. Ooh the excitement.

Might look again at seeing if I can get away for a few days in the next week or two as I need a break.

Waiting for a response from the police to specific questions I asked Tuesday evening which they’ve so far managed to respond to whilst completely missing the point.
Good morning everyone

Had a surprise yesterday evening BG 1.8 I did't consider it valid. Did another test straight away and it was 5.6

Woke up to my eyes stinging. Washing them out seems to have calmed them down. Phew.

BG this morning 5.3
Pulse 50
Temp 36.4
BP 123/75

Today more practice and possibly a practice at the church too, a little exercise, and that's about it

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
what a low pulse you have
Morning all. A surprising 10.7 and a high of 15 overnight!! I'd dropped to 4.6 before bed so had a spoonful of peanut butter, obviously too much. The high alarm didn't wake me, i must have been way too tired.

Haircut at 9 then picking SIL up at 10.30 to go out, back at lunch then picking mum up to come here for tea. Better get moving. Catch up later.

Waiting in for a delivery today. A new radiator. Ooh the excitement.

Might look again at seeing if I can get away for a few days in the next week or two as I need a break.

Waiting for a response from the police to specific questions I asked Tuesday evening which they’ve so far managed to respond to whilst completely missing the point.
At least the radiator will keep you warm in winter. I am getting away soon to help daughter move mid September and I must say I can hardly wait.
At least the radiator will keep you warm in winter. I am getting away soon to help daughter move mid September and I must say I can hardly wait.
It’s replacing one that’s got a teeny tiny leak that didn’t really impact performance but just took yonks to get around to sorting.
I can only hear that as if it’s being said by Little Red Riding Hood to the Wolf!
lol and all the better to be envious off . Although i don't really know if thats what i am when asleep.
5.6 for me today. 🙂

I have had tests done and it has been confirmed that I have a very low the 40's sometimes (always has been all my life). And no one seems unduly concerned. 🙂
Another lovely, sunny Berkshire morning and the forecast looks good so will spend part of the day finishing off some garden chores from yesterday evening. Mowed the grass but halfway through tidying the edges the bottom of our strimmer, the bit that spins round, disintegrated mid-strim. No idea why, although admittedly it is years old. Had considered replacing it several times and now I have to. Oh well.

Swimming later, as usual on a Thursday. No cars today as my wife and our eldest are back in their offices so it's the bus. For some reason we have new bus timetables from this week and the new timings aren't as convenient. They obviously didn't consider that some people's long-established routines might be affected.

Good to see the Lionesses make it into the World Cup Final. Fingers crossed they can go all the way. Rugby Union World Cup starts next month so looking forward to that, although I fear that on recent form Wales will struggle to get past the first knock-out round, assuming they even get past the group stage. Will be more than happy to be proved wrong. Bit of a World Cup Fest this year as the Cricket World Cup follows, starting in October.

5.4 on the meter, same as yesterday and the day before, so not the coveted HS hat-trick but still a decent triple. Would be happy being there every morning.

Hope everyone's weather is as nice as ours today.

4.6 today, managed a run walk yesterday, with a solid 1km of running and some uphill running with no coughing or breathing issues, so next run will be back to 5k. I have yoga today so a nice stretch out. Thought I was having a hypo yesterday, turned out to be a false one as I was on 4.1, I did eat something carbs then as I wanted to go running an hour or so later.

@eggyg - pleased you had a good time.
@Martin.A lowest pulse I have recorded was 46 should I be concerned and push the issue with the GP?
@Martin.A lowest pulse I have recorded was 46 should I be concerned and push the issue with the GP?
You’re clearly just designed to run that way.

Medicos have names for everything not just the ones that are problematic.
@Martin.A lowest pulse I have recorded was 46 should I be concerned and push the issue with the GP?
It's not my place to advise you one way or the other but in my case my understanding is that as long as I don't experience chest pain, confusion, memory problems, dizziness, light-headedness, fatigue, fainting or near-fainting, shortness of breath or get easily tired during physical activity then it isn't of immediate concern. I get none of those despite having had a resting HR below 60 going back to when I was a gym regular in the 1990s and early 2000s.
Good morning! I realised I didn't post here for a few days. Had to come back with a 5'2 😎 I don't need a big house, just happy with a one bedroom apartment with nice windows and no food-stealing flatmates!

Had a very good day yesterday. It was all sunny, I went with my man to a different town and had a long walk and some lunch. He also bought me an ice cream. He had a course to go to so we came back early but already exhausted, from the heat I think. I slept and did a couple of chores I had planned, luckily I got most of them out the way the day before. Later he came to my place for some private time and a glass of champagne. We are usually not so fancy but I got it for free last Christmas 😛

Today is quite different, I started work at 6:30 and I've been running and sweating like a pig trying to keep a buffet topped up for 200 guests. 3 people called sick this morning (usual suspects, we doubt they are all sick) and another girl had to leave in the middle of service because she was actually feeling sick. So I have to do her job now. And for a little rant, why do guest keep leaving METAL serving tools under a HOT lamp?? There are little plates there to place the tongs and spoons after use but people prefer to leave them in the middle of the hot tray, ready to burn the fingertips of the next unsuspecting customer... 🙄
I have had tests done and it has been confirmed that I have a very low the 40's sometimes (always has been all my life). And no one seems unduly concerned. 🙂
Its like that with a very fit athlete. Sadly my pulse goes ticky tick boom boom most of the time . BP depends on pain but usually low .
Mine's sometimes even lower, high 40s. My DNs always comment on it when they take my BP. The medical term is bradycardia.
yes. as apposed to Tachycardia
Morning all, 5.8 here. Busy day today, our new pony is arriving at the yard round about lunchtime. Daughter is officially in charge, but I have a half share in it, so will be making sure my half is happy! May have to change my avatar, which is of the horse I rode for years, and fully loaned over lockdowns, whose arthritis sadly got the better of him last year.
Which half is yours? The front half I hope! 😉