Group 7-day waking average?

No idea what I am today. Not currently cyborged up as not wearing a sensor.
Can’t be arsed testing today as too much else going on.
Greek yogurt, berries and a sprinkle of nuts for breakfast. I’ve got salmon to cook for later so I think I’d be ok anyway today as long as I resist the lure of the crisp aisle…
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Good morning everyone

BG 4.8
Temp 36.4
Pulse 51
BP 125/75

I have never liked roller coasters! I was forced on one when on a school trip when quite young and it terrified me. Forced! What was the school teacher thinking?

Today, practice, practice, practice and trying to set up a new laptop for recording.

Oddly I feel quite tired this morning. Nice bright and sunny out there so I had better get out for a walk and shake the cobwebs off.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Morning all. Well, guess what...
@eggyg lovely pictures. You look like you all had a great time. Safe journey home.
@Nayshiftin you'll get there i'm sure.
Have a good day everyone.
Good morning - 5.5

Have a great day everyone

4.9 today, weigh in was ok 2 1/2lbs lost, but I was a bit disappointed, strangely I was hoping for 3 or 4lb. However out of the six new starters last week four of us all lost 2 1/2, one lost 2 and one a lot more. I suppose as I only need to lose 23lb I can’t expect the big loses, any way less than 23 to lose now is the best way I can look at it. I have been less hungry all week and deffo cravings are lessening, main th8ng for this week is to swap fizzy drink for water (for some reason kept wanting the fizzy drink while I was ill) and after a few walks going to start back with running group tonight but might be a run walk.

@freesia - congratulations on your HS.

@eggyg - looks like a fantastic day was had by all.

@Pattidevans - pleased to hear the appointment went well.

@ColinUK - sending hugs.

Everyone else I hope you have the best day you can.
weigh loss is good . staying the same is ok You could have gained. it does slow near target . We always want more but be happy you are doing great.BS is good f it does-not go lower.
I’d be over the moon in your shoes .Congratulations .
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Well done @freesia on that HS. A 5.8 for me today. 🙂

@Eternal422 I take it you find it a bit nerve wracking going to the dentist looking at that graph!! Your hygienist must be a bit heavy handed to elicit such a response! I could understand if you were going to see the dentist for some major work, like root canal filling but the hygienist??
To be honest it’s now more the stress of the driving taking my wife to work so that I have the car and trying to get to my appointment on time! The amount of roadworks is shocking around here and there are delays everywhere!

I admit I don’t like the hygienist visits, although she is really good and there is very little discomfort. I guess I’m just a wuss! You would have thought that going every 3 months I should be used to it by now!
7.3 with a sharp jump to nearly 10 now I'm up n about.
Going to get some brekkie and await royal mail for a pickup and a tesco delivery soon.

Big shocker, no call from DSN yesterday. I gave my house phone number to call me back on (get a terrible signal on mobile in the house) but now realise its kinda tied me to the house until she calls.

I do need to go collect a script at some point in the next couple days. With insulin needs up I feel like I'm burning thru pens.
That's on the list for DSN too, reusable pens :D

Hope you have a fantastic day.

@eggyg loving the pics <3
@ColinUK I can see sooo many ways a curry on a roller coaster can go wrong. If you decide to do it, I want front row seats :D
5.0 for me the first time I woke up but Libre graph says I was in the red all night which is totally my own fault as, after I went to bed, I lay on my Libre arm half propped up reading. The low alarm went off but I assumed it was a compression low. Turned over intending to give it time to recover if it was a compression low or have a JB if it wasn't but was asleep within minutes, so I have a long, flat, horizontal length of red just below the line. No real concern in that it wasn't below 3.5 but that much time spent below 4 could erode my hypo awareness, so not good, plus it has hammered my Libre stats! 🙄
Anyway, I dropped back off to sleep and when the second alarm went off I was 7.2, so Dawn clearly paid me a visit. I hit it with 2 units of Fiasp before I got out of bed as I didn't want FOTF getting in on the act as well and I am now on a steady 6.3, which will do nicely. I'm out of yoghurt, so no breakfast for me today or coffee as I am out of milk and cream, so a trip to the shops is on the cards. A herbal tea doesn't quite have the kick of a coffee but no way am I drinking it black!

@Pattidevans So pleased the scans show all OK and hope the increased BP meds don't cause you any aggravation. You clearly need to take it a bit easier.... at least for a few days.
4.8 this morning. Hoping for a “normal” day today (no hygienist visits or anything else!)

Lovely blue skies and sunshine at the moment here 😎

Congratulations @freesia on your HS!

@eggyg - looks like you all had a great time on your holiday- time to relax and recover now!

@Grannylorraine - well done at SW on your loss!

@ColinUK - sending hugs, we’re all here for you if you need.

Take care everyone!
Disclaimer: This is my attempt at humour.

Diabetics are the worst. Don't give them any money, it all goes on glucose testing.

Have a good day all.
Reminds me of the old saying:-

Money talks, but all mine ever says is goodbye.
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On the Heathrow flight path this morning, first time in ages. First one woke me just before 6 and was followed by several more over the next hour, so no chance of going back to sleep. Got up just before 7, put the kettle on, tested - 5.4 again - and emptied the washing machine. Lovely day so far and forecast to stay that way, so have just finished getting the last of four machine loads out on the line.

My wife and our eldest are shunning the office today and WFH while watching the Lionesses take on Australia for a place in the World Cup Final, along with half the country from what I've read. We have two office setups at home complete with desks, office chairs and large monitors but it'll be the sofa and laptops for the duration of the football.

Congratulations @freesia on your HS!

Hope everyone gets some of this lovely weather today.
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