Group 7-day waking average?

A 4.9 for me this morning. 🙂

Morning all. 4.4. Since i've upped the basal by half a unit, i'm having no spikes out of target overnight but i am waking lower in the morning. Honestly, you can't win with D! I know 4.4 isn't overly low for some but i prefer to be in the 5s as if i'm going to drop any more i tend to drop quickly and when i'm driving to work its not a good thing.

After yesterday's downpour, its supposed to be sunny and cloud today, 21°. I hope it is so i can get my washing dry. Nothing is really planned yet for the rest of the day apart from older daughter and son in law coming for tea later.

@Pattidevans how are you feeling today? I hope they got your meds sorted.

@eggyg have a lovely day at the Pleasure Beach. You'll need a holiday when you get back i think! I haven't got grandchildren but know what its like from school trips when someone isn't feeling well/needing toilet/wanting to do something else all at the same time o_O. Lovely photo of the girls on the train. They'll have a whale of a time.

Congrats on the HS @Gwynn. Have a good day everyone.
It was very wet and very windy and we arrived at the hotel disheveled. But we unpacked and freshened up and went out for tea. Got rained on again and almost blown away.
Sounds just like it was when I took that photo...................:rofl:

4.9 today. Apart from work and a 1/2 walk to my mums nothing much planned for today. Oh and it is weigh day.

@Gwynn - congratulations on your HS. @Barrowman congratulations on yesterday’s HS.

@rebrascora - I had my meds changed a couple of months ago, the I got referred to Slimming World by GP, only started it last week, but decided seeing as it was being paid for 12 weeks I should give it my all, so I am following their plan but without all the carbs, this is only my first week so not sure how much I will have lost, but haven’t felt hungry all week and definitely adding more veg to my plate again.

@eggyg - hope the weather is better and enjoy the Pleasure Beach today.
It's a lovely sunny morning here and there's no rain in the forecast, so hopefully we're in for a spot of nice weather. Yesterday was a rotten day and I ended up putting our bedding through the tumble dryer after all. Maybe I should have changed the beds today instead.

First World Cup QF in progress, so shan't be doing anything else for the next couple of hours - or longer if it goes to penalties. Tuesday is one of my swim days so with the footie and swimming that's my day sorted until lunchtime.

5.4 on the meter this morning.

Congrats @Gwynn on another HS.

Have a good day, everyone.
Morning all, it’s a beautiful sunny morning here with lovely white fluffy clouds drifting aimlessly by.

Anyway, it was a 4.8 for me earlier this morning, considering I had two chocolate chip muffins before bed last night was expecting a higher bs this morning.

Have a good day everyone and stay safe.
Another disappointing morning reading for me.... 8.2 this morning despite a 2.5 unit correction for a 9.6 at 4.15am which I thought was a bit heavy handed but knew the alarm would be going off before it was all spent and really wanted to wake up to a better reading this morning. Fat chance it seems! 🙄 I guess the protein from the duck leg I ate before bed just kept releasing whilst I was asleep.
Need to go shopping today plus I have a task that I hate.... Using insecticide on my chicken coop which has unfortunately built up a bad infestation of red mites, which crawl onto the chickens when they roost and suck their blood. They also crawl onto me when I reach in and it makes your skin crawl for ages afterwards. This coop seems to be particularly prone to them for some reason. Wanted to do it yesterday but constant torrential rain meant that the chickens were inside so no good. Will be straight in the shower once I have got it sorted. Poor chucks. Must be horrendous for them. Will have to dust them with Diatomateous Earth. All this wet weather has meant no option for dust bathing to get rid of them.

Congrats to @Gwynn and so good to hear that your wife is such a lot better at the moment.

@Pattidevans Really hoping you are feeling a bit better today and they have got your meds sorted and your system stabilized. X

@Grannylorraine So pleased that you have got better support and a regime which appears to be working so much better for you. You must feel really happy with the results you are getting.

Sending (((HUGS)))) to @ColinUK who is clearly taking time out.
1692090795714.png Quite pleased with this, it hasn't been like this for a while. Long may it continue, though i've probably jinxed it now!
5.3 today for me (I missed yesterday through being busy, but it was 5.4). Pleased with both of those, despite some highs at night thanks to a lovely Tiramisu, but at least I‘ve managed to sort out how much insulin to take to deal with it🙂

Visit to the dental hygienist this morning - can you tell when it was :rofl: ?


All good now and need to get on with some work now I’m back home!

Congratulations @Gwynn on your HS!

@Pattidevans - hope you’re ok? I’m just catching up on the posts here!

Take care everyone!
How about for a bit of fun if people who test in the mornings post their waking levels? I think it would be interesting to see what the average works out at after a week 🙂

I'll start with mine - I was 6.0 when I woke up this morning 🙂

(please don't let me be the only person to enter one! 😉)
3.15 am, suspension woke me up 5.7 BG, I had a tube of Glucogel. Woke this morning to 16.2 !
3.15 am, suspension woke me up 5.7 BG, I had a tube of Glucogel. Woke this morning to 16.2 !
Did you mean suspension, as in your pump suspended insulin or did you mean sensor ie. your Libre or other CGM alarm went off. If the latter, I am wondering if it was a compression low, rather than an actual 5.7 reading. Don't know if you are aware but If you lie on the arm with the sensor, it compresses the tissue under the sensor and that causes a change in the interstitial fluid which causes a false low reading. It is always wise to double check a low alarm during the night before treating unless you feel hypo.

As @Robin says, if it was a pump suspension, then that was likely enough to deal with the dropping BG without the hypo treatment. Hindsight is a wonderful thing though!!
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@Eternal422 I take it you find it a bit nerve wracking going to the dentist looking at that graph!! Your hygienist must be a bit heavy handed to elicit such a response! I could understand if you were going to see the dentist for some major work, like root canal filling but the hygienist??
Morning all - so far quite sunny, but there are clouds around.

6.7 this morning, quite happy with that.

Again thank you all for your good wishes. I attended the TIA clinic yesterday. Apparently there's no brain damage and the arteries in my neck are fine, not clogged. I'm to have a heart monitor on for a week at some point in the near future. BP tablets have been doubled by a GP I really don't like (not happy about that as the same tablets gave me low salt and potassium when I was on the higher dose). So we shall see, but on the whole I am relieved at the way I have recovered.

The girls look lovely @eggyg and hope you are having a fun time. Julian wouldn't mind being called anything - except Jeremy, but that's a family thing. I am teasing him about it.

Hope you can get rid of those nasty mites @rebrascora

@Gwynn congratulations both on the HS and having a lovely meal with your wife and friend.

@Grannylorraine good luck with slimming world.

Have a lovely day everyone. I am doing nothing today except cooking a half-chicken we picked up in M&S on our way home yesterday.
@Eternal422 I take it you find it a bit nerve wracking going to the dentist looking at that graph!! Your hygienist must be a bit heavy handed to elicit such a response! I could understand if you were going to see the dentist for some major work, like root canal filling but the hygienist??
I hate the hygienist too. It’s not that she is heavy handed but just the general lying right back. I always get a dreadful migraine and get so dizzy. I’m there in four weeks, already worrying.