Group 7-day waking average?

07:12 BS 4.3 Some scrambling, horizontal in bed, necessary with oatcakes & JB’s! 😱

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! CAN JUST about manage my usual 😉 this morning after a couple of hours sleep!

Yesterday went ok until just before 19:00 when I had dinner & put in 48 NR into my left arm. Then, things started to go wrong! At first I was slow to notice as my BS fluctuated a bit, it ALWAYS does that, staying mostly the same until hour 4 in the 13’s so, I thought portion size was too big. But, then, it rose to 17, 18, 19 & 20 pretty fast, from about 23:20 to 23:50, & I had to think fast about what to do? I tried half an oatcake & guessed 24 NR but, after the initial drop from 19’s when I put it in to 17’s it fluctuated back up to 19’s/20’s pretty fast. My stomach was pretty empty so, after some more quick thinking I thought I need more food to get the insulin to work! So, I had half of the last remaining shepherds pie & put in 48: had dithered between 52, 54, 56 NR; but, last minute rethink just as I started to eat I went with 48 because I FINALLY remembered the 24 that I’d already put in for the half oatcake!

Then, with a breather from all the quick thinking I looked back over my logs since 19:00 & realised, bearing in mind the slight fluctuations I always have that my BS basically just kept rising like I hadn’t injected NR at all! And I was seriously doubting myself there: past 01:00 & exhausted I couldn’t really remember IF I had injected; was stressing, wondering until past 04:30 when I noticed, thinking too much before then, a big swollen lump on my left arm where I’d injected NR around 19:00! SO OOH I definitely DID inject & I realised, belatedly, that the first sensor had been in roughly THAT spot: did it have something to do with the swelling & slowed down the insulin?

I finally went to bed about 05:00 & woke in the 4’s! After I got my BS out of the 4’s, all while still horizontal in bed, & had 1.5 oatcakes in the 7’s I felt my arm. The swelling had gone down a lot while I’d slept when my BS had gone down steadily from 17’s to 6’s around 04:30 when I last checked before dropping! So, THAT question was answered!

The swelling is very slight now but, not completely gone so, I’ll have to keep a closer on things today in case of drops from THAT insulin that I’m absorbing now!

BS still in the 7’s & had a bit of a pause there as Tesco shopping came & went with it all put away. I’m about to have my weekly shopping sushi & 09:15 BS 8.9, after all the effort of putting away shopping, & dithering about NR? I would put in 48 but, go with a compromised 44 with JB’s to hand in case & see?
A wet & soggy Berkshire morning and it was still raining when I got up just before 7, although it's stopped now. Monday is always change beds day so hopefully we've seen the last of the rain and I can get the bedding out on the line. Not much sunshine in the forecast but I'll be happy if it just stays dry. Takes a lot of tumble-dryer time to dry 3 sets of bedding.

Highlight of the day is a trip to the recycling centre over in nearby Bracknell. Got a booking for 11 o'clock to get rid of some stuff we cleared out of the loft last week, plus a load of garden waste. They introduced a booking system during the pandemic and have kept it in place, which at least means you aren't joining a long queue as was the case beforehand. There's been an increase in fly-tipping in the area, though. Not just coincidence, surely...???

My daughter's 50th today. I've woken up to the realisation that I now have two children in their 50s.

5.9 on the meter this morning, so a little higher than usual. No idea why.

Hope everything goes well at podiatry @MikeyBikey

Belated Happy Birthday @goodybags

Hope everyone's Monday blues have dispersed and it's a good start to the week.
I feel the same 8.7 thought must be this machine tried other hand 8.9.
Feeling rather down.
Also gained 1lb so that's another warning. 1 toasted tea cake aint worth it.
Thanks. I was totally expecting a low number. No idea what went wrong. Previously I've got a 5.2 or similar for doing the exact same thing.
Morning all.

Was rushed into hospital yesterday morning with a suspected TIA? BP was over 200/105. Lost ability to speak and lost consciousness. Oddly my BGs stayed steady around 6 but possibly because I wasn’t given anything to eat until late when I got a stale cheese sandwich. Eventually they discharged me about 9pm as there were no beds. Poor Julian went home to get me some things and managed one sandwich all day until we got home.

This morning 7.6 but it’s risen to 8.8. Taking it easy today.
9.6 for me, so I am also a bit disappointed. I was however 9.6 when I climbed into bed but I seem to remember jabbing a correction before bed and my Libre log confirms that, so looks like I needed more basal than I injected last night. Oh well, today is a new day and TIR is 95% for the last week so can't complain too much, plus I had a beige buffet yesterday after our club drive.... sandwiches, sausage roll, pork pie etc and lots of cakes/trifle etc. My BG dropped into the red just as we were walking from the field to the farmhouse for food, so rather than have a JB, I grabbed a brownie, gave it 5 mins then jabbed 8 units of Fiasp and ate the savoury stuff and then half an hour later I jabbed another 3 units and somehow managed to keep things in single figures although it took another couple of units when I got home as it started to rise again, but apart from a teeny tiny red dot just before the meal I managed to keep the beige buffet in range, so I am taking that as a huge win, especially as I didn't try to carb count it, I just jabbed a reasonable amount up front and then responded to my Libre after that with whatever corrections looked appropriate. I didn't stress too much about it, just went for it. Had a really great drive, Arthur went well, weather was perfect, the route was lovely country lanes and little villages, the breeze kept the flies away and the company was good. Just a perfect afternoon!

@Pattidevans - so sorry to hear about yesterday, how are you doing now?

5.5 for me today, going to go go for another walk today, not sure my chest is up to running, but I will see.

@eggyg - hope you have a nice few days away with the grandkids.

@ColinUK - sending you hug.

congratulations to everyone that has had HS recently.
07:12 BS 4.3 Some scrambling, horizontal in bed, necessary with oatcakes & JB’s! 😱

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! CAN JUST about manage my usual 😉 this morning after a couple of hours sleep!

Yesterday went ok until just before 19:00 when I had dinner & put in 48 NR into my left arm. Then, things started to go wrong! At first I was slow to notice as my BS fluctuated a bit, it ALWAYS does that, staying mostly the same until hour 4 in the 13’s so, I thought portion size was too big. But, then, it rose to 17, 18, 19 & 20 pretty fast, from about 23:20 to 23:50, & I had to think fast about what to do? I tried half an oatcake & guessed 24 NR but, after the initial drop from 19’s when I put it in to 17’s it fluctuated back up to 19’s/20’s pretty fast. My stomach was pretty empty so, after some more quick thinking I thought I need more food to get the insulin to work! So, I had half of the last remaining shepherds pie & put in 48: had dithered between 52, 54, 56 NR; but, last minute rethink just as I started to eat I went with 48 because I FINALLY remembered the 24 that I’d already put in for the half oatcake!

Then, with a breather from all the quick thinking I looked back over my logs since 19:00 & realised, bearing in mind the slight fluctuations I always have that my BS basically just kept rising like I hadn’t injected NR at all! And I was seriously doubting myself there: past 01:00 & exhausted I couldn’t really remember IF I had injected; was stressing, wondering until past 04:30 when I noticed, thinking too much before then, a big swollen lump on my left arm where I’d injected NR around 19:00! SO OOH I definitely DID inject & I realised, belatedly, that the first sensor had been in roughly THAT spot: did it have something to do with the swelling & slowed down the insulin?

I finally went to bed about 05:00 & woke in the 4’s! After I got my BS out of the 4’s, all while still horizontal in bed, & had 1.5 oatcakes in the 7’s I felt my arm. The swelling had gone down a lot while I’d slept when my BS had gone down steadily from 17’s to 6’s around 04:30 when I last checked before dropping! So, THAT question was answered!

The swelling is very slight now but, not completely gone so, I’ll have to keep a closer on things today in case of drops from THAT insulin that I’m absorbing now!

BS still in the 7’s & had a bit of a pause there as Tesco shopping came & went with it all put away. I’m about to have my weekly shopping sushi & 09:15 BS 8.9, after all the effort of putting away shopping, & dithering about NR? I would put in 48 but, go with a compromised 44 with JB’s to hand in case & see?
Doesn't sound like you have an easy time. Doesn't seem settled. Id have thought they could help to get a sliding scald so you could get it easier.
id like a jelly baby but never say never I'm unlikely to get a hypo.
For me after yoghurt and a few raspberries its starve until lunch . Thats not filling either without bread hungry until teatime then after i eat i always want more so tears at bedtime again I guess
i don't think anything helps really.
reading your side dies not look greener.
life whats it about eh ?
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Morning all.

Was rushed into hospital yesterday morning with a suspected TIA? BP was over 200/105. Lost ability to speak and lost consciousness. Oddly my BGs stayed steady around 6 but possibly because I wasn’t given anything to eat until late when I got a stale cheese sandwich. Eventually they discharged me about 9pm as there were no beds. Poor Julian went home to get me some things and managed one sandwich all day until we got home.

This morning 7.6 but it’s risen to 8.8. Taking it easy today.
Oh not good . Yes do what you need to get better .
How about for a bit of fun if people who test in the mornings post their waking levels? I think it would be interesting to see what the average works out at after a week 🙂

I'll start with mine - I was 6.0 when I woke up this morning 🙂

(please don't let me be the only person to enter one! 😉)
i was 7.0 this morning despite a reading of 27.8 prior to going to bed for no apparent reason.
@Pattidevans Oh Patti! Very sorry to hear you have been so unwell like that and needed a trip to hospital. Poor J must have been incredibly worried! Hope you are feeling better now and continue to improve as the day goes on. Sending (((HUGS)))
i was 7.0 this morning despite a reading of 27.8 prior to going to bed for no apparent reason.
Did you double check the reading of 27.8. An unexpectedly high reading can often be caused by a bit of contamination on your fingers or a rogue test strip, so the advice is to always wash and dry your hands and test again to confirm. I once got a high reading after chopping onions and there was some dried onion juice on my fingers.... not what you would consider overly sweet but enough to compromise the test.
Did you double check the reading of 27.8. An unexpectedly high reading can often be caused by a bit of contamination on your fingers or a rogue test strip, so the advice is to always wash and dry your hands and test again to confirm. I once got a high reading after chopping onions and there was some dried onion juice on my fingers.... not what you would consider overly sweet but enough to compromise the test.
thank you
Morning all, wet and windy today. Nuff said.
Morning all. 6.5 @ 5.42am 🙂 A very drizzly day today.
@Grannylorraine You seem to be getting some really great results just at the moment? Well done! Have you changed anything in particular?

@Barrowman Congrats on another House Special!
@Pattidevans sorry to hear about your dash to the hospital, it must have been very scary for you both! I hope you are going to take it easy for a while, rest and get well. Take care.