Group 7-day waking average?

For everyone with an HS this morning I think we need to go to extremes to fit you all in...

Good morning everyone. First up?

BG 5.3 so close
Pulse 51
BP 120/73

A good day yesterday. My wife was happy and relaxed.

Today she has invited my friend round for tea. This is another big step for her.

I have a few more church songs to convert, shouldn't take long

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
7.8 for me today!

Typically the one morning I needed to get up is the one I was actually still asleep for the alarm going off. Been early to sleep and up early all week.
Son is off on a work trip soon and wanted to be up to nag him about phone chargers and to say goodbye 😉

Hope you all have a great day!
A very early good morning. Been awake since 4.15, up since 5! Score on the door, 6.4.

The day has arrived for our adventure to Blackpool. Two decrepit 63 year olds, a ten year old going on 18, a sweet, but shy five year old and a 2.5 year old recently potty trained toddler! We must be bonkers! Train not until 1.30, can’t check in to hotel until 3 and didn’t feel like wandering the streets with the luggage. Could not get a taxi to fit us all in to take us to the station, so my eldest son in law is going to take us in two trips, bless him. Weather changeable, rain all day today, sometimes heavy. Tomorrow dry with sunny intervals, which is good as that’s the day we are going to the Pleasure Beach. Wednesday good too but we’re getting the train at 2.30, but we’ll make the most of the morning. We can leave our luggage in the hotel and the train station is less than five minutes walk away. A fun filled three days ahead. I’ll try and pop on here if I can, so don’t worry if I don’t, I’ll be alive, barely.😉

Congratulations to the plethora of HSers yesterday. That 5.2 step must have been groaning!

Have a Happy Monday.
Good morning? Well no Triple-HS for me today. A disappointing 8.3 even though I tried to do a repeat of Friday evening. The previous two nights my BG dropped through the night :( Last night hovered around 8!

Podiatry this morning so getting ready for transport. Fingers crossed on time.

Grey, mizzle with a breeze! :(
Good morning 5.1 today
I did on popping TBT select another finger just incase a HS was there lurking but it was 4.9

thanks for the birthday wishes, 59 yrs young yesterday
I did plenty of relaxing

Have a marvellous Monday everyone 😎
Was 4.x when I woke up this morning and 5.7 now so we can probably average that out at 5.2.

Had a dog move in yesterday, unexpectedly. My sisters dog for 2 weeks. She seems to be settling in okay, she’s not used to there being noises upstairs as doesn’t normally live in a flat but that’s about the only issue so far. I’ll work from home instead of the office to keep an eye on her so hopefully she behaves.


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Morning all. 4.8. Grey and cool looking out there today.

@eggyg have a great time. I think you'll need a holiday when you get back!

@ColinUK big ((HUGS)). Take care.
And it's a Heinz Special (5.7) for me today. 🙂

Good morning all.

Did everything right. Put in untold work.

Got a 10.7

I feel the same 8.7 thought must be this machine tried other hand 8.9.
Feeling rather down.
Also gained 1lb so that's another warning. 1 toasted tea cake aint worth it.