Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning - 7.7

Have a great day everyone
9.0 (not unexpected). Crashed early and had to take a wild guess at the chicken casserole carbs that was dinner which to be fair, I got pretty spot on but wasn't awake to do a bedtime correction to deal with the higher pre dinner starting point.
I used to get a pretty predictable drift down overnight and could get away with going to bed on around 10 but haven't seen that in a while. You get used to where the goalposts are and then something moves them. 🙄

Anyway no plans for today. Son is away working from tomorrow so will need to help him pack (first work trip - hes on his own after this one). For now I'm appreciating the fact no one else is out of bed. ahhhh.

Hope you all have a fabby day.
Good morning 4.3 on waking today
although after a quick bathroom visit dawn shot me past a HS and up to 5.9

congratulations on all those House Specials 🙂
@MikeyBikey @Robin @harbottle @MeeTooTeeTo @freesia @Bloden
hope I haven’t missed anyone

Have a Super Sunday everybody 😎
7.6 for me this morning and we won our class at the show yesterday so delighted with that as it was Arthur's first show on his own and he coped really well, plus I might have recruited another interested carriage driver to our next little event at the farm, I got talking to the lady who was acting as groom to the turnout who came second to us..... I think it was her son driving and they seemed really interested once they realized that it was fun and not a posh, stuffy event. 🙄

Anyway, hope you are all having a relaxing evening and wishing you all House Specials in the morning.... self included of course! 😉
Many congrats to all you HS achievers this morning. I see that most of the ones I sent out in the post on Thursday night got held up (or temporarily intercepted by the DF) but landed in a glut today. Mine is clearly still missing in the system though. Thinking maybe I accidentally sent out two to @MikeyBikey instead..... not that I begrudge you Mikey. You can use all the good luck(and skill of course 😉 that comes your way at the moment.
Morning all and a 6.6 for me

Flatish line overnight and bed time spike not as pronounced. Seems to be occurring when morning levemir is running out of steam and evening dose not quite up to speed . So morning dose delayed and evening brought forward. Let's see if there's a sweet spot.

Have a good day everyone.
Morning all, it’s a 5.4 for me on this wild and windy morning, just spotted a glimpse of blue through the grey clouds.
10:48 BS 6.3 🙂

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

I’m still in the 6’s, just checked before typing, & I WILL get vertical when the alarm hoes at midday! I’m feeling LAZY, lazy in bed on a Sunday morning; isn’t that a song? :D

Watched the new episode of Amazing Hotels Life Beyond the Lobby on iPlayer yesterday & glad to see it back with a new presenter Judge Rob Rinder alongside Monica. 😛😎 I LOVE watching how the other half lives in those AMAZING hotels I’ll never get to stay in!😱
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Now I am feeling hard done by . All those wonderful 5 .2 HS .
i get 8.7 snd I sm being s good girl.
I must just have the sugar in me.
otherwise my liver would not have any to dump.
Morning. 6.5 and a unicorn.

Nice morning so far but rain is waiting in the wings.

Plans today; tiding the house before going away tomorrow. I know we’ll be back Wednesday evening but I can’t bear coming home to a mess. Otherwise a nice peaceful day to prepare for the chaos the next three days will bring. I’ve been really organised and arranged for the other two sets of grandparents to have the girls on Friday, as that’s usually our day for childcare, so at least we’ll have a chance to rest and recover. :rofl:

Well done @MikeyBikey on another HS. Hat trick tomorrow? Congratulations also to @Robin on achieving the perfect waking number, dehydrated or not.

Have a good day all.
whats the unicorn?
Unusually late on parade, and Billy No Mates this afternoon. My wife's out to lunch with a former co-worker, our eldest has a pre-season futsal fixture and our youngest is working an extra shift at Sainsbury's. Unfortunately I'm not joining the HS gang - congrats to all - as I only got a 5.0 this morning.

Breezy but warm here, with the sun popping in and out.

Enjoy what's left of Sunday.