Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all. 8.5 on my slowly dying Libre sensor ( two days to go) or 6.5 on my Accu-Chek meter. I’ll go for something in between. Like a 5.2! :rofl:

Yesterday’s weather turned out really nice and quite warm at times. Got the kids to the park anyways. Hopefully blew the glitter off them after the morning’s crap, errr I mean, craft session!

Today is ironing, and getting organised for going away on Monday, day. We’ve done something really daft. We somehow have booked us and the three little ones, 10, 5 and 2, three days in Blackpool. I must have been having a funny turn. We’re staying in a nice hotel ( there is such a thing in Blackpool, honestly) right by the Pleasure Beach and the stay includes the entrance fee. It was a bargain and I love a bargain, we may live to regret my love of saving money come next Thursday when we’re disheveled and incoherent! 😉 Wish us luck.

@Barrowman congrats on yesterday’s HS. @MikeyBikey congratulations on yours today.
@RichardsUsername love a Red Dwarf quote. Have a good day Ace. :rofl:

Hope everyone has a super Saturday.
Have fun . Wish i had those days back with small children . Just memories now but oh the bad was worth it . i just recall the good
Have fun . Wish i had those days back with small children . Just memories now but oh the bad was worth it . i just recall the good
We’ve taken the oldest three grandchildren away lots of times, including Spain, but never taken the two youngest anywhere. As we get older and more decrepit, I feel that this may be the first, and the last time we do! We’re shattered after just having them for the day! But there’s loads of things to do to keep them entertained and I don’t have to feed them, so theoretically it should be easier. Fingers crossed!
Good morning everyone

BG 4.8
Pulse 54
BP not done

I had an endocrinology review a few months back where, in alarm, they advised me to change when and how much steroids I take each day. Ever since then my evening BG has been higher than I would like. It was always in the low 5's upper 4's before but now it is in the upper 6's

. I didn't twig what was going on and I tried all sorts of diet changes but nothing brought the evening BG down. Looking things up in the internet, steroids can raise BG some 4 to 5 hours after taking them. So, after 10 plus years of being advised incorrectly and taking my steroids incorrectly but my evening BG being low and my HbA1C being below the diabetic point, i am now advised differently and my evening BG goes up too high.

My conclusion to all this is to revert to my previous steroid dosage and timing. The change was from a registrar. The original was from the consultant. Interestingly, the registrar was, on paper, more correct, but it just doesn't seem to work for me. Any thoughts?

And, if steroids can give problems with BG why don't they either provide a test meter or do 6 monthly HbA1c tests. Do they not care?

Sorry, I am getting a bit frustrated with the lack of important information being supplied to me and the lack of important tests. This is not the first time too.

Anyway, have a great day today whatever you are doing
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Good morning - only it isn't its foul. Wet, windy and dark with thunder forecast as light releif later on.

FBG 6.6 today.

Managed to get the orchard mowed yesterday. It is a big job if it gets overgrown and the grass was over 6 inches long and rather lush. It took an hour and a half to mow and needed 2 hrs for breathing and heart rate to stabilise afterwards. I shall have to be careful to take no notice of offers to mow which do not materialise and just get back on my own schedule.

Had a nasty shock when inspecting my dahlias - in amongst them were 3 well grown tomato plants just coming into flower! I am violently allergic to tomatoes so never buy or plant them. Today's urgent job is to get the gauntlets on and uproot the brutes. I'm beginning to get quite paranoid about people coming onto the holding if I go out and began to wonder if it was sabotage but probably just a seed spreading bird - padlocking the front gate isn't going to keep them out. I note the wild birds are very hungry this year: 12 fat balls and half a kilo of mixed seeds each day.

Wishing everyone a good weekend.
4.0 for me and like my diabetes twin, I needed 2 JBs in the night to get there. Thought I would get away without my 1.5-2 units of Fiasp for FOTF this morning, with being so low to start the day and planning on having breakfast later, so no bolus, but by the time I had pulled clothes on and made a coffee, I was up to 6.8 and climbing, so had to jab it in late.
Off to another show today but we are just taking Arthur on his own and just in the basic exercise cart class as he needs to start at a much lower level than Zak is at. Forecast is for some heavy rain showers around midday when our class is on but at least there will not be any worry about our good vehicle getting wet and muddy, so it should be a relatively easy day with just one horse to look after. Not sure Arthur will be impressed at having to go on his own but will do him good.

Many Congratulations to @MikeyBikey on your House Special this morning.
Good morning everyone

BG 4.8
Pulse 54
BP not done

I had an endocrinology review a few months back where, in alarm, they advised me to change when and how much steroids I take each day. Ever since then my evening BG has been higher than I would like. It was always in the low 5's upper 4's before but now it is in the upper 6's

. I didn't twig what was going on and I tried all sorts of diet changes but nothing brought the evening BG down. Looking things up in the internet, steroids can raise BG some 4 to 5 hours after taking them. So, after 10 plus years of being advised incorrectly and taking my steroids incorrectly but my evening BG being low and my HbA1C being below the diabetic point, i am now advised differently and my evening BG goes up too high.

My conclusion to all this is to revert to my previous steroid dosage and timing. The change was from a registrar. The original was from the consultant. Interestingly, the registrar was, on paper, more correct, but it just doesn't seem to work for me. Any thoughts?

And, if steroids can give problems with BG why don't they either provide a test meter or do 6 monthly HbA1c tests. Do they not care?

Sorry, I am getting a bit frustrated with the lack of important information being supplied to me and the lack of important tests. This is not the first time too.

Anyway, have a great day today whatever you are doing
I sympathise - I'm on prednisalone. Steroids do raise BG and can actually induce diabetes T2. I take mine in the morning otherwise they prevent sleep. Do not lower your dose too quickly as it is quite dangerous - taper slowly back to what level your condition requires to give your natural levels time to come back up.
@TinaD thanks, no I am not lowering the dosage just the timing, back to how it was for over 10 years.

The real problem is that it is hard to know what questions you need to ask if you don't know that something is relevant. Surely the consultants, registrars, doctors are the experts....apparently sometimes not.

I try very hard to manage my own health issues but still I am constantly surprised by new unexpected revelations.
@TinaD thanks, no I am not lowering the dosage just the timing, back to how it was for over 10 years.

The real problem is that it is hard to know what questions you need to ask if you don't know that something is relevant. Surely the consultants, registrars, doctors are the experts....apparently sometimes not.

I try very hard to manage my own health issues but still I am constantly surprised by new unexpected revelations.
OK _ I took "My conclusion to all this is to revert to my previous steroid dosage and timing." as an indication that you were also thinking of changing dosage. Glad to see that you have had the most relevant "revelation" - medics vary in competance..
Good morning 8.1
yesterday was @ a Len Goodman are we still allowed to call it that ?

congratulations @MikeyBikey on todays HS
@Barrowman congrats on yours yesterday

next appointment has come through for hospital visit for my ankle (mid September)
back to work on Monday, doing half days initially

Have a fabulous weekend everyone 😎
was in the high 8s but mainly held there all night.
Alexa was not silenced last night and I actually did my basal. 😉
I kick myself every time that happens, makes the day so much harder to try and keep on top of it all.
todays job - try and bump it all back down from the top end of range :D

So i picked up my bag yesterday. happy to find they replaced the broken part without it being too obvious. I really do love my lil backpack.
(its this one I have but in grey - yep totally a plug for the DUK shop :D)
Well done @MikeyBikey on the HS this morning. Seems I'm stuck on 5.3. 🙂

Good morning 8.1
yesterday was @ a Len Goodman are we still allowed to call it that ?

congratulations @MikeyBikey on todays HS
@Barrowman congrats on yours yesterday

next appointment has come through for hospital visit for my ankle (mid September)
back to work on Monday, doing half days initially

Have a fabulous weekend everyone 😎
Maybe a “late Len Goodman”? :confused: I’m sure Len will be looking down on us and laughing.
Good morning - only it isn't its foul. Wet, windy and dark with thunder forecast as light releif later on.

FBG 6.6 today.

Managed to get the orchard mowed yesterday. It is a big job if it gets overgrown and the grass was over 6 inches long and rather lush. It took an hour and a half to mow and needed 2 hrs for breathing and heart rate to stabilise afterwards. I shall have to be careful to take no notice of offers to mow which do not materialise and just get back on my own schedule.

Had a nasty shock when inspecting my dahlias - in amongst them were 3 well grown tomato plants just coming into flower! I am violently allergic to tomatoes so never buy or plant them. Today's urgent job is to get the gauntlets on and uproot the brutes. I'm beginning to get quite paranoid about people coming onto the holding if I go out and began to wonder if it was sabotage but probably just a seed spreading bird - padlocking the front gate isn't going to keep them out. I note the wild birds are very hungry this year: 12 fat balls and half a kilo of mixed seeds each day.

Wishing everyone a good weekend.
We tend to throw the split or manky tomatoes in the compost heap, the result of that is tomato seedlings sprouting up everywhere. The same happened with some squash seeds which appeared among the brassicas but I transplanted those and they are now producing a random selection of autumn squashes.
I remember my grandson saying when he was little, 'I really wish I liked tomatoes as they look so nice' but they make him sick.
Your mowing sounds like hard work, probably doesn't help if it is damp.
We’ve taken the oldest three grandchildren away lots of times, including Spain, but never taken the two youngest anywhere. As we get older and more decrepit, I feel that this may be the first, and the last time we do! We’re shattered after just having them for the day! But there’s loads of things to do to keep them entertained and I don’t have to feed them, so theoretically it should be easier. Fingers crossed!
I don't have that pleasure of grandchildren but I can appreciate how tired you will be. If only you could get them to share that energy. I always tell my thin friends who say I share everything, it is a pity what I'd love to share is my fat and receive things like the energy children have when they don't need as much.
I did hope by now my tummy would have settled with a low-carb diet but I am blaming tummy
for not having the energy the diet is supposed to bring.

5.1 today, off grocery shopping and then knit and natter. Day 17 and still coughing, but definitely improving, going to try some exercise tomorrow, dont think it will be much running probably more walking, but be good to start again.

@MikeyBikey - congratulations on your HS
We tend to throw the split or manky tomatoes in the compost heap, the result of that is tomato seedlings sprouting up everywhere. The same happened with some squash seeds which appeared among the brassicas but I transplanted those and they are now producing a random selection of autumn squashes.
I remember my grandson saying when he was little, 'I really wish I liked tomatoes as they look so nice' but they make him sick.
Your mowing sounds like hard work, probably doesn't help if it is damp.
Can he eat tomato soup? My sister could not eat raw tomato or ketchup but drank tomato soup which I used to find strange. Sadly I say could as she is no longer with us.
5.4 this morning and a sensor change now.

Made the rookie mistake of stacking insulin last night due to being impatient for a 10.something to come back into range. Paid the price as I had a hypo going to bed, corrected it then woke to another one at 3am😱. All my fault.

Congratulations to @MikeyBikey on your HS today and to @Barrowman for your one yesterday!

@Lucyr - glad to hear your DSN appointment went well and your figures are all doing well.

@eggyg - I’m sure you’ll all have a good time and enjoy Blackpool. We’re not quite at the stage of taking the grandchildren away, a holiday on the boat would be hard, trying to look after them and keep them safe whilst handling the boat and locks! They need to be a bit older for that.

Have a good day everyone.
Morning all. I kept waking and dozing back off to sleep so readings were between 4.4 and 5.1. Pity it didn't get to 5.2, i'd have been out of bed like a shot :rofl:

Cleaning and vaccuuming is the task for today. I live such an exciting life!

Congrats on the HS @MikeyBikey .

Have a good day everyone.

Ps. While typing this i heard a strange trickling sound. Turns out the plant i've just watered, the pot has sprung a leak and the water is everywhere over my table 🙄. Time to get a new pot i think.
Bit of a lie in this morning and wasn't up and about until almost 8 o'clock. That's an hour later than usual. Nice morning so far although the sun keeps disappearing for short periods.

Football Fest today with two World Cup QFs and the first Saturday of the new Premier League season. How am I going to fit anything else in I wonder?

Congratulations @MikeyBikey on your HS. Rare as hens' teeth for me at the moment. A 5.7 this morning.

Whatever your plans enjoy your Saturday.