Group 7-day waking average?

Well, I am just squeezing in with my morning reading before the close of play. It was 7.1 for me and a lovely flat line overnight. Reasonably happy with that. I clearly got my evening Levemir right after some hoof trimming and a walk, plus the usual chores. Was rather stiff and sore this morning, so have had an easy day. Had lunch with my friend and allowed her to tempt me into being naughty and had a dessert..... and not just any dessert, I had a dessert that I would have had pre-diagnosis..... a really naughty sticky toffee pudding with ice cream. It was nice but after a vegetable fajita it was just too much. Of course I didn't realize I was stuffed until after I had eaten it all, but we took her brother's dog that she was dog sitting for a little walk afterwards to try to aid our digestion and lessen the strain. It will be a long time before I have a main course and dessert again. My stomach just doesn't like that much food. If I had planned the dessert in advance I would have had a starter instead of a main course. Anyway, I needed lots of insulin but I managed to keep it mostly within range with a brief spell up to 11 about 3hours afterwards, but I also needed 2 separate JBs, one during the meal and one just as I was about to drive home to prevent lows. Libre is a wonderful tool for helping manage such situations and we are so lucky to now have this technology. One thing is for sure, I haven't needed anything more to eat today!! Just about to have another walk and head up to the village to sort GGs for the night, so will burn off a bit more of the effects and might continue on for a midnight walk once stable duties are done.
Our weather has been very overcast but warm and humid today. Not pleasant and flies were out in force bothering the horses. Thankfully mine can come into the stable to get away from the worst of them (hence I will have some significant mucking out to do tonight) but some of the horses I passed in fields, as I was going for lunch, were looking quite distressed by them.
Anyway, hope you are all having a relaxing evening and wishing you all House Specials in the morning.... self included of course! 😉
I always love the picturesque field with horses etc . Conversely there is so much hard work and worry. It must have been so nice to go out and enjoy yourself . Fingers crossed on you for HS but i cant aee me there now.
Good morning. 6.2

Not sure what to expect from the weather Gods today. Yesterday dried the lawns up so that I was able to give them a "short back and sides". Body went on strike over strimming the edges so the orchard didn't get cut but I am moblle this morning which I didn't anticipate! Tempted to treat myself to a ride on but they are not very manoeverable and wouldn't count towards my 10k steps a day or whatever we are supposed to be doing now. Sad to see the silver birch are already losing leaves - autumn in August - weird. The butterfly population has increased and is making good use of the buddleias but only about half the number of last year.

Wolf is on borrowed time - the stinker dug 2 holes whilst I was busy mowing. Good thing my neighbours are several 100 yds off as the language was blue. Cayenne pepper seems like a rellsh to him instead of a deterrent. Back to the internet to seek an alternative which is grandchild friendly but GSD hateful.

Hope everyone has a good day.
Good morning! 5'7 today.

I had a bread roll for breakfast the last 2 days and saw big spikes. Not crazy but higher than my usual. My first thought is sort of a type 2 approach: reduce portion of this food or avoid it in the morning. But then I wonder if I should take some bolus instead? My BG was back to the previous level after 2-3 hours so I worry if I took insulin I would go low. Also, opening a pen when I know most of it will go to the bin after a month (or 2) out of the fridge seems so wasteful! :(

I'm feeling experimental so this morning I had half a roll, and there's one left in the pack that I will have for dinner, so I can compare the effect in morning vs. evening.

Oh, and I only have one teabag of English breakfast tea. I drink that more in winter and I have a bunch of other teas at home, so I'm not rushing to the store. But it feels somehow wrong not having this one? I mean, what if an English friend pops by and I can't offer a cuppa?? Then I remember I don't have English friends o_O :D
Good morning everyone

BG 5.1 so close
BP 119/78
Pulse 54

It was soooo hot last night I found it hard to get to sleep, but I did manage it after a while. Woke up this morning feeling cold! There's no pleasing some!!!

Wrote a new happy song yesterday. It won't break any world records but I was happy with it and it was a good long practice time.

I got a Brother label maker from Amazon yesterday. We have so many plugs, wires, things that I felt it was about time to reduce the confusion across the house. And it looks like a great new toy!!!

Today practice (yes, more), and that's about it, maybe some exercise (feeling lazy this morning).

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Morning all. A very nice, and low for me, 5.5 and almost a flatfish.

Muggy and sticky yesterday and through the night. Looks fresher today but still showing 17c. Forecast changeable. Should get out for a walk with the hordes though. Last Friday we did painting, ‘twas a tad messy, this week I’ve bought some new supplies of craft stuff, that will be this morning’s activity. Pipe cleaners, stickers etc but I did spot some coloured glitter in a shaker like tub. Different sections have a different colour, I bought it.Do I let them loose on it or not? It actually could be worse than the painting. I’ll see how they get on with the boring things first!

@Northerner well done on the lesser spotted HS. Have a Battenberg to celebrate. 😉

Have a fab Friday folks.

This was last week’s activity! 😱


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Morning all, 5.1 here, so close!
Daughter dragged me off the see Barbie last night. Very entertaining but slightly weird! There’s a new independent cinema in her town, very civilised, each screen only seats about 40, you sit in armchairs, and there are little tables to hold your coffee or glass of wine.
Morning all, 5.1 here, so close!
Daughter dragged me off the see Barbie last night. Very entertaining but slightly weird! There’s a new independent cinema in her town, very civilised, each screen only seats about 40, you sit in armchairs, and there are little tables to hold your coffee or glass of wine.
Very civilised. There’s two independent cinemas in Ambleside and we went to one last year. There was a small bar and the cinema only had about 30/40 seats and you could take your wine or G &T in, in a proper glass too. Then we had dinner in their vegetarian restaurant and not a scrap of popcorn or tub of ice cream was to be seen. Perfect.
6.9 on the old finger prick. Sensor finished yesterday and I’m taking a few days off so back to finger pricks once a day for a change.
Well done @Northerner on your HS. It was 5.5 for me earlier this morning. 🙂

Morning all. Ooops, 3.3! Despite the JBs i'd had earlier to stop a drop. Its been a flat line overnight though which is rare. I upped my basal by half a unit last night to try and stop spikes.

Today, nothing is planned except to enjoy the last day of sunshine (unless the forecast is wrong) before the rain starts again.

Congrats @Northerner on the HS.

Have a good day everyone.
Morning all. 7.4 @ 7.34am. Having great sleeps lately despite the heat. 🙂

My sister got her new arm thingy yesterday and it fell off on the way home. :rofl:
11.3. Someone told alexa to shut up during the basal reminder alarm and went back to sleep (spoiler it was me) so been working with fast acting since 2am to keep a lid on it all 😳

Need to nip into town later, I put my myabetic mini backpack into the menders to see if they could fix the strap that was showing signs of damage. Hopefully he's managed to do something with it. *fingers crossed*. (I did tell him I'm not looking for perfection but rather keeping it alive).

I have a video call with a DSN today, which was booked after my friend rang them about the problems I’ve been having with the dr there. Bit nervous about it.