Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all. 7.6 after a spike overnight. I dropped to mid 4s just before bed so had a handful of peanuts. Graph shows i spiked, so must have been them. I remember the alarm going off but must have gone straight back to sleep.

Busy day today. A funeral this morning, lunch with a friend then picking mum up so she had tea with us. I'm dreading the funeral, it will be really upsetting.

I'd better get a move on. I need to be ready by 9.30. Catch up later. Have a good day.
Funerals are full of emotion whether its poignant or sad or tears of thankfulness and admiration on the persons life. Its really a moving on too as that page ends . DeAth to ne is too final . Grief is different for everyone and the time can fedl surreal. Also everyones send off is so unique and tradition verses diversity in all areas. I think a funeral is a good yet a bad thing to cope with. i wish you well and hope your day is better than expected. One thing i focus on is how would they want me to remember them. I often have the thought they see us and think yes they would want me to be happy. I try and make them proud .
5.6 for me this morning. 🙂

Good morning - 9.0 at 8:00

Have a great day everyone
5.1 this morning for me.

Using new injection sites in thighs and sides (rather than front of abdomen) and so far so good, pain free and no obvious change in insulin absorption. Really want to give the main tummy area a break for a few months.

@eggyg - love the Project Greenhouse photos! Really looking smart now!

@Gwynn - great to hear you had a good day yesterday and an enjoyable walk with your wife.

Hope everyone has a good day and gets some long awaited sunshine!
Morning all and 5.9 for me.

Basal work in progress. Another unit off last night but still went into the red..This morning usual breakfast 14 after two hours. It'll get sorted.

Washing out and I've got a car battery to change.

Have a good day everyone.
Morning campers. And I think we could camp, it’s 17 degrees now. This time yesterday it was 9! Anyhoo,back to business. 8.9! Maybe that delicious crust of homemade bread I couldn’t resist at bedtime as I was slightly under the 7 mark. Ginger nut next time.

Today is suppose to be a scorcher, but not a nice one. Muggy without much sun. Back to the rain tomorrow. What crazy mixed up weather the world is having. Very worrying. :(
So what am I doing today on the hottest day for weeks? Making soup! I know, I know but I have a ton of homegrown carrots and I’m going to attempt to make carrot and coriander soup. My last attempt was awful so I’ve done some intensive research and I’m going to add some red chilli, fresh ginger and more ground coriander and some ground cumin. I’m not going to mix the fresh coriander in before blending but add it afterwards with a light drizzle of cream. Anyone any tried and tested recipes?

Have a good day and hope you all don’t get too sweaty!

Edited to add some greenhouse pictures. We have a door and a window. No glass but we’re getting there.

Looks good and allays my fears that the project was actually a cage for the grandchildren! :rofl:
Just missed the HS with a 5.3 this beautiful sunny morning, already showing a 22.4c this could be a hot one...
I actually have no idea what BS is right now as I overslept past the sensor changeover: the end of sensor alarm woke me up around 10:00; groggily put the new sensor on the inside of my right arm & waiting for it to go at 11:02.

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

Not 100% yet but, felt the change late last night so, had a VERY LATE dinner, around 23:30, before going to bed! I stayed quite high yesterday, in the 11’s & going up to 16’s/17’s when I ate twice & don’t know about dinner as I slept right after it, & the morning half oatcake DP bust didn’t work at all but, I know that now; it works at night; may work at other times JUST not when waking!

DSN got back to me just now & she sounds under the weather as well so, is taking a week off as she was coughing as we spoke! Ah, sensor ready to go 11:02 BS 11.1 still high! DSN confirms that I could start reducing tresiba by -2 for a week & see what overnight is like before going down another -2 for a week. She says it shouldn’t really affect the NR doses so, it’ll be 76 tresiba later at midday today! DSN says my sugars aren’t that bad with me feeling unwell & keep it up!

I ate quite a bit of strawberry jelly, the normal made from the block stuff with whatever sugar is in it & didn’t add any as my mum used to add 2tsp when we were kids, yesterday as it was easy to get down my swollen throat & will have some more now for breakfast! 😛:D A pretty strange breakfast but, needs must!o_O:rofl:
Funerals are full of emotion whether its poignant or sad or tears of thankfulness and admiration on the persons life. Its really a moving on too as that page ends . DeAth to ne is too final . Grief is different for everyone and the time can fedl surreal. Also everyones send off is so unique and tradition verses diversity in all areas. I think a funeral is a good yet a bad thing to cope with. i wish you well and hope your day is better than expected. One thing i focus on is how would they want me to remember them. I often have the thought they see us and think yes they would want me to be happy. I try and make them proud .
Thank you @Nayshiftin. It was upsetting, the end of a chapter but speaking to others there, i do feel better. It wasn't a relative but a fantastic, close neighbour who was always there if needed. I shall miss them oh so much. At least going to lunch now with my friend will be joyful and full of laughter.
Just sitting down to a cuppa after batching cooking 3 shepherds pie about 2.5 hours after breakfast with loads of room, yet, to drop in the 14’s: 1 big pie & 2 little ones in the enamel pie dishes that are trendy now & I LOVE; a total of 6 portions but, it could be 8! I just add the same amount of finely diced, frozen ready diced, veg to the meat with the oxo, herbs & cornflour so, with a bit less mash on top I eat it on its own for 6 portions instead of having more potatoes & veg on the side!

Trying out Twining’s Rooibos Honey & spiced fig tea with milk & 0.5 tsp of honey! I like it: something different; a lighter tasting cuppa from my tea usual Twinings Everyday!
It was lovely! Didn’t make it too strong so, the milk & honey overwhelmed it a bit but, know what to expect now & brew it a bit longer next time! BS in the 12’s now & just coming up to 4 hours after breakfast. Will wait a bit for shepherds pie that’s sitting ready! Just the big one to cook in oven until 17:00: couldn’t fit them all on the shelf & did the small ones first!

Did I say I LOVE those old fashioned enamel pie dishes? 😛 They’re pretty good non-stick, made to last, no need to keep replacing, quite easy to clean & can even be served straight from it so, no need for extra washing up!😎:D
It was lovely! Didn’t make it too strong so, the milk & honey overwhelmed it a bit but, know what to expect now & brew it a bit longer next time! BS in the 12’s now & just coming up to 4 hours after breakfast. Will wait a bit for shepherds pie that’s sitting ready! Just the big one to cook in oven until 17:00: couldn’t fit them all on the shelf & did the small ones first!

Did I say I LOVE those old fashioned enamel pie dishes? 😛 They’re pretty good non-stick, made to last, no need to keep replacing, quite easy to clean & can even be served straight from it so, no need for extra washing up!😎:D
Good advert.
Hardly morning now - awful day today, grey and foggy and it hasn't improved. Though yesterday we did get a bit of diffuse sunshine late afternoon. Right now it's drizzling.

Forgot to post yesterday as I thought I'd update you all later then forgot. Anyway 5.8 yesterday and 5.1 today.

Yesterday afternoon I had an appointment with the DSN at the local hospital - I was looking forward to talking to her on a one to one basis as she is also T1, but in the event the pump nurse from the county hospital was there, which was a good thing as she was able to impart some interesting news. I hadn't had an Hba1c as the GP's surgery nurse said it wasn't necessary as I'd had one in May.... however, as it happened she was right as the 2 nurses were more interested in looking at my Libre and PDM information. Apparently they are very pleased with me (although I am less enthusiastic about my control due firstly to the hot holiday where the insulin in my pod wasn't lasting more than about 45 hours and secondly having the chest infection and the bad leg with attendent pain). The pump nurse said she was training the other nurse up to help her as my clinic feel they are lagging badly behind in looping and she cannot cope on her own. So it looks like the clinic will be stepping up to get all patients on pumps looping in the near future. Unfortunately apparently I will be at the back of the queue as my control is so good - bleugh. I'll post this in the main forum for comment.

Today I had an appointment at a facility half across Cornwall with a complete mess of roadworks and diversions en-route where they are dualling the A30. It's a nightmare. It was to have a kidney scan and I'd been dreading it as I had to drink 2 pints of water an hour before as they wanted a full bladder. I was entirely unsure whether I'd hold it and be stranded somewhere in a traffic jam. In the event we set off very early and I was able to sit in the car park to drink the water so that if necessary there was a loo nearby. All went well and it was over very quickly. Apparently, despite a gradually diminishing eGFR (down from 70 to 54) all looked normal. I shall initiate another conversation with the GP as I feel it's possibly the Losartan that's causing it.

So... apologies for not commenting on anyone else's posts today but time for me to prepare dinner!

Hope you all had a good day and {{{{{HUGS}}}} to Freesia.
Well, I am just squeezing in with my morning reading before the close of play. It was 7.1 for me and a lovely flat line overnight. Reasonably happy with that. I clearly got my evening Levemir right after some hoof trimming and a walk, plus the usual chores. Was rather stiff and sore this morning, so have had an easy day. Had lunch with my friend and allowed her to tempt me into being naughty and had a dessert..... and not just any dessert, I had a dessert that I would have had pre-diagnosis..... a really naughty sticky toffee pudding with ice cream. It was nice but after a vegetable fajita it was just too much. Of course I didn't realize I was stuffed until after I had eaten it all, but we took her brother's dog that she was dog sitting for a little walk afterwards to try to aid our digestion and lessen the strain. It will be a long time before I have a main course and dessert again. My stomach just doesn't like that much food. If I had planned the dessert in advance I would have had a starter instead of a main course. Anyway, I needed lots of insulin but I managed to keep it mostly within range with a brief spell up to 11 about 3hours afterwards, but I also needed 2 separate JBs, one during the meal and one just as I was about to drive home to prevent lows. Libre is a wonderful tool for helping manage such situations and we are so lucky to now have this technology. One thing is for sure, I haven't needed anything more to eat today!! Just about to have another walk and head up to the village to sort GGs for the night, so will burn off a bit more of the effects and might continue on for a midnight walk once stable duties are done.
Our weather has been very overcast but warm and humid today. Not pleasant and flies were out in force bothering the horses. Thankfully mine can come into the stable to get away from the worst of them (hence I will have some significant mucking out to do tonight) but some of the horses I passed in fields, as I was going for lunch, were looking quite distressed by them.
Anyway, hope you are all having a relaxing evening and wishing you all House Specials in the morning.... self included of course! 😉