Group 7-day waking average?

5.3 on this bright & sunny Berkshire morning, with blue skies and not a cloud in sight. Hopefully that's how the rest of the day will be. It would be nice to be able to sit out in the garden with a cup of coffee. Our garden furniture seems to have been covered up for weeks, with the covers mostly soaking wet.

Our youngest slept off whatever was wrong with him yesterday and he was back to his usual self by teatime. I did forego my usual swim so as not to leave him home alone if he was unwell so I got on top of the ironing instead. I have read that housework counts as exercise but not sure it beats 20 lengths of the pool. Anyway, I never heard a peep from him until early afternoon. I'm going to go for a swim today instead.

Congrats @Robin - I almost joined you on the HS podium.

Have a good day everyone.
6.5 for me earlier, but there was a 3 unit correction involved during the night sometime when I woke up restless on 11.3 I guess the 2 unit Levemir reduction for my long walk yesterday wasn't necessary as the walk didn't have the usual effect of lowering my overnight levels and requiring said reduction.
Hugely relieved that my Freelander passed it's test yesterday with just a couple of defects to sort out. When you run old cars, MOT time is always a worry and this car has done 178,000 miles so it would not be unreasonable to have some serious wear and tear! Funny thing is that it thinks it's a rally car and all it wants to do is go fast which is really odd for a diesel! Even towing a trailer with a carriage on it last week, you would think there was nothing behind us, even up he steepest hills. I am more of a steady smooth driver but this car absolutely hates tootling along and grumbles and judders until you put your foot down and then it accelerates away smoothly and is happy. I don't think we are well matched but in the year that I have had it, I am eventually growing to like it. I certainly like that it passed it's test!!

Congrats to @Robin on your House Special this morning.

@Gwynn I agree with @ColinUK that there are positives in your situation although I can totally understand that it would bring you down. It seems that previously, she has hidden in the house and let these fears amplify until she couldn't cope. Coming out and walking with you and communicating them to you, will almost certainly help her to cope better rather than go into crisis and the exercise will also have helped her mentally, so I think/hope there will be an overall benefit for you to the situation, even if it was difficult to deal with at the time. I wonder if you can encourage her to do it again but before she has built up to that stage when it is boiling over. Hope that she is feeling a bit less anxious today and that the sun and some exercise will restore your mental wellbeing too.
08:59 BS 8.9 & I feel unwell today.

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! A bit of a pretend one but, still one 😉 Which is slightly better than me propping myself up for a 🙂 ? :confused:

Don’t really want to get up or eat but, BS pretty quickly rose to 10’s where it’s been fluctuating a bit, mid & low 10’s, as I’m feeling bunged up, sinuses, wheezy, a wet gurgling wheezing & wet cough!

It’s not long to midday now when I HAVE to have meds & tresiba! See what BS is then & try to eat a bit?

Only brief contact I’ve had with anyone, this week, is yesterday’s tesco delivery guy but, covid is going around again so, may have caught it! Hopefully it’s not too bad if so & I recover soon? I’m not going anywhere anyway & don’t have any tests so, won’t bother with that!

I think THIS IS ACTUALLY REAL as opposed to the phantom illnesses of previously from injecting FAR TOO MUCH insulin? :confused:
Late on parade today. 5.4 this morning for me and just now recovering from a hypo thanks to doing a very minor bit of gardening after work! Grrr. My DSN yesterday said that gardening typically takes 30g / hour of carbs. Not heard that before and of course it depends on exactly what you are doing. I couldn‘t have reduced insulin for lunch as that was hours ago and I’ve done the gardening now, so a quick 16g of carbs to bring me back up.

Congratulations @Robin on your HS!

Hope everyone has had a good day!
Sensor lasted the full fourteen days and died last night around 3am. The last reading was 4.8

Finger prick just now and it’s 4.9
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Good morning! Applied a new sensor just before bed and according to it, I woke in a 4'2 and spent the last 4 hours mostly in the red. Finger prick however was 5'7, so I suspect I was in range, tho near the 4 line.

My man was joking before my trip asking "what are you bringing me from London?" and I messaged him from there asking what he would like. He said he could do with some chocolate. Perfect, I got him some fancy ones in Covent Garden (and some for me hehe). I wasn't sure how much he would appreciate them but he looked surprised and very grateful and excited. He even hugged me in the street and he is usually not one for public display of affection! Made my day 🙂

Then yesterday he came in the afternoon and said he might come back in the evening after a course he is doing. Later he said he wouldn't come, I was disappointed. Oh well, at least I went to bed at a decent time...
Good morning 6.9 again

saw the foot tickler yesterday she was happy with what she saw
not quite as much feeling in my toes (on the electric shock machine thingy)
but she said it wasn’t to bad

looking like summer here again today
just about to run my wife to work
have a fabulous day everyone 😎
Morning campers. And I think we could camp, it’s 17 degrees now. This time yesterday it was 9! Anyhoo,back to business. 8.9! Maybe that delicious crust of homemade bread I couldn’t resist at bedtime as I was slightly under the 7 mark. Ginger nut next time.

Today is suppose to be a scorcher, but not a nice one. Muggy without much sun. Back to the rain tomorrow. What crazy mixed up weather the world is having. Very worrying. :(
So what am I doing today on the hottest day for weeks? Making soup! I know, I know but I have a ton of homegrown carrots and I’m going to attempt to make carrot and coriander soup. My last attempt was awful so I’ve done some intensive research and I’m going to add some red chilli, fresh ginger and more ground coriander and some ground cumin. I’m not going to mix the fresh coriander in before blending but add it afterwards with a light drizzle of cream. Anyone any tried and tested recipes?

Have a good day and hope you all don’t get too sweaty!

Edited to add some greenhouse pictures. We have a door and a window. No glass but we’re getting there.


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Morning campers. And I think we could camp, it’s 17 degrees now. This time yesterday it was 9! Anyhoo,back to business. 8.9! Maybe that delicious crust of homemade bread I couldn’t resist at bedtime as I was slightly under the 7 mark. Ginger nut next time.

Today is suppose to be a scorcher, but not a nice one. Muggy without much sun. Back to the rain tomorrow. What crazy mixed up weather the world is having. Very worrying. :(
So what am I doing today on the hottest day for weeks? Making soup! I know, I know but I have a ton of homegrown carrots and I’m going to attempt to make carrot and coriander soup. My last attempt was awful so I’ve done some intensive research and I’m going to add some red chilli, fresh ginger and more ground coriander and some ground cumin. I’m not going to mix the fresh coriander in before blending but add it afterwards with a light drizzle of cream. Anyone any tried and tested recipes?

Have a good day and hope you all don’t get too sweaty!

Edited to add some greenhouse pictures. We have a door and a window. No glass but we’re getting there.
Yesterday , I had celery soup from the freezer Id made from celery that we left in until this year. it was tasty.
I love homemade Carrot and Coriander soup but always use fresh coriander at the end and don't really cook it through. It does have dried cumin and coriander but your idea of chilli sounds good too. My favourite is Parsnip.
but like carrot i think it might be too high carb
Doesn't”t feel like a summers day here yet but might do later
My blood sugar was 6.5 at 3.30 if thats f2f but back to 8.5 as i got up at 7.
Ah well it seems to he lurking here.I do get liver dumps throughout the day .
i do think i might have to endure medication.
Wish I could treat this myself n not face DN or Gp.
Morning all, 6.2 here. We had summer yesterday. and there’s supposed to be more of the same today. Might get some towels dry outside for a change.
i got my bed linen done plus two loads out n dried yesterday. Even got my grass cut . Today i fell less productive . My legs last night i just want to take them off . Also woke up in pain in the right rib cage tis better now but feels like my ribs stick
in the bed . ive obviously no fat at that bit only where its not meant to be. Hope you get your washing dried. Its so much fresher when we do.
Morning all. 7.6 after a spike overnight. I dropped to mid 4s just before bed so had a handful of peanuts. Graph shows i spiked, so must have been them. I remember the alarm going off but must have gone straight back to sleep.

Busy day today. A funeral this morning, lunch with a friend then picking mum up so she had tea with us. I'm dreading the funeral, it will be really upsetting.

I'd better get a move on. I need to be ready by 9.30. Catch up later. Have a good day.
Another bright, sunny and blue-sky Berkshire morning and it's forecast to be the same all day, with highs of 24 degrees and no rain. Not before time, I have to say. We did manage to get the covers off our garden furniture yesterday and were able to relax in the sunshine with a hot drink when my wife got home from work. Haven't done that for a while.

Enjoyed my swim yesterday and shared the pool with people who understood what lane swimming means, which hasn't been the case on my last two sessions. I don't normally swim on Wednesdays but I'd scrubbed my usual Tuesday swim as our youngest was unwell. Will be going again today to maintain my twice-a-week routine.

Got a surprisingly low 4.4 post-prandial yesterday evening after a fish & salad tea followed by a walk over to LIDL and back. My food diary shows that I average 5.6 for that meal so it just goes to show what a post-prandial walk can do. Should do it more often.

5.5 on the meter this morning.

Enjoy today's slice of Summer, everyone.
Good morning everyone

Tuesday was quite upsetting with my wife being so negative and fearful. Wednesday was the exact opposite. Another walk with her but this time she was positive, happy, relaxed. She was happy all day. I really enjoyed it. It is quite stressful though not knowing how she is going to be from one minute to the next. Still, I plod on, keeping things as calm for her as I can.

BG this morning the same as yesterday 5.4
Pulse 54
BP a bit raised at 123/80

Today is going to be a bit hot I think.

Later keyboard practice oh, and an appointment at the opticians.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
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