Group 7-day waking average?

Now eating said prawn sandwich as tesco arrived bang on 09:00! BS was 10.1 put in 48 with everything still on the table: even the frozen stuff can wait 15/20 minutes before I put it away; lesson from yesterday is don’t let BS rise too high before eating!
7.0 this morning, still around there even an 1 hour since my bolus. Seems to be stubborn today.

Good DSN appointment yesterday, even allowing ages to get there and park I was only about 10 minutes early in the end after cruising a few times around the car park before finding a space. Anyway, my DSN is really pleased with my Libre charts and claims she hasn’t seen any as good. Overall control is good and despite a low estimated HbA1c of 46 on Libreview she said the number of hypos is low.

She also looked at my injection sites (first time ever anyone has done this in 15 years!) and noted some “pouches” caused by injection damage. So she has given me alternative sites to use and give the front of the abdomen (which I have been using all along) a rest for 4 to 6 months to heal. It may not resolve totally, but at least no obvious lumps. This is no doubt the effect of using 8mm needles for the past 14 years (only switched to 4mm last year) and not being conscientious about rotating sites that well. Of course, I’m now worrying about this and whether insulin absorption rates will be different now that I am using different areas and thigh for my Levemir. Time will tell. Thank goodness for the Libre so that I can see in real time how things are going!

Hope everyone has a good day!
Shopping put away & BS 10.3 & see how today goes?

Had a think about half oatcake corrections & I think zero baseline is around 14/16 & then 1NR/mmol & I remember I used to put in 14NR in the mornings with half oatcake if in range to hold me in range so, try 14 + mmol I want to go down if I need to next time? But, don’t like doing that & save it for overnight bedtimes when too high! :confused:
The blackberry bush in our garden is producing blackberries faster than we can eat them. I have some as part of my breakfast berry mix but the bush is still winning. We've already given a load away to friends. My wife is going to use some more to make Apple & Blackberry crumbles and freeze them (not that I'll be eating any of them).

Oddly the wild blackberries around here are lagging behind ours.
I make crumble topping with almond flour/ground almonds, low sugar granola, seeds, and butter.
Morning all

It’s a 5.9 for me on a grey less windy than yesterday start to today.

I managed to get in an eight mile bike ride last evening, after going a week without a ride my legs were aching well when I got home.

Have a good day and be safe.
Morning all - another grey day with spasmodic showers. I do feel sorry for the kids on holiday and the tourists in "sunny" Cornwall. Traffic into town was absolutely hideous yesterday. It must be costing parents a fortune visiting "attractions" when they can't sit (free) on the beaches.

6.3 this morning when I woke at 9am. Had been awake from 4:15 to around 6:30am. Then wierd dreams about driving a car round NY city scared stiff - a thing I'd never do! What is it with us lot?

Visited the Chiropractor yesterday and he says my leg is getting better, not so knotty, but it doesn't feel like it. Also finally got all the ironing done. Then a friend texted me to say she has "a big bag of apples" and would I like some? Couldn't turn it down, but I really don't want to make any more jam for the fete... Perhaps I'll make some for us, or freeze some of the apples for pies, or Dorset apple cake? Or make the cake with some of the apples and freeze that? Whatever!

Congratulations to @khskel and @ColinUK on the HS... and to @eggyg on an almost one. You could all lose yourself in this twisty shell house.Nautilius-giant-shell-house-in-Mexico-city.jpg

8.1 today, still got this awful cough and cold on day 13, hoping it clears up soon, forgot to take diabetes meds yesterday not sure how that happened as I leave with the coffee machine so I don’t forget to take them, well clearly that didn’t work yesterday.

@ColinUK - congratulations on all these HS.

Congratulations to everyone that has had HS the last couple of days as I was missing a combinaction of being busy and a bit down in the dumps.
Down loaded the new libre 2 app and put a new sensor in couple of hours ago . Now has continuous glucose readings and you don't hav to scan . How's you good folks who is using it finding it ?
I started my new one on Sunday night. So far its been ok. The only thing i notice is sometimes if i go upstairs or outside and leave my phone in the house, i check the phone when i get back in to find a screen saying signal loss (my house/garden isn't that big). I have to scan to get it back to the screen. The signal loss alarm is turned off.
Down loaded the new libre 2 app and put a new sensor in couple of hours ago . Now has continuous glucose readings and you don't hav to scan . How's you good folks who is using it finding it ?
I’ve had it since the day it updated 12th July. It’s ok on the whole but as @freesia says signal loss is sometimes a problem if I venture too far away from my phone or I close the app down by accident. It’s fine you just scan as we did before. Be aware there’s no log anymore unless you scan. So sometimes it’s hard to remember what it was when you first woke!
Morning all - another grey day with spasmodic showers. I do feel sorry for the kids on holiday and the tourists in "sunny" Cornwall. Traffic into town was absolutely hideous yesterday. It must be costing parents a fortune visiting "attractions" when they can't sit (free) on the beaches.
We spend a week in Fowey every year, starting August Bank Holiday weekend. Hopefully Summer will make a late appearance, especially as we enjoy long walks while we're there.
I never managed to get continuous monitoring & still only doing manual scans but, not quite so many now I know the graph gets filled in when I tap! I’m using two iPhones now as the iPhone SE 2020 after 2.5 years is currently on 86% battery life, it was at 89% before libre, & it’ll need battery replacement at 80% so, ONLY USING IT FOR LIBRE & my older iPhone 6 2015 is on 93% battery life, was 94% before libre, is my mobile phone with the sim card! The libre is SO draining on the battery even without continuous monitoring so, probably just as well it never worked & is still not working for me! 😱🙄:confused:
Down loaded the new libre 2 app and put a new sensor in couple of hours ago . Now has continuous glucose readings and you don't hav to scan . How's you good folks who is using it finding it
My phone updated without incident on the 12the July, the same as eggyg, but I have gone back to using the reader which doesn't have CGM, as I just find the reader so much more convenient and easy to use. I only trialed the LibreLink app for 3 weeks because I lost my reader and I absolutely hated the app, although it was marginally better with the update to CGM, but no where near as good as the reader in my opinion and I am so happy and relieved to go back to using the reader now. I don't need full CGM and by the time I have turned the phone on and selected the app, I could have scanned with my reader. I am sure it will be a question of "horses for courses" but give me a reader to scan with every time. Battery lasts a week between charges, small, easy to use, just no issues as long as you don't lose it! 🙄
Down loaded the new libre 2 app and put a new sensor in couple of hours ago . Now has continuous glucose readings and you don't hav to scan . How's you good folks who is using it finding it ?
I’m on iPhone with iOS 16.6 and using LibreLink v2.10.1.7653.

After the shenanigans of the 12th it has been working ok for me, apart from adding the Novopens. I suspect it’s the sheer amount of data now on them that causes issues. To be honest, I find it faster to make a manual entry in the logbook of how much I injected rather than having to constantly mark the air shot as being “ prime” all the time.

As to the CGM feature, this worked for me on the existing sensor from day one and has continued just fine with new sensors afterwards. I like being able to just open my phone and see the reading without having to scan. I do find that I need to add a note to record my waking reading (or any other reading for a specific time or event), but not an issue for me. I’ve been ok with it not losing signal so not suffered as some have with this issue.

Initially the app seemed to use a lot of battery (probably because I had it open lots of the time to see the figure changing every minute!) but now it is using a daily average of 18%, so not really an issue.
We spend a week in Fowey every year, starting August Bank Holiday weekend. Hopefully Summer will make a late appearance, especially as we enjoy long walks while we're there.
Oh, there are some lovely walks around Fowey, specially if you take one of the ferries to the other side. We have friends who moved there, but despite a lovely flat with a beautiful view over the water they are trying to sell to move back to west Cornwall.
Good moaning! Woke an hour ago at 3.3 and the screaming adjabs of phantom pain! It felt as if a bunsen burner was being plied across my foot. Grated hypo and pain starting to ease - this is where Gabapentin is as effective as red Smarties so it's the opiate trail!

Struggled with Wordle and Quordle but hope to do better with Octordle! Wish me Bonne Mot!