Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning everyone. Up late at 6:15am

BG 5.1 so close
Temp 36.4
Pulse 55
Oxy 96
BP 124/79 ok

Yesterday, for some unknown reason,I felt tired all day. Feel a bit better today.

Nothing much planned for today too. Sigh. No disasters going on, hooray. Meat and potato pie (what 's left of it ) for tea tonight. Hmmm.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
7.0 for me but i needed a single JB during the night for a very minor hypo which was then clearly too much. Not sure I like the idea of having to bite one in half to treat a hypo, especially at night. The decision of whether to bite off the head and shoulders or the legs and hips would stop me from getting back to sleep, I am sure. 🙄

Congrats to @ColinUK yet again. You are starting to make it look far too easy!
Good morning - 7.0

Have a great day everyone
It is surprising how quickly the allotment produces a glut of courgettes, beans, cucumbers and tomatoes.
The blackberry bush in our garden is producing blackberries faster than we can eat them. I have some as part of my breakfast berry mix but the bush is still winning. We've already given a load away to friends. My wife is going to use some more to make Apple & Blackberry crumbles and freeze them (not that I'll be eating any of them).

Oddly the wild blackberries around here are lagging behind ours.
Definitely not getting better 8.7
B. Almonds and yoghurt
L Salmon salad
No pasta Mac and cheese
So i don't know what I am doing wrong . Leg is sore so might be that .
Also my mood is very low and i have no energy that i wanted.
I guess long term blip.
Hunger in evenings is not getting better either.
Hoping all changes soon .
Weather to improve.
After yesterday's trip over the border into sixland I'm back in more familiar territory with a 5.6 this morning. Unfortunately that other familiar territory is also back - grey skies, a forecast of scattered showers and sub-20 temperatures.

Bit of a blow when I went for a haircut yesterday - notice on the door of my barber shop saying that due to unforeseen circumstances they've closed and won't be reopening. They've been there for 30 years and I've been going there for maybe half that time. No shortage of alternatives here but most of them are unisex and there's only one I know of that's definitely a traditional barber, so will be heading there tomorrow.

Our youngest complained about feeling unwell yesterday evening and is no better this morning. His symptoms are the same as when he had Covid so will be looking for some test kits this morning. I think I saw some in Superdrug recently.
Fingers crossed it's not Covid. My wife says he's sweating buckets so might forego my Tuesday swim as otherwise he's going to be home alone.

Whatever your plans enjoy your day.
It is surprising how quickly the allotment produces a glut of courgettes, beans, cucumbers and tomatoes. Luckily there is a scheme when excess produce can be donated to a local food bank.
Ours is the same. Runner beans coming out of our ears! Frozen some, given loads away, eating them almost everyday and still they come! I need another freezer! Courgettes poor this year, believe it or not. We made the mistake of planting it in a tub, never again. Only had a dozen or so and there’s no signs of any others on the way. They’ve been mostly males so no fruit. Made a huge pan of ratatouille with my last three at the weekend. We’ve had cake, bhajis and sweet potato and courgette fritters, but just one batch of each plus the ratatouille. I shouldn’t whinge I’m usually drowning in them by now!
Good morning all. 5.9 at 6am. I’ve already stripped the bed, put a hot white wash on and showered and dressed. Why? Because a miracle occurred today. Mr Eggy got up before me! This happens once in a blue moon since we retired, I laid for another half hour but didn’t get back to sleep, I’d had my allotted five hours on the trot plus another hour after that. So after my basal and bolus I got cracking. Now waiting for my BGs to come down after it was 7.4 when I came down after my shower. Oops…just looked 5.2 arrow going down. I’ve been on here too long! Must dash.

See ya all tomoz.
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After yesterday's trip over the border into sixland I'm back in more familiar territory with a 5.6 this morning. Unfortunately that other familiar territory is also back - grey skies, a forecast of scattered showers and sub-20 temperatures.

Bit of a blow when I went for a haircut yesterday - notice on the door of my barber shop saying that due to unforeseen circumstances they've closed and won't be reopening. They've been there for 30 years and I've been going there for maybe half that time. No shortage of alternatives here but most of them are unisex and there's only one I know of that's definitely a traditional barber, so will be heading there tomorrow.

Our youngest complained about feeling unwell yesterday evening and is no better this morning. His symptoms are the same as when he had Covid so will be looking for some test kits this morning. I think I saw some in Superdrug recently.
Fingers crossed it's not Covid. My wife says he's sweating buckets so might forego my Tuesday swim as otherwise he's going to be home alone.

Whatever your plans enjoy your day.
Oh no, you get used to a good barber.
Sorry to hear your sons not well. Hope its not Covid but lit is still about It here to stay. Thankfully I've still to knowingly get it , don't want it . Wish him better
Good morning all. 5.9 at 6am. I’ve already stripped the bed, put a hot white wash on and showered and dressed. Why? Because a miracle occurred today. Mr Eggy got up before me! This happens once in a blue moon since we retired, I laid for another half hour but didn’t get back to sleep, I’d had my allotted six hours on the trot plus another hour after that. So after my basal and bolus I got cracking. Now waiting for my BGs to come down after it was 7.4 when I came down after my shower. Oops…just looked 5.2 arrow going down. I’ve been on here too long! Must dash.

See ya all tomoz.
I think that counts as an HS if you ask me!
I've had a good crop of cherry tomatoes this year, since i had to take them out of the growbag as the fox had got to it. Since putting them in pots, they've only grown less than 2ft high but have so many tomatoes, the branches are almost on the floor. After last year when they didn't turn red, this year they are turning fast in a day or so.

Morning all. 7.8 and almost a unicorn i think, its hard to tell with the new version of the app. Planned for today is a trip to a Post Office and the dreaded job of cleaning the windows (not in the PO). I've put off the windows for so long as i hate doing them but i can't do it any longer, they need doing.

Abbott are delivering the replacement sensor this morning. Thats really quick as i only filled in the form on Sunday.

@ColinUK congrats on the HS.

Have a good day everyone.
I think that counts as an HS if you ask me!
Maybe pushing it a tad! Anyhoo, had my one slice of toast and Whole Earth Smooth Peanut Butter, much prefer the crunchy but I can’t eat nuts unfortunately because of my blooming dodgy gastric system. :( BGs 5.1 now.
Congratulations to you on your almost HS too. 😉
5.3 again for me today. A very disturbed sleep last night with lots of weird dreams. No idea why as no cheese or late night snacks were involved. 🙂

08:15 BS 7.4 🙂

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

Yesterday I was too high all day & since I got up so late I only had two meals! That 7.4 was an overshot going to bed half oatcake correction when BS was 18’s: I aimed for 10mmol this time & overshot by 3; clearly combo of zero baseline of oatcake at 20 & the correction factor of 1NR/mmol on top of that is wrong as I put in 28 to get me to 10’s & ended up in the 7’s! But, it’s more data on that!

Alarm woke me at 08:15 for my tesco shopping which I brought forward by a day 09:00 to 10:00 & last minute mini clear up of the kitchen table for the groceries to be unpacked on & 08:32 BS 9.2! 😱 I noted this in libre logbook “Whoah, Got up & tidied a bit to get quite a rise!”

Still feeling a little stuffed actually so, will wait for shopping, put it away & have a prawn mayonnaise sandwich: no sushi this week on Tuesday; but, can’t remember the last time prawn sandwiches were available to order never mind actually get here without selling out!

The trouble started with breakfast as my BS had risen to the 12’s by the time I finished cooking & I put in the max ceiling of 48 that left me back in the 12’s 4 hours later & only dropped to 10’s about 90 minutes after that when I got hungry. So, ate dinner with 48 again which left me stranded quite early on, between the 2 & 3 hour mark, in the 14’s then, as sometimes happened, it rose up to the 18’s in the next hour. I was dozing off by then, just after 22:00, & didn’t want to eat, certainly hadn’t ate on such a high reading, & didn’t want to leave at 18 overnight. So, the half oatcake correction!

Just hope today is better?
Good morning! Lost a fat lady and woke to a 4.4 (droopy drawers if I am allowed to say that)!

Day off today as today's appointment was deemed unnecessary at end of yesterday's consultation. They can celled it whilst I rang Patient Transport. Considering the issues they seem to have I thought they would be grateful but no I got the third degree about the cancellation. When I said the hospital did they wanted to know why. Yet on a previous occasion when they failed to provide an ambulance and I tried to explain that podiatry wasn't always a toenail trim but in my case dressing macerated wounds they didn't want to know! :( East of England really need to sort themselves out!

Rain forevsst at 9:00! :(