Group 7-day waking average?

Didn’t record my waking BG in the Libre logbook (if you don’t add a note now with this CGM version there is nothing in the logbook) but looking back on the graph and from memory it was around 6. It very quickly climbed without breakfast to mid 8s, most likely the stress of driving early to take my wife to work so that I have the car for my DSN appointment this afternoon at the hospital. I’m panicking about the parking as there is very little at the hospital and the Ranger is not exactly a small car to juggle into a tight spot! Not expecting any issues and looking forward to seeing my DSN in person rather than the usual phone call appointments.

Congratulations @ColinUK on your HS today!

Take everyone!
We’ve turned a couple of nervous horses down because we didn’t think they’d cope with livery on a busy yard and being handled by different people. The sellers (who advertised the horse as 'will only sell to the right home') seemed baffled, but I'm not going to buy a horse that’s going to be unhappy in its environment.
That suggests to me that the seller had very little horsemanship! I know it is a journey and we are all learning all the time but it is something that is sadly lacking in the horse world and so many horses fall victim to it. Dogs and cats rarely get rehomed but it is so common place with horses and it often takes a psychological toll on them and can make them even more dangerous than they already are.
I am sure this horse's seller saw two kind adult ladies who would do their best for their horse....and from that perspective they viewed you as ideal which is understandable. But, they were looking at the situation from a human perspective, rather than the horse's perspective. We are only with a horse for a few hours each day, so the remaining time is as important if not much more so, for them to be happy. Well done for not being tempted.
Good afternoon! Today I woke up with a 5'4 and a strong desire to magically become rich and not having to work 🙄

It was surprisingly sunny in London yesterday, so I changed my plan from going to a museum to wandering around (my fave type of tourism). Stayed mostly in the Covent garden area, which someone in the meeting recommended visiting, and had a look inside the Royal Opera House. It is beautiful, especially the terraces upstairs, and made me want a glass of champagne even tho I never drink champagne and it was too early for alcohol in my book :D

I found a nice ring in the market and then moved to the type of shopping that I happily spend my time and money on: food! It was a bit of a repeat of my last visit, with fancy chocolates, Korean snacks, and the Chinatown bakery I discovered that time. In hindsight I could have skipped the Korean shops, as we have Asian supermarket closer to where I live. The London ones are just a bit more tidy. But the bakery is definitely worth it in my opinion. Nothing low carb tho, I'm afraid!
Good afternoon! Today I woke up with a 5'4 and a strong desire to magically become rich and not having to work 🙄

It was surprisingly sunny in London yesterday, so I changed my plan from going to a museum to wandering around (my fave type of tourism). Stayed mostly in the Covent garden area, which someone in the meeting recommended visiting, and had a look inside the Royal Opera House. It is beautiful, especially the terraces upstairs, and made me want a glass of champagne even tho I never drink champagne and it was too early for alcohol in my book :D

I found a nice ring in the market and then moved to the type of shopping that I happily spend my time and money on: food! It was a bit of a repeat of my last visit, with fancy chocolates, Korean snacks, and the Chinatown bakery I discovered that time. In hindsight I could have skipped the Korean shops, as we have Asian supermarket closer to where I live. The London ones are just a bit more tidy. But the bakery is definitely worth it in my opinion. Nothing low carb tho, I'm afraid!
I LOVE Chinese bakeries as the cakes & treats are made fresh without preservatives everyday & the Chinese only buy little cakes, rather like the French Petit Fours, in small quantities to be eaten that same day! Everything is SO much lighter, softer, more moist & not in the least bit dry as it’s treated like sushi: eaten on the day you buy it; at the most the next day when it’s that bit more dried out! 😛
I LOVE Chinese bakeries as the cakes & treats are made fresh without preservatives everyday & the Chinese only buy little cakes, rather like the French Petit Fours, in small quantities to be eaten that same day! Everything is SO much lighter, softer, more moist & not in the least bit dry as it’s treated like sushi: eaten on the day you buy it; at the most the next day when it’s that bit more dried out! 😛
Hmmm, I bought some piece of pandan cake last time which I wouldn't call small, but it was really light, fluffy, like eating a cloud! I was coming back exactly for that one, but they had run out :( they had the same one in vanilla flavour, which I thought it would be a bit plain, and didn't get one but I sort of regret it. The prices are very reasonable too, the only downside of this place is, it seems very popular (understandably so!) and it is crowded. Plus they're constantly playing a record reminding you to be aware of the pickpockets, so it gets a bit stressful in there and it was hard for me to make any decisions.
PS: they are very inclusive with their "beware of thieves" record, tho, I think I heard it in at least 7 languages!
General update for everyone including @Nayshiftin and @Pattidevans . I got there eventually and to my surprise was seen virtually immediately after a BG reading (why). Will update My Poorly Leg thread when I get home and can plug in!
Need that "Phew" emoji again, that we sadly don't have the option of!

Heading to your other thread now to see the update.... with fingers and toes crossed!
Hmmm, I bought some piece of pandan cake last time which I wouldn't call small, but it was really light, fluffy, like eating a cloud! I was coming back exactly for that one, but they had run out :( they had the same one in vanilla flavour, which I thought it would be a bit plain, and didn't get one but I sort of regret it.
Hubby and I were talking about "vanilla" (in respect of ice cream) and we both admitted that we had always thought of it as "plain - no flavour" whereas in actual fact vanilla is a flavour of it's own and is delicious if enough vanilla is added to anything so you can actually taste it.
Hubby and I were talking about "vanilla" (in respect of ice cream) and we both admitted that we had always thought of it as "plain - no flavour" whereas in actual fact vanilla is a flavour of it's own and is delicious if enough vanilla is added to anything so you can actually taste it.
Yes, nothing wrong with vanilla flavour actually, I think I just associate it with the plain/basic flavour of some things and not so attractive as others... :confused:
Afternoon, folks. 🙂 Twas 5.3 this morning.

I'm indoors hiding from the sun - the heatwave they forecast for the whole - yes, the whole - of Spain has arrived bang on time. We usually manage to dodge the heat here oop North. Not this week, tho. o_O I think we'll have a fry-up this evening - on the bonnet of the car. :rofl:

We took Gwennie for a proper haircut this morning - only her second ever (we usually bodge her hair ourselves, every few months, cos she's not a fan of strangers). She's currently hiding under the kitchen table, very out of sorts. And she smells all perfumey-poncey, poor thing. I'm hoping it cools down enough later to walk down to the river and wash off the smell. I might even drive down there...just looking out of the window at the heat haze is making me feel hypo! 😎😳 Crazy!
Good afternoon all. 7.1 @ 8.02 on a very breezy day. 🙂

My friend I've known since we were 7 is 70 today but the flowers, card and gift I sent didn't get there, but the flowers she sent me so I could 'share in her day' got to me. I'd rather it were the other way around. I'm disgruntled and stressed. Royal Mail are morons. :(
Hubby and I were talking about "vanilla" (in respect of ice cream) and we both admitted that we had always thought of it as "plain - no flavour" whereas in actual fact vanilla is a flavour of it's own and is delicious if enough vanilla is added to anything so you can actually taste it.
Mr Eggy is a huge vanilla fan. I’m not keen as I don’t like the smell. I’m weird like that as I have a very acute sense of smell. I made a bread and butter pudding ( for him indoors I can’t bear stuff like that) on Saturday as I had dry white bread and leftover cream and egg yolks.( I’d made meringues the day before). I made the custard using a vanilla pod. I could smell vanilla on my fingers all day even after repeated washing. I felt quite nauseous. Told you I was weird.
Just visited Holland and Barratt and got 2x 500g almond flour for a bargain 80p. Special offer. Other stuff much reduced as well. Don't know if it is at all H & B or just Coventry.
It’s all, they’re rebranding apparently. I was going to pop in today but never got into town in the end. I’m hoping there’s stuff left on Wednesday.
Mr Eggy is a huge vanilla fan. I’m not keen as I don’t like the smell. I’m weird like that as I have a very acute sense of smell. I made a bread and butter pudding ( for him indoors I can’t bear stuff like that) on Saturday as I had dry white bread and leftover cream and egg yolks.( I’d made meringues the day before). I made the custard using a vanilla pod. I could smell vanilla on my fingers all day even after repeated washing. I felt quite nauseous. Told you I was weird.
You might be weird but we love ya all the same!
A couple of minutes ago it was 5.2

Right now it’s 5.1 with an average for the last 24hrs of 5.3 so I think I’m claiming this as another HS if I’m allowed?



And Covid test is clear this morning so no complaints about that either.
Good morning a 5.6 here
slightly more respectable than yesterday & Sunday

have a great day everybody 😎