Group 7-day waking average?

Afternoon all, late on parade today, had to go off with daughter at the crack of dawn (well, 7.30) to look at a horse, only time owner could do was 9am and it was over an hour away. Turned out not to be suitable (if by 'broken in and riding away, established in three paces in the school' you mean, 'been sat on a few times, really green and spooky' why don’t you say so and stop wasting everyone’s time?) we aren’t experienced enough to take it on, and it was expensive for what it was.
Anyway before I left I had a 5.2. I am happy to live in a wing of The Barracks, @ColinUK . They look familiar, I’m sure I've seen them, are they in Winchester?
Afternoon all, late on parade today, had to go off with daughter at the crack of dawn (well, 7.30) to look at a horse, only time owner could do was 9am and it was over an hour away. Turned out not to be suitable (if by 'broken in and riding away, established in three paces in the school' you mean, 'been sat on a few times, really green and spooky' why don’t you say so and stop wasting everyone’s time?) we aren’t experienced enough to take it on, and it was expensive for what it was.
Anyway before I left I had a 5.2. I am happy to live in a wing of The Barracks, @ColinUK . They look familiar, I’m sure I've seen them, are they in Winchester?
Oh no and not to mention how upset your daughter would be. You really did the right thing imop as I really don't like it when people take on animals and rehome them or accidents happen due to people not being sensible. However this is costly going all that way two hours drive there and back. Poor daughter hope not too disappointed but with the hope of a good one soon. It was not meant to be, or it would have been right. Seems to be my motto at the moment.
Wow on 5.2 Barracks indeed. Once you get them can I have a picture of your dashing sergeants ?
Easy done, my sister in law bent down to pick a dropped tissue up and the ligament went in the knee.
I hope yours easies off soon.
I slipped a disc getting out of the car when I was only 35!. OMG the pain was excruciating. My youngest daughter was about three and strapped in her car seat! I had to tell her to unfasten her straps and get out the car. I then crawled up the garden path somehow got in the door to phone for help! No mobile phones then. Four weeks I was out of action. It’s quite embarrassing injuring yourself in such a pathetic way, when you’re young, I felt like telling folks I’d done it skydiving or something. :rofl:
What is it weather forecasts? Both BBC and Met Office said light rain showers starting around 2pm. I hung out two big loads of washing at 9.30am when it felt quite warm and sunny and within half an hour it rained heavily and hasn't stopped much since. I've now washing all around the house trying to dry it.
Mine’s still out! Just hanging! 😱
Amazing considering I’ve spent most of the night awake with really vivid dreams where I’ve been forced to walk up every narrowing staircases around an expanding void. Every few steps there’s a bloke standing there being sexually provocative in a Jean Paul Gaultier perfume ad/Jean Cocteau drawing kind of way. And I’m forced to perpetually climb higher and higher.
Sounds like it should be a good experience but I think it’s about the impact the trauma(s) have had on my comfort being genuinely intimate with others squared against my desire to be held.

Anyway I woke up in such a state I’ve had to listen to French and Saunders Titting About as a total distraction for the last three hours. As distractions go it’s a good one as it’s genuinely hilarious whilst also giving the listener an insight into a fabulous friendship. I recommend it.

I’d like a peaceful house today. With room to roam. And obviously a deer park. Thanks.

Morning yawning. 7.1.
I too have had a rubbish night, been awake every half hour or so since 2am with weird dreams and night sweats. It definitely wasn’t a mild night, it’s only showing 11c on my temperature thingmajig. I got up at 5.50 with a splitting headache and a hairstyle like Oor Wullie on acid. You may have to Google him if you live further south than Cumbria! I can barely keep my eyes open. Never mind Zara will keep me awake!

Nice morning, and a promise of some sunshine, along with light showers. But the BBC have promised three glorious days on the bounce after today, culminating in 25c on Thursday! Woohoo! No doubt I’ll be whinging it’s too hot!

@ColinUK well done on your HS, sorry you too have had a rubbish night. Hopefully today will be more relaxing for you. Listen to some classical music and drift off. Goreki’s Sorrowful Songs might help, and don’t worry it isn’t sorrowful, it’s very beautiful.

Have a Happy Monday all.
Morning yawning. 7.1.
I too have had a rubbish night, been awake every half hour or so since 2am with weird dreams and night sweats. It definitely wasn’t a mild night, it’s only showing 11c on my temperature thingmajig. I got up at 5.50 with a splitting headache and a hairstyle like Oor Wullie on acid. You may have to Google him if you live further south than Cumbria! I can barely keep my eyes open. Never mind Zara will keep me awake!

Nice morning, and a promise of some sunshine, along with light showers. But the BBC have promised three glorious days on the bounce after today, culminating in 25c on Thursday! Woohoo! No doubt I’ll be whinging it’s too hot!

@ColinUK well done on your HS, sorry you too have had a rubbish night. Hopefully today will be more relaxing for you. Listen to some classical music and drift off. Goreki’s Sorrowful Songs might help, and don’t worry it isn’t sorrowful, it’s very beautiful.

Have a Happy Monday all.
I saw that at the ENO in spring this year. It was enchanting but odd. The soprano was in a chair floating high above the stage whilst the grave was oozing dry ice smoke far below.
I saw that at the ENO in spring this year. It was enchanting but odd. The soprano was in a chair floating high above the stage whilst the grave was oozing dry ice smoke far below.
Ooh, very strange. Just lounging on a the sofa with my eyes closed is good enough for me. Doesn’t need visuals! Vaughan Williams’ Lark Ascending is good for a fifteen minute chill out.
6.4 for me.
Doing the impossible today and trying to get an inperson GP appointment (on request of them). Wish me luck in the game of phone roulette 😉

Have a fab day everyone!
Good morning Marvellous Monday 6.9 t
yesterday 9.2
unsurprising really as Saturday evening had Indian takeaway (very tasty) complete with a huge KemaNaan

congrats on HS @ColinUK

have a fabulous day everybody 😎
Good morning! Woke from fitful sleep with recurring dream (every three or four days) at 5:00 with a Sunset Strip (7.7). At 6:00 4.3 and now 7.3. Explain in less than 200 words...

Hospital pick up from 8:00 door poorly leg/foot. Hope I am not discharged for fourth time in 18 months (even if good for stars! :(). Wish me luck (fingers crossed emoji)

Actually sunny with blue sky and fluffy areas! 🙂
Good morning! Woke from fitful sleep with recurring dream (every three or four days) at 5:00 with a Sunset Strip (7.7). At 6:00 4.3 and now 7.3. Explain in less than 200 words...

Hospital pick up from 8:00 door poorly leg/foot. Hope I am not discharged for fourth time in 18 months (even if good for stars! :(). Wish me luck (fingers crossed emoji)

Actually sunny with blue sky and fluffy areas! 🙂
Good luck at least not chucking it down .
Morning all, 6.2 here. Supermarket beckons, we seem to have eaten everything I bought last time, happens every week. Need to go early to beat the traffic leaving Wilderness festival. It’s the same every year, cars arrive in dribs and drabs from the Thursday, and it’s busy but maneageable, but then they all get chucked out in a 2hr time frame on the Monday morning, and clog the roads.