Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning everyone.

Congrats to @ColinUK I 'd like to say that I'm joining him and his record....i'd like to but alas 4.8

Yay! Damp squib...


Oh well start again...

Yesterday was a good day and the meat and potato pie was excellent. It will do three days at least. Here's a pic of it...


Today rest and er rest

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Rather surprised to see a 6.1 pop up on the meter this morning. Not usually in sixland. Double-checked by testing a finger on the other hand and it's right, so 6.1 it is. I'd only had a dozen 6's so far this year, hence my surprise. Oh well, there was a time when I was happy to see all my morning readings in the 6s.

Almost managed to get the laundry dry on the line yesterday but my wife and I were out on a walk when it started to rain around 4:30 so we had to call our youngest, who was at home, and ask him to get everything inside. Fortunately nothing got particularly wet so things dried out pretty quickly after a few minutes in the tumble drier. Phew....

Sunshine and blue sky here at the moment and no rain in the forecast, which is good as Monday is change bedding day. Might pop into town later for a haircut at my regular barber shop - I've used the same one for years and years - depending on which of the three are working today. Two of them always cut my hair really well, the other only sometimes.

Congrats @ColinUK on another HS. Can you leave your HS locker open one morning so that the DF can grab one for me, please? It's been almost 2 weeks.

Have a good start to the week everyone.
Morning all. New sensor showing a 12.2 and a jagged line outside target all night. Will have to check it with a finger prick. Abbott are replacing the one that dropped off yesterday.

I can see sunshine out there today so my plan is to get some jobs done around the house this morning then sit in the garden in the afternoon. Mind you, that may change, my plans usually do.

@colin congrats on the HS and big ((HUGS)) for the dream.

Have a good day everyone.
Good morning - 6.8

Have a great day everyone!
Well done @ColinUK on the HS. Another near miss for me today at 5.1 - oh well, at least it's not raining today (so far).🙂

Good morning. 6.4

Knee much better so less like Pegleg - Pete - just not so good on bending or getting out of chair etc. Forgot to mention I have an (unrelated) appointment for physiotherapy! Cannot imagine how that is supposed to help with an intermittent condition with varying pain locations - I mean great for rehab after sprain/break etc but not much good for palindromic arthritis. If I am flaring even getting there will be quasi impossible if I am not I will be very reluctant to provoke one. At least when I am working around the garden and the fields I can consider how best to address any physical act - not sure I want to get into a directed activity. Oh well, I can only attend and see what they have in mind.

Sorry @ColinUK had such an unpleasant night but congratulations on the HS.

Hope the week is good for us all.
Amazing considering I’ve spent most of the night awake with really vivid dreams where I’ve been forced to walk up every narrowing staircases around an expanding void. Every few steps there’s a bloke standing there being sexually provocative in a Jean Paul Gaultier perfume ad/Jean Cocteau drawing kind of way. And I’m forced to perpetually climb higher and higher.
Sounds like it should be a good experience but I think it’s about the impact the trauma(s) have had on my comfort being genuinely intimate with others squared against my desire to be held.

Anyway I woke up in such a state I’ve had to listen to French and Saunders Titting About as a total distraction for the last three hours. As distractions go it’s a good one as it’s genuinely hilarious whilst also giving the listener an insight into a fabulous friendship. I recommend it.

I’d like a peaceful house today. With room to roam. And obviously a deer park. Thanks.

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Good morning everyone.

And it's a happy 5.4 for me on this bright sunny morning, unfortunately still a tad on the windy side.

Have a good day all and stay safe,,,,
Good morning everyone.

And it's a happy 5.4 for me on this bright sunny morning, unfortunately still a tad on the windy side.

Have a good day all and stay safe,,,,
Too many beans?
Morning all and 5.1 for me although it did take half a dozen dextrose tabs during the night to reach those dizzy heights. No idea why, perhaps that doughnut was ultra low carb?

Blankets out on the line blowing in the breeze.

@eggyg Yorkshire fans of the Brooms and Oor Willie here.

Have a good day everyone.
Well, it was a very disappointing 11.2 for me this morning and similar to @freesia I have a graph that wiggled above range most of the night. I went to bed on 6.4 and my Libre log says I scanned at 4.54am and got 9.6 but I have no recollection of it and clearly didn't jab a correction, so must have been really zonked. I guess the 1.5 unit reduction in my Levemir last night was a bad decision, but I had a very long and busy and active day yesterday so I really thought that was a good call, although initially I was going to go with -2 units, so I guess I made half a good decision. 🙄

Pleased to report our day yesterday went really well and everyone enjoyed it and the weather was absolutely perfect! Fine but not too hot with a gentle breeze. Sadly only 2 other turnouts turned up but we had a great time. One of my best mates, who I haven't seen for a few months, turned up to "groom" for me (this basically means a competent horsey person to sit in the passenger seat.... rather than someone who does all the graft, so that a horse is clean and presentable for a third party to ride/drive). Anyway, we had a lovely catch up during the drive and then she took some photos whilst we did the cones and obstacles. Considering how little I drive these days, as I am always acting as groom for Ian, I was very happy with how it went.
I had a funny incident in one of the difficulties where you have to pick up a glass of supposedly champagne from a stand, drive one handed to another stand and put it back down. Unfortunately when setting up the challenges my second stand broke so Plan B was that you had to pick up the glass, drive round the second broken stand and return to put it back down on the first stand. I managed to make the turn one handed without spilling it but then I needed a slight rein adjustment to get me back to the first stand and the only option was to use the hand holding the glass but Zak took that moment to nod his head dragging my hand sharply forwards and then back effectively throwing the contends of the glass in my face and lap, which had us all in stitches. He then proceeded to have a wee (poor lad must have been busting and probably why he pulled at the reins when he did) so of course everyone was laughing again and suggesting that he was giving me an option to refill it, so that I didn't get any faults for returning an empty glass! He is such a star and with a better or more practiced driver, would have won, but I was very happy with our 3rd. We also let two of the other members who hadn't brought a turnout, compete with our turnouts, so Zak went again and I have to say, the guy made me look really good, as he didn't do nearly so well, but just shows what a big difference there is when you know the horse and the horse knows you. Had a lovely picnic afterwards when there was some really good banter, so all in all, it was an excellent day...... and then a lot of work cleaning up and then sorting my horses, so I was shattered last night but in a nice enjoyable way.

Congrats to @ColinUK on your HS and (((HUGS))) for the horrid, stressful dreams. Hopefully they are helping your mind to process and heal though.

@Colin g First hypo in 2 weeks earns a gold star in my book!!.... But take it as read that there is also a "Care" emoji hidden beneath it!

@Robin Sorry you had a wasted journey. Not easy to find a good horse and even a good horse can easily become difficult after a change of home. It must be so hard for them to leave everything they are familiar with and try to fit into a new herd in a strange place with a strange new human. My horses have always been for life but it comes with a lot of challenges... and injuries over the years including broken bones!
Whilst we were talking during the picnic yesterday, we were saying about how Zak has grown into such a fabulous horse since Ian bought him for £250 as a scrawny neglected 2 year old, reared on a tether in an industrial estate and discussing that he must be worth a fortune now as a very talented show wining driving horse, enthusiastic hunter and jumper and loves cattle herding so would probably do well at western riding too. A real good all rounder! We joked about Ian selling him and I said Ian would have to sell me with him!
Sadly so many horses get sold on from one home to the next and become more difficult each time they move because it is stressful for them. People learn to ride but they don't learn horsemanship and riding schools don't teach horsemanship, so we expect horses to cope with our lack of understanding. This is no criticism of you as I look back to my younger self and cringe because I had no comprehension, even though we had a pony when we were little and I have spent most of my life with horses. It isn't just about feeding and caring for them which is the simple bit and riding or driving, but learning to read them and understand and overcome their behavioural issues. There is a lot of great stuff on You Tube if you are interested in learning more. I particularly like an American guy called Ryan Rose. Of course, without a horse to practice on, you don't learn much, but may stand you in good stead for when you do get a horse.
Good luck with your continued search!
Morning all and 5.1 for me although it did take half a dozen dextrose tabs during the night to reach those dizzy heights. No idea why, perhaps that doughnut was ultra low carb?

Blankets out on the line blowing in the breeze.

@eggyg Yorkshire fans of the Brooms and Oor Willie here.

Have a good day everyone.
Well, jings, crivens and help ma Boab! Welcome to the fan club. Still got the annuals from many, many Christmasses ago.
08:39 BS 9.1 Which I fine with after yesterday! 🙂

A Very Good Morning, at least while I start this post & could well be after midday by the time I post it, to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

Things went awry after breakfast! I was more or less confident about breakfast ramen & fish lunch so, decided to give porridge a go & had 2 sachets of Oats So Simple Sweet Cinnamon made to measure with semi skimmed milk & gave it 48 as cereals USED to spike me high & stay higher! All went accordingly, 14’s just after 1 hour & down to 11’s by hour 3, then, I had a bath, it’s always dropped me temporarily back up within an hour & these last few weeks I’ve had baths in the middle of the day where I’ve been most stable, & when I got out after my soak it shocked me that I went from the 11’s to the 5’s! 😱 Now, I realise that maybe having a bath while trying something new wasn’t a very good idea but, I think at least go down -2, 46, for porridge next time?😳:confused:

I then, spent the next two hours testing on fingers & scanning like mad as I was DETERMINED to HOLD IT to find out how low I go: will I actually go hypo at 3.9 or start to climb up as bath effects are temporary; it was a pitched battle of “Chicken” & my nerves were extremely frazzled at times as I hovered down & up in the 4’s! BUT, I never actually went below 4: closest was 4.1 on fingers, discrepancies with the libre, before it definitively stayed up & started climbing slowly.

I was starving by then, after 15:30, & threw in the towel & had a biscuit so, I could start cooking. I needed another biscuit to keep it above 6, I wanted more of a buffer moving around cooking, & went with 44 for fish & potatoes.

Then, squeezed in a hurried dinner ramen with 40 before going to bed. So, woke a bit higher today!

I stayed in bed dozing on & off & fluctuated a bit between mid & low 9’s but, now getting hungry & BS is in the 10’s now. So, breakfast is in the oven & since it took so long to type I’ve just taken paprika chicken & garlic potatoes out of the oven.

I’ll finish this post, 11:55 now, take my meds & 78 tresiba, test & decide how much NR before eating? I’m thinking 46 or 44?

I see that quite a few had restless nights yesterday, dreams & what not, & hope today is more peaceful for all of you! 🙂 I wouldn’t mind a peaceful day, myself!:D😉
Sadly so many horses get sold on from one home to the next and become more difficult each time they move because it is stressful for them.
We’ve turned a couple of nervous horses down because we didn’t think they’d cope with livery on a busy yard and being handled by different people. The sellers (who advertised the horse as 'will only sell to the right home') seemed baffled, but I'm not going to buy a horse that’s going to be unhappy in its environment.
Morning all - grey clouds today but at least no rain.

6.3 this morning. Happy with that.

Well, yesterday did not pan out as planned at all! Just after brunch the doorbell went and I answered the door to the chairman of the village fete committee who had a big cheesy grin on his face, a big bag of cooking apples and several jars. I know I volunteered to make jam and have already made 3 batches, I just wasn't expecting to have to make another batch. Looking at my calendar I hadn't a free day this week until next weekend, so we set to and did it yesterday. J was a star, peeling the apples whilst I cored and cut them up. Then he puts the jam into the jars as his hand is steadier than mine. Anyway, it was 6pm by the time we finished and cleared up and I hadn't sat down since I ate brunch as I had also had to prepare dinner. So finally sat down on the garden swing with a glass of wine at 6pm for half an hour! Ironing is still unironed and I still need to do deadheading in the garden. Visit to the chiropractor this afternoon, which I am glad about as I'm living on painkillers again.

@rebrascora what a lovely day you descibe! So glad it went well for you.

@ColinUK and @eggyg, hope you get a better night's sleep tonight with no nasty dreams. Congrats on the HS @ColinUK

@MikeyBikey hope your ambulance turns up and they see you.

@TinaD good luck with the physio.

Have a lovely day all.