Group 7-day waking average?

Bonjour mes amis

Slept fitfully last night but overall a better sleep than I’ve had in yonks.

No HS today though as I’ll have to make do with this:


Sensor has lasted the entire 14 days even though the Not Just A Patch X didn’t manage it.

Might take a few days off the sensor and stick a new one on at the weekend maybe. Although I do like the data and awareness that the sensor gives me so maybe I’ll just stick another one on now.
Good morning everyone.

A tough day yesterday. My wife asked to go for a walk on the beach which I gladly accepted. But she just talked and talked and talked about everything in a most draining negative way. I was drained and quite upset by the end of the walk. Try as I did to steer the conversation onto more positive things, the more I failed. Basically she fears all that is going wrong in the world. The weight of it all seems to be on her heart. Sigh. But it manifests itself as fear.

It's left me feeling very 'down' this morning.


Today BG 5.4
Pulse 53
BP 118/71

So that's all ok. Phew

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
@Gwynn I appreciate that must be exhausting but there’s light there too. At least you managed to get out for a walk together.
Good morning.6.1

Looks like a better day today - definitely more blue than grey in the sky. Couldn't summon any energy yesterday - managed to do the animals and load up one wheelbarrow with off cut willow but spent the rest of the time with feet up and book in hand. Quite weird in the garden - plants seem confused - dahlias coming out, ancient beech trees beginning to show autumn colour, primroses coming out, globe artichokes flowering enthusiasticaly, cougettes giving up.

Hope the "summer" makes a return without heat wave - kids arriving next Sunday for 2 weeks.

Hope everyone has a good day.
Morning all. 6.1.

Not a bad start to the morning. Yesterday was dry but was quite gusty at times. Good for getting my bedding dried but not nice being in it.

Today I’m nipping into town to return Zara’s library books, get a few bits from the butcher and maybe have a wander round the charity shops and pick some books up for myself. Then pop to Aldi on the way home. Don’t much feel like doing all that but it’s supposed to be very warm tomorrow so want to hopefully spend the day in the garden, just lounging, not gardening.

Have a wonderful Wednesday.
@Robin I give you this disused gaol for you to renovate and turn into the house of your dreams…


It’s quite bijou at only a whisker over 2,500sq ft but does come with a couple of acres of very secure land.
@Robin I give you this disused gaol for you to renovate and turn into the house of your dreams…

View attachment 27095

It’s quite bijou at only a whisker over 2,500sq ft but does come with a couple of acres of very secure land.
Oh good, provided there’s enough land for a couple of horses (and they obv wouldn’t be in danger of escaping) I’m sure I can cope with the living accommodation.
Morning all. 🙂 5.0 here.

Going out for lunch today. There's a bar / restaurant in the local town that's always cool (as in chilly - no windows, thick stone walls), so we've decided to go there to avoid the heat...and the food just happens to be excellent too! 😎
Good morning 6.9

I spent a few hrs yesterday out of my air support boot (but not out the bungalow)
and have already ironed enough shirts ready for work as I’m hopefully back to work on Monday,

the day before yesterday, I went out for a few hours in the support boot but without the crutches
which was ok.

me ankle is definitely recovering now, a few weeks ago I know I certainly wasn’t at this stage.

I have an appointment with podiatrist today,
the usual foot tickling plus, I’m under the podiatrists care following the ulcer I had last summer, which was actually quite scary when my big toe turned black !
I think they said to me (last time I saw them having had that infected toe) I would stay under their care,
will see what she thinks about the recent ankle surgery I’ve had.

I’m still waiting on work to confirm they’re ok for me to do half days on my RTW next week - my manager didn’t confirmed this, and now he is now off work for a few days (on unplanned compassionate leave)

I’m keen to get back to work to get paid and start earning some commission, (I’m in sales)
this week is I think the eleventh week I’ve been off work (they paid me for the first six) now I’m only getting SSP.

As I post this today I’m sat in my back garden (with a coffee)
something I couldn’t do in the rented house we were previously living in, as that had no garden (the down side of near town centre living)
here at the moment I have blue sky, birds singing (the only one I recognise is the pigeon)
I’m no Bill Oddie myself, I will just say - some other beds unknown to me are singing,
it’s quite chilly out here (currently 12 C) and need to look into extending the WI-FI its struggling to reach out here,
although having just gone inside to put on a hoodie (told you it’s chilly outside) I now have slightly more than one bar of signal on the Wi-Fi signal,
but still not a good connection, (through VM app it doesn’t even think I’m connected) but obviously I am as I’m on here and on-line, unless I’m just dreaming.
No definitely not dreaming I can feel my stomach rumbling, plus I ran the wife to work earlier.

have a fabulous day everyone 😎

6.9 today so going in the right direction, still using a lot of extra Ventolin, so hoping that is what is causing the slightly higher numbers.

@Robin - congratulations on your HS.
Well done @Robin on the HS. I seem to be stuck on 5.3 these days. 🙂

Morning all. 6.4. Nothing planned for today. Its supposed to be a nice temperature so i'm going to sit in the garden and read. Tomorrow is supposed to be hotter and i've a lot to do so i shall make the most of today.

@Robin congrats on the HS.

Have a good day everyone.
Morning all….

What a beautiful morning here, clear blue sky, no wind for a change and it looks like it’s going to be hot as well.

Nearly forgot, it’s a happy 5.0 for me today, have a good day everyone and stay safe.