Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all - was grey but it's brightened up in the 40 minutes I've been up. Large patches of blue have appeared and the sun has come out. Big difference from yestereday.

5.5 this morning, wish I could claim a flat line, but it's more like a steep hill from a peak of 13.1 at bedtime (dinner was very late).

Not a lot on today, except to make a Dorset Apple traybake and freeze it when cool.

Congratulations to @Northerner on the HS.

Good luck to @Lucyr for your video call today - let us know how it goes.

Have a fab Friday all

5.3 and still coughing, but not using as much of my inhalers. I am definitely improving, just the cough to go now. Had a couple of nice bright days here, and mixture of sunshine and clouds at the momen.

@Northerner - congratulations on your HS.
Good Morning
I was just wondering if any of you have any tips for my other half.
He has been suffering for more than a week and went to the GP who just prescribed Co-codamol but they seem to have no effect. He said it was muscle spasms. He saw my physio yesterday and she gave him some exercises but he can't get comfortable to sleep so is getting virtually none.
Ibuprofen seem the most effective but he is not supposed to take those with the other meds he is on. He is trying a TENS at the moment, any port in a storm.
Woke up to grey skies and signs that it had rained overnight but the sun's broken through now. It was an uncomfortable night, even with the bedroom windows open, so I didn't have the best night's sleep. 5.3 on the meter and 108/72 when I did my Friday BP check, so all OK.

Wife and I had yesterday evening to ourselves as our eldest was at futsal training and our youngest was working, so we decided to eat out. Glad we did. Had a really good meal at one of the places we often go to, a short drive from town.

@TinaD - my wife was counting the butterflies around our buddleia for the Big Butterfly Count. Lots of Red Admirals, she said.

@Robin & @eggyg - I've been to our Everyman cinema and it's like watching a movie in a huge living room!

@Northerner - congrats on the HS.

Friday, so Big Shop Day once the football's done and dusted this morning. Mostly Sainsbury's, with fruit & veg from the greengrocer at our local garden centre.

Enjoy poet's day, although with Friday being the most popular day for WFH can it be called that anymore?
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Like @Colin g I just caught my levels before they activated the alarm. Unfortunately it was the high alarm for me, so my offering for this morning is 9.2. I did however have a very flat, horizontal line all night, so I am taking credit for a half unit basal increase being a good shout.

I am taking credit for @Northerner's House Special this morning since I did wish it on him last night. Not sure how the rest of you failed to get yours!! 🙄 I only overshot by 4mmols myself, so can't exactly criticize. I am guessing the DF intercepted all the rest but she didn't dare take Alan's since he knows how to deal with her.

We have some sunshine and blue sky here today which is a real treat after the overcast mugginess of yesterday. Need to get some washing on the line as looks like a perfect drying day.... hope I haven't jinxed it!
4.4 this morning for me, so I’m happy to take 0.8 off someone to make it a HS for me and help someone else get theirs? :rofl:

Hoping to be in today for Evri and Yodel, both of whom failed to arrive yesterday as scheduled, however there’s a chance I’ll be out when they come today as I need to take my wife to meet a friend for drinks later this afternoon. Sometimes courier deliveries can be so frustrating!

Congratulations @Northerner on your Friday HS!

@Lucyr - hope your DSN video call goes well for you.

Have a good day everyone!
First time in ages it’s a HS for me on this fine sunny morning.IMG_0196.jpeg
Woke up to grey skies and signs that it had rained overnight but the sun's broken through now. It was an uncomfortable night, even with the bedroom windows open, so I didn't have the best night's sleep. 5.3 on the meter and 104/72 when I did my Friday BP check, so all OK.

Wife and I had yesterday evening to ourselves as our eldest was at futsal training and our youngest was working, so we decided to eat out. Glad we did. Had a really good meal at one of the places we often go to, a short drive from town.

@TinaD - my wife was counting the butterflies around our buddleia for the Big Butterfly Count. Lots of Red Admirals, she said.

@Robin & @eggyg - I've been to our Everyman cinema and it's like watching a movie in a huge living room!

@Northerner - congrats on the HS.

Friday, so Big Shop Day once the football's done and dusted this morning. Mostly Sainsbury's, with fruit & veg from the greengrocer at our local garden centre.

Enjoy poet's day, although with Friday being the most popular day for WFH can it be called that anymore?
Yes the red admirals are more common than the others - little brown jobs, the dreaded cabage white and lovely peacocks - but I am seeing 4 or 5 at a time - last year I was photographing 9 or 10 on a single bloom. Not as many bees - honey or bumble- either. (Seem to have a plethora of horrible small flies tho'). My garden and hedges are planted to be insect friendly and my paddocks are full of wild flowers so it is a bit disappointing (or worrying if this climate disruption is causing it).
DSN call went okay, I have seen him on video once before. He explained some concerns I hadn’t heard before about reusing needles (I’ve heard the blunting them theories) and said he’ll write to my GP to get my needles upped from 90 a month to 180 a month so I have the option of using a new one each time.

Was encouraging about improved bgs, my lows are below the 4% target at 1%, and my in range is getting close to target of 70% at 64%.
Good morning! Yee-hah! A 5.2 this morning after many months without one. Don't forget the house has to be fully wheelchair accessible with lift to all floors and raised beds for my veggies.

So last night BG came down while it hung around 9 the night before and most of yesterday.

Overcast and unpleasantly muggy. We need some rain to freshen things up! :rofl:
What am i doing wrong .BS is 8.9 and trying to exercise more.
It was lower the one time i had a break off . Would that make a difference from a slip on the Monday and appear that Saturday .
Anyways it came down now the graph is going up the other way.

I have a video call with a DSN today, which was booked after my friend rang them about the problems I’ve been having with the dr there. Bit nervous about it.
Hope it achieved what you needed in the end.
Morning all. 8.5 on my slowly dying Libre sensor ( two days to go) or 6.5 on my Accu-Chek meter. I’ll go for something in between. Like a 5.2! :rofl:

Yesterday’s weather turned out really nice and quite warm at times. Got the kids to the park anyways. Hopefully blew the glitter off them after the morning’s crap, errr I mean, craft session!

Today is ironing, and getting organised for going away on Monday, day. We’ve done something really daft. We somehow have booked us and the three little ones, 10, 5 and 2, three days in Blackpool. I must have been having a funny turn. We’re staying in a nice hotel ( there is such a thing in Blackpool, honestly) right by the Pleasure Beach and the stay includes the entrance fee. It was a bargain and I love a bargain, we may live to regret my love of saving money come next Thursday when we’re disheveled and incoherent! 😉 Wish us luck.

@Barrowman congrats on yesterday’s HS. @MikeyBikey congratulations on yours today.
@RichardsUsername love a Red Dwarf quote. Have a good day Ace. :rofl:

Hope everyone has a super Saturday.