Group 7-day waking average?

Thank you everyone for the good wishes. Had a phone call this morning and I am to attend the TIA clinic at 3:30 at the county hospital (nightmare of roadworks on the way) for an MRI scan. Also the GP should be ringing me regarding some more BP meds to add to the two I am already on. Just feeling exhausted.
Thank you everyone for the good wishes. Had a phone call this morning and I am to attend the TIA clinic at 3:30 at the county hospital (nightmare of roadworks on the way) for an MRI scan. Also the GP should be ringing me regarding some more BP meds to add to the two I am already on. Just feeling exhausted.
I hope everything goes ok. Keep us updated. Take care.
The day has arrived for our adventure to Blackpool.
Only been to Blackpool once, to see the Illuminations. Took the attached photo of the beach as a reminder of what it was like while we were there...............


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Only been to Blackpool once, to see the Illuminations. Took the attached photo of the beach as a reminder of what it was like while we were there...............
I went all the time with my family when I was a child. We took our three to see the lights but never stayed. It’s only 1.5 hour away. It really isn’t my cup of tea now though. Our middle daughter got married in the Wedding Chapel there ( Blackpool is her happy place) during lockdown. 12 guests and the most un- weddingy wedding reception as Lancashire went into some tier which put the block on everything 12 hours before the wedding! We hadn’t been since. The kids will love it. I’m not expecting to come home with much money. 😳


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I went all the time with my family when I was a child. We took our three to see the lights but never stayed. It’s only 1.5 hour away. It really isn’t my cup of tea now though. Our middle daughter got married in the Wedding Chapel there ( Blackpool is her happy place) during lockdown. 12 guests and the most un- weddingy wedding reception as Lancashire went into some tier which put the block on everything 12 hours before the wedding! We hadn’t been since. The kids will love it. I’m not expecting to come home with much money. 😳
Lovely photo @eggyg
Late lunch just in oven, ready at 16:15, & in the end went with 46 for sushi around 09:25. BS went up to 15’s within the first 90 minutes & stayed there for over 2 hours BUT, BS started going down quite steadily after 4 hours so, not too bad a choice as insulin from my arm is being absorbed as well. Now heading towards 9mmol & might get to the 8’s by the time lunch is ready? Still a very slight lump in my arm that’s almost flat albeit bigger in diameter as I’ve been massaging it now & then so, another 46 NR is a good compromise?

I dozed for a couple of hours earlier so, not feeling too bad & will sleep after lunch later. Hopefully a much smoother day tomorrow?
*does my best weathergirl voice*
8.8. stable with small dawn front moving in in the early hours

Called DSN yesterday to leave a message with reception. Will see if she phones back today (she was in hospital yesterday and not in clinic).
Time for another "will you give me libre check". Struggling to stay on top of my ever fluctuating days with one on as it is.

Hope you all have a great day!
Morning yawning. 6.1.

We got to Blackpool, eventually, after a delayed train from Carlisle to Preston, cancelled train to Blackpool Pleasure Beach and missing the bus replacement even though the guard on Preston train called through and asked them to hold the bus! Next train cancelled and no bus replacement for this one. Ended up getting train to Blackpool North and getting a tram to Blackpool Pleasure Beach where hotel is. It was very wet and very windy and we arrived at the hotel disheveled and fed up 1.5 hours later than expected. But we unpacked and freshened up and went out for tea. Got rained on again and almost blown away. Clean plates all round. We were going to go on the South Pier but Sadie felt unwell ( she’s fine, just got overheated) and Zara needed a poo and I didn’t take her portable loo seat and she doesn’t like going on “grown up seats” ( her words) for a poo. After three attempts, we were in a Wetherspoons and of course the loos are upstairs, lots of stairs, and the ladies is always the furthest toilets away, we went back to the hotel. Life is never dull with children about.
Breakfast, then Pleasure Beach, fingers crossed the forecast of sunny intervals materialises.

@Pattidevans hope things are looking up for you and sorry I inadvertently called Julian Jeremy.

Have a great day all. 🙂

All excited on the train before all the shenanigans began. They’ve actually been good as gold and their craic is hilarious.


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Good morning everyone. Up late this morning at 6am (I was tired)

BG 5.2 yesssss. How about a magnificent desert tent as an HSH after all how often do some of us feel like we are stuck in the middle of a desert, all alonr, fighting difficult stuff, and yet there is shelter, recovery, rest, help if only we know where to look...

Temp 36.4
Pulse 51
BP 120/79

Yesterday was another good day. My wife decided that she would cook the tea (roast chicken, roasties, green beans, yorshire puddings, gravy) and she spent the whole afternoon crafting what turned out to be a magnificent meal (she even made really nice real bread buns and a cake). And she was still happy by the time everything was done (even tho she was exhausted). But what was most important was that she was keen, helpful and empathetic to my friends difficult circumstances... the real her, making an appearance after many years. What a great evening it was.

My evening BG has again reduced into the low 5's having changed my hydrocortisone regime back to how I always used to take it. Excellent.

Today, no more church song sheets...all done, yesss. Some drier exercise (I hope). The delivery of a 'new' refurbished laptop to replace my broken PC (possible delivery). Left over roast chicken for tea (excellent).

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
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Morning all, 5.4 here.
Need to go down to the local convenience co-op today for all my dairy stuff. Did my big shop yesterday at the main store in the nearest town, but all their fridge cabinets on the side and back wall of the shop were taped off with notices saying, sorry we can’t sell this after a fridge breakdown, and staff were busy shoving all the contents into bin bags. So no milk, yogurt or salami available, though oddly, the cheese wasn't off limits. Maybe they are still allowed to sell cheese because it doesn’t go off immediately, though I'm sure all the other stuff would have been fine, with a warning to use it straight way. Assume rules is rules, and if the thermometer says it’s got too warm, they daren’t sell it. What a waste!
Good morning - 4.3

Have a great day everyone