Group 7-day waking average?

What is a hog?

I learn so much of this forum!!
Hogging a horse is clipping off all it's mane and usually forelock as well.
You learn something new every day on this site, and there was me thinking a cob was a small, round loaf of
bread, or a small, round bread roll.....Now I'm just a tad more informed.
and there am I thinking a cob meaning a bad tempered face. @ lol
I almost said the mongrel of the horse world but didn’t want to offend anyone! My granddaughter’s is classed as a gypsy cob apparently, not sure what makes it that. Do you know Barbara?
A coloured (ie black and white or red and white or blue or red roan and white) cob with feather would generally get referred to as a gypsy cob or these days less controversially called a "vanner"

@silentsquirrel Yes, I did think about welsh cob breeders being a little unhappy about the term "mongrel" being applied to all cobs, but to be fair there has been a fair amount of mixed breeding (albeit very selective mixed breeding) going on with Welshies over the years to create what they are today.
Really interesting to see what other people's values are, I was worried about mine seeming high; mine was 8.1 but I celebrated a clear liver scan yesterday! By midday it was 6.5.

Welcome to the thread and congrats on getting a good result from your scan. Did you celebrate with something naughty??
So, a bit like labradoodles and cockerpoos. 😛
Not exactly as those are creating new "types" of dog ie. a specific cross. The selective mixed breeding with Welshies has used hackney horses to improve/exaggerage the leg action but then bred back to welsh cobs, so not a "Welshhack" but a Welsh cob which has enough hackney in it down the line to improve the leg action but still be classed as a Welsh cob. Similar with using the arab horse to give more of a dished face and little ears. Not that I am in any way an expert on Welsh ponies and cobs. The original ones I believe were strong, hardy and relatively docile allrounders that were used for farming and transport but now they are very showy and extravagant in their action and also more highly strung!
Or very expensive mongrels LOL - both descriptions are accurate, I reckon! :rofl:
Unfair put emoticons on but they do not come out . Mongrels, Heinz57 , mixed breed, hybrids whatever to me are lovely . However you are correct they are highly valued and are not cheap. agree said it all before. lol
Morning all! Hope everyone is keeping well, was treated to a 5.2 this morning - had a bit of a disturbed night and added a tiny bolus at 4:30 am, so it is kind of cheating, but wanted to share it anyway. 🙂
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6.9 fingerprick (5.9 libre) Its better than the -2 out it was at activation 🙂
Trying to throw myself into full on log mode on libre app for DSN appointment (whenever that will be). Actually missed that feature with dexcom1 app.

Anyway no clue what today is bringing apart from fixing my immediate coffee needs.
Hopefully will get the nod from my brother to get some tickets booked to go back to the Isle of Man again and go see everyone (with the kids this time) so could be doing a bit of hunting about for travel options later on :D. will be a couple of months away at least.

Hope you all have a fantastic day!
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