Group 7-day waking average?

Well this is now a nightmare. Went to Lloyds this morning to see if they've had the delivery or when its due. They've had a delivery but the driver now does not have a van with a fridge so can't transport insulin, therefore they can't get it...sorry.

I got back onto GP to request yet another urgent prescription as Lloyds hadn't done something on their system which meant i could still use the same prescription. The clerk has put it through as urgent again. I rang around chemists but we've had to drive for over an hour to find one that has Apidra in stock. Now waiting for GP to sign it off so i can pick it up. This is not a restful holiday at all. I cried in Lloyds and still feel like crying.
so i need to be under 20 g of carbs to get low result. can you tell me how its done ?
Look on keto websites for advice. Basically eat only meat, fish, eggs, small amounts of cheese, green leafy vegetables.You can eat quite a lot of butter, oil etc as that contains no carbs. Almost or completely zero fruit, pasta, rice, spuds, bread or anything made with flour, jam, honey, sugar. Weigh everything and use carbs and cals book to get carb content per 100gms. Weight drops off, blood sugar levels go down, but it is a bit boring and I found after 2 years that I lost enthusiasm. I am trying to rekindle it as my weight and BG have risen once I moderated my efforts. You won't feel hungry, you may get constipated, you probably will find it a bit boring but it does give Type 2s good results.
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Congratulations @MrPixels, @Elenka_HM and @goodybags on your HS today!

@rebrascora - glad it’s not just me having days that I continually stab myself with NR due to grazing/nibbling! Been there quite a few times, glad that you are definitely in control with a lovely result this morning!

@freesia - what a pain about your insulin! I just hope it gets sorted soon today!

I called the GP this morning to ask about my annual review (last one was April 2022) and was immediately told they now do it in your birth month - my reply of “that was March” got them to ask me to call back tomorrow morning at 8:30 to get an appointment / speak with one of the GP DSNs to arrange the review plus bloods as nobody who looks after diabetes was in today! I guess I should have called back in April, but foolishly thought they would have it in hand and contact me. Shame, as up to now they’ve been really good and organised. I wonder as I’m under the hospital DSN that I have dropped off their radar.
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Oh! I forgot to mention that I found my long lost Libre reader yesterday .... in the garden. :( The heavy rain had battered down all the foliage and there it was in the centre of a plant, wedged upside down in the stems. Bearing in mind we have had a wet July, it was full of water which had got in through the test strip slot and it literally ran out when I inverted it. I am assuming it is goosed but ever the optimist I have put it in a container with a load of couscous (didn't have any rice) and I am going to forget about it for a week or so and then have a look and see if it can be resurrected. Knowing my luck it will probably be full of couscous now!
Thankfully my spare is working well and I am now really happy to be back using a reader instead of my phone. Much, much more convenient for me and it just works so well. It was nice to have the full CGM on my phone for a week, but I don't need it or miss it and the ease of using the reader far outweighs the loss of that function and using the phone without the CGM was absolutely horrid and I honestly don't know how people managed before the update to full CGM without using a 3rd party app... Maybe they had never used a reader so didn't know how slow and awkward the phone app was.
Happy bunny again here using the reader and sleeping so much better knowing I can manage any nocturnal hypos without needing to fully wake up. The only function I would like that the phone has, is to be able to go back after the 15 min cut off to add notes to an entry in the log.
@Robin.... if you ever get tempted to move to the app, my advice would be... "DON'T" or at least don't give up your reader so that you can go back to it when you realise it isn't better. Of course it could just be the fact that I hate the iphone that is creating my bias, although I am currently still using it just because I haven't got round to changing back.
I FINALLY HAVE MY INSULIN!!! I'm so happy i could cry.

After an hours drive, a tense few hours and more phone calls to the GP, they finally uploaded the prescription and we walked across the town to get it.

We're finally on our way back to our apartment to put it in the fridge then go out for 2 big glasses of wine and some food. I haven't had anything to eat today, i just felt sick with it all.

My hubby, bless him, is an absolute star! He was wanting to do the 3 hour drive home then back on holiday again, just to get me a pen from my home fridge.

Congrats to anyone who has had a HS or unicorn today. I hope you all have had a good day.
I FINALLY HAVE MY INSULIN!!! I'm so happy i could cry.

After an hours drive, a tense few hours and more phone calls to the GP, they finally uploaded the prescription and we walked across the town to get it.

We're finally on our way back to our apartment to put it in the fridge then go out for 2 big glasses of wine and some food. I haven't had anything to eat today, i just felt sick with it all.

My hubby, bless him, is an absolute star! He was wanting to do the 3 hour drive home then back on holiday again, just to get me a pen from my home fridge.

Congrats to anyone who has had a HS or unicorn today. I hope you all have had a good day.
We really need a "Phew" emoji. So relieved for you!
We really need a "Phew" emoji. So relieved for you!
We definitely do!! This is a lesson for everyone as well...if you go away, check the temperature of the fridge!

Thank you everyone for the support and 'cares'
I also forgot to congratulate @Elenka_HM on your House Special today too. You must have snuck in with your post this morning whilst I was typing my lengthy one and I only just spotted it! Really sorry to hear you have a difficult and ignorant guest but hope the lovely one at least makes up for him a bit.
Thank you @rebrascora . I'd say most guests are alright, but occasionally we get the ones that complain because "soup is hot and ice cream is cold", as my manager always says :D

I never used Libre with my phone, as it is not compatible, but I don't think I want to. I feel a bit too dependent on my phone as it is, don't need to add my BG measurements to it. I imagine Libre would eat quite a bit of battery as well as annoying me with updates that I possibly don't have space for. I appreciate the phone saves people from carrying an extra device and it would be useful to make notes whenever you want, not only within 15 minutes. But also, the reader is smaller and fits in my uniform pocket, and I won't get in trouble at work for using it as it could happen if I check my phone.
the reader is smaller and fits in my uniform pocket, and I won't get in trouble at work for using it as it could happen if I check my phone.
I prefer the reader at work too - I don't want my students thinking I'm always using my phone in class. If I get the reader out, it's definitely for checking my BG. 🙂
First to the party this morning it seems. Well let me start things off with a 4.9

Average for the last 24 hours - 5.6

Average for the last 7 days - 6.0
TIR for 7 days 98%

Going to be scouring the interweb for holiday deals. I think I do fancy a break somewhere.
05:56 BS 5.6 😱 o_Oo_O 🙂 That’s me in shock then, rubbed my eyes twice & smiling as I went to loo & back in bed now in the 6’s!

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

My graph for yesterday was very messy & I’d already started to fall asleep around 19:00 & had set hourly alarms to test after dinner. The last 4 hour mark one woke me at 22:10 & I went to sleep in peace on 11’s did 1 test ? can’t remember turning over in bed 9’s & now woke in the 5’s! Was that because I slept, albeit a couple of alarms to wake me briefly for hourly tests, instead of being awake worrying & stressing about readings? :confused: Let that be a lesson to me & TRY not to get SO anxious!🙄


The tea & biscuits continued to raise my BS hours after the fact slowly 7’s, 8’s & I ate dinner with my BS in the 9’s. Quickly rose to 13’s, which I expected to go higher, then, went down to 11’s but, then went back up to 13’s, I saw in the graph which I realise now the libre fills in when I next scan, before my own scan in the 9’s.


Then, a steady drift down to wake in the 5’s. Very slow to realise that the libre actually IS continuously monitoring & fills in the graph of what BS did when I scan the next time! Duh! Hitting My Head emoji! :rofl:

Anyways, better get breakfast now as I rise pretty fast in the mornings now &…..Yikes 06:20 BS 7.1. Make breakfast before tesco shopping 09:00 to 10:00
9.2 but not on accu chek as could not get strips. The sinocare is always higher.
i don't do less than 20 g of carbs so i guess it is not going to go lower. Sadly i cannot see me doing that long term.
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Look on keto websites for advice. Basically eat only meat, fish, eggs, small amounts of cheese, green leafy vegetables.You can eat quite a lot of butter, oil etc as that contains no carbs. Almost or completely zero fruit, pasta, rice, spuds, bread or anything made with flour, jam, honey, sugar. Weigh everything and use carbs and cals book to get carb content per 100gms. Weight drops off, blood sugar levels go down, but it is a bit boring and I found after 2 years that I lost enthusiasm. I am trying to rekindle it as my weight and BG have risen once I moderated my efforts. You won't feel hungry, you may get constipated, you probably will find it a bit boring but it does give Type 2s good results.
I am doing Diabetes UK low carb but do not ever get that low . Even my coffee with cream adds the carbs. A tomato less salad would be awful and so much meat yuck i might do it starving for a day but well done those who can achieve this longer.
I FINALLY HAVE MY INSULIN!!! I'm so happy i could cry.

After an hours drive, a tense few hours and more phone calls to the GP, they finally uploaded the prescription and we walked across the town to get it.

We're finally on our way back to our apartment to put it in the fridge then go out for 2 big glasses of wine and some food. I haven't had anything to eat today, i just felt sick with it all.

My hubby, bless him, is an absolute star! He was wanting to do the 3 hour drive home then back on holiday again, just to get me a pen from my home fridge.

Congrats to anyone who has had a HS or unicorn today. I hope you all have had a good day.
oh i am pleased for you . what a time you had getting it. Now try and enjoy the holiday sad this has upset you and that it shows how difficult meds are to get.
Good morning 6.5 today

I have hospital appointment today
X-Ray etc following last month’s appointment (Hope I’m in and out as quickly as last time)

yesterday my manager from work phoned,
asking when I’m back at work I guess as it’s a new month he is keen,
I didn’t say to much apart from reminding him I have the appointment today X-Ray etc
and so will know more today,
I’m hopeful for a RTW in a few weeks time (possibly a gradual RTW) will see what consultant thinks

have a great day all 😎
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