Group 7-day waking average?

It was just because my Carbs and Cals say 0 carbs for cream. So I stand corrected.
The carbs n cal book like this app like BS will vary . Depending on coffee as if you go to Costa its even higher. All I was initially trying ton say is I cannot go low to 20 . i might count my 20 as 30 but i am not aiming for 20. At one time i could not go without breakfast today as another day I will have brunch later but i still cannot do without coffee in the am . So i am improving. i went too quick to start as before every meal was s no no carb . bread pasta rice or s combination. The initial flu has gone . eyes slowly i think improving.
i am so grateful to you for your time and patience. its not right or wrong its just different ways of things. your and others are awesome
Caffeine puts up BS in some people, I’ve learnt on this forum, & it affects me a lot: 10NR to have a cup of coffee, for me; it’s why I’m a tea person & I don’t drink coffee that often usually! Of course, it could also be that I find it impossible to drink coffee without sugar in it but, the sugar doesn’t amount to that much & it’s the caffeine that affects my BS! I love having a cinnamon latte in coffee shops when out & about, a long quite a few years ago now, & I would need 10NR for it!
im sure it affects me too but I am a coffee addict so limit it as much but still cannot go to tea or red bush all the time.
i am so grateful to you for your time and patience. its not right or wrong its just different ways of things.
That's it! I understand keto is not doable for everyone (it wouldn't be for me). Don't be discouraged thinking that's the only way you can get good BS. I'm sure is effective for many but is not the only effective strategy. You can reduce your carbs in a more moderate way, as you are doing, and still get good results. Give it some time 🙂
im sure it affects me too but I am a coffee addict so limit it as much but still cannot go to tea or red bush all the time.
And I learnt something new today from your post! 🙂 Thanks for that! Thumbs Up! emoji!

Never heard of red bush: googled it; will give it a try! Can still have it with milk: I find it impossible to drink, the Chinese call it “milk tea”, without milk; without sugar I can do hut, with no milk all the sugar in the world makes it impossible for me to drink it!

In case anyone doesn’t know, I’m Chinese & Chinese tea is something completely different &, of course, drunk on its own: why we, Chinese people, call the stuff westerners drink “milk tea”. Also, Chinese tea has as much, in some leaf types more than, caffeine as black coffee as it’s drunk without milk or sugar! I LOVE Chinese tea but, haven’t drunk it in years as I find it highly addictive & can end up drinking a LOT then, have go “Cold Turkey” including withdrawal symptoms of dreaming about the taste & smell of it!
Morning all 10.2 for me this morning.. Yesterday afternoon from 16 to 19 . Feeling a bit better today dropped a 10 unit correction dose at tea time managed to get dog out for a short walk. Got in tested 7.2 went up to 8.3 bedtime . Took another unit tested at 4 still in the 10s . Knocked all my averages up only been bad for just over 24 hours. See if I can get out today and venture to chemist get something to harden me up Hope everyone is doing well and have a good day folks
Good morning lovelies! 5'2 again, or 5'4 just one minute after because I was half asleep and repeated the scan for no reason.

Surprisingly good rota this week. Off today and the weekend, so just 4 days to work. My man is off today as well so he is coming soon. Later this evening I'm going with some colleagues for dinner and a drink or two in a pub that has good offers at the moment. And I'll go away for the weekend. Other weeks I struggle to find plans for my time off that are not boring house chores...this one I don't know if I'll have any time for the house chores! What a shaaame... 😉

Okay, I confess, I just did a quick dusting and hoovering in my room. While I don't like cleaning, I do like living in a clean space. And I know I will feel better with myself and enjoy the rest of my fun day, knowing I did a little something "productive".
Never heard of red bush: googled it; will give it a try! Can still have it with milk: I find it impossible to drink, the Chinese call it “milk tea”, without milk; without sugar I can do hut, with no milk all the sugar in the world makes it impossible for me to drink it!
I don't have sugar in my English tea anymore but absolutely can't have it without milk! My Spanish family fint it strange to put milk in a tea but it is not so common in our culture, generally they are more coffee drinkers (not me!), and when we drink infusions is usually the herbal stuff: camomile, peppermint... so that obviously doesn't call for milk. I think that's why it sounds so alien to them. I adapted quickly to the taste of milky English tea and my family makes fun of me for "becoming British" 🙄 :rofl:

PS: no offense to British... or tea!
5.3 on this damp, grey Berkshire morning and a weather warning in place for thunderstorms this afternoon and early evening. Pretty well everywhere the same, I believe. Wettest July since 1836 and August no better so far.

@Lanny - I've been drinking decaf coffee ever since reading that high caffeine consumption can impair insulin sensitivity, though I'm not clear on what the definition of 'high' is. I generally get through 3 or 4 a day.
Morning all on this windy wet day... though the rain did cease 15 minutes ago it had been raining solid since 8 am when I got up.

6.6 this morning with an absolutely flat line... which is a huge relief after where it has been over the last week or two. I think that vial of insulin had been going off for ages... I'd put it down to having the respiratory infection.

What follows is a bit of a rant... feel free to ignore!

So yesterday morning I rang Abbott about the sensor that had been reading 2.8 when bloods were 7.5. I'd tried to fill in the online form but it wouldn't work for my particular complaint so I had to ring up. Although my call was answered almost straight away I was on the phone for over an hour answering questions. I came off the phone reeling and feeling as though I'd been interviewed by the gestapo! He asked the same questions over and over and I had to keep finding stuff on my phone.... How many times had I had the "scan again in 10 minutes" message? 8 times. Look up this, look up that... why did I take it off? How about because there's a huge difference between 2.8 and 7.5??? On and on and on... when really one sentence should adequately clarify the situation! Oh... and why was I using version of 2.5.3 of the app rather than 2.10. How about because you, or rather the company you work for, issued a dangerously unfit update that trashed my phone over a year ago. Grrr.

I then rang Insulet to order some more pods and was told by a perfectly nice young man that they would replace the pod I had ripped off because I had filled it with duff insulin. I thought that was nice of them, considering there was nothing wrong with the pod itself. He told me to ring again and choose a different option where they would help me. By this time I was running late to catch my bus, so when I got the "your call is important to us, the next free operative etc." recording a couple of times I rang off. Glad I did, called them this morning. Another completely wasted hour where I was grilled again about the pod. I kept saying, "there was nothing wrong with the pod, it was the insulin that had degenerated" but no, every reading over a 3.5 hour period was required asnd there were a lot, which was hard since I was using my mobile and had to keep switching back and forth. Losing the will to live! Not saying they shouldn't be diligent in finding out why a replacement is needed (either Insulet or Abbott) but common sense should really prevail!

Sorry about the rant folks!

Funny how we are all different... I can't abide tea with milk. I've drunk weak black tea for well over 50 years. These days we drink Lady Grey, which is very refreshing.

@freesia, so glad you got your insulin.

@Elenka_HM well done on that 5.2

@eggyg congratulations on expecting your new grandchild.

@ColinUK I spoke with my friend who was just dx with Angina... she said she had a barrow load of meds, but hadn't told me before because it was too much to text.

Have a good day all...
And I learnt something new today from your post! 🙂 Thanks for that! Thumbs Up! emoji!

Never heard of red bush: googled it; will give it a try! Can still have it with milk: I find it impossible to drink, the Chinese call it “milk tea”, without milk; without sugar I can do hut, with no milk all the sugar in the world makes it impossible for me to drink it!

In case anyone doesn’t know, I’m Chinese & Chinese tea is something completely different &, of course, drunk on its own: why we, Chinese people, call the stuff westerners drink “milk tea”. Also, Chinese tea has as much, in some leaf types more than, caffeine as black coffee as it’s drunk without milk or sugar! I LOVE Chinese tea but, haven’t drunk it in years as I find it highly addictive & can end up drinking a LOT then, have go “Cold Turkey” including withdrawal symptoms of dreaming about the taste & smell of it!
Now I am Scottish so not drank much chinese tea except in Chinese restaurant and you cannot buy it tasting like that. Its the same Chinese take away you cannot cook like they do. Fried rice is to die for in the take away but cook at home is a soggy mess. I now have cauliflower and my favourite possibly caused my diabetes to spike so much ,,, hmm that and so many other goodies.
Thumbs up or as I say High Five
I've drunk weak black tea for well over 50 years.
My mum was the same, whereas my dad had milk and 2 sugars. My choice is extra strong tea with just a dash of milk, but no sugar. That's why I laugh when I read about how to make the perfect cup of tea. There's no such thing.
. I've drunk weak black tea for well over 50 years
I’m the same but only for 30 years! No milk no sugar and I just introduce the tea bag to the hot water! I very rarely drink tea other than at home as it’s always too strong even when I say, please don’t squeeze the teabag! Mr Eggy drinks First Flush Darjeeling, black, no sugar. It’s £14 a quarter! He’s got expensive tastes. Luckily, he only has one of those a day, he slums it with Tetleys the rest of the time! :rofl:
I was diagnosed as pre-diabetic last September. Only just, and I've managed to get back on the right side of the line according to the last HbA1c test done in March. As such I'm not a regular on here, but do drop in from time to time as it helps get me back on track when my focus drifts!
At present I'm only doing fasting level finger prick tests on waking, and my BS is usually anywhere between 5.0 and 6.0. For the last 28 days the average had been 5.5, but this morning it was 7.0. What was different about yesterday?? Well, a large slice of chocolate banana cake, potato salad, and 4 jelly babies probably didn't help! Must try harder!
Interesting to read of the experiences of others with tea and coffee. I'm a one coffee a day man (2 x Hermesetas), but 4-5 builder's teas (milk no sugar), but I've never tested before/after to see the effect on BS. Might give it a go.
A very good morning all. A very nice 6.1 and a unicorn. Two this week.

Yesterday remained dry, we got a bit of sunshine and it was quite warm, I did some gardening and had to have my hoodie surgically removed! It’s been a permanent feature since beginning of July!

Also, drum roll please, found out yesterday we are expecting grandchild number SIX! Zara is going to be a big sister! This baby is due around about her third birthday, she’s very excited and wants a baby brother!

Have a wonderful Wednesday, we will, even though it’s going to rain all over the country our home will be filled with sunshine. 🙂
Congratulations on new baby .
I’m the same but only for 30 years! No milk no sugar and I just introduce the tea bag to the hot water! I very rarely drink tea other than at home as it’s always too strong even when I say, please don’t squeeze the teabag! Mr Eggy drinks First Flush Darjeeling, black, no sugar. It’s £14 a quarter! He’s got expensive tastes. Luckily, he only has one of those a day, he slums it with Tetleys the rest of the time! :rofl:
Of course he’s got expensive tastes, I mean just look at his wife, she’s priceless.
No unicorn but can’t complain.


I’d quite like a quiet little house by the water today I think.