Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning! 5'3.

Had fun with my colleagues in our night out, although I had to leave early because I have the 6:30 am shift :( I saw their pictures this morning, they hit the clubs and danced. I'm a bit jealous! And slightly concerned for the only one, apart from me, who is working this morning (he starts 8). Let's see if he does come in and in what state :D

Funny enough I went to bed earlier than I probably would if I stayed home all evening. I kept waking up tho, not sure if my BS being 10ish for a couple hours or the caffeine from the cola mixers, or the alcohol were the reason. I did dream my Libre showed a stupid number like 500.000. I was wondering what sort of technical issue that was!

Well, at least I'm early in the thread today and is easy to catch up before I post. Have to look for a positive 😉
Morning folks. 6.2 on this bright morning. I’m sure that’ll change! Nearly got a unicorn but I decided to have two or five squares of milk chocolate at 3pm. Whoops! Just tipped me over the 10. It was so worth it though. :D

Cut and colour for me at 10am. Two hours of sitting still on a salon chair, I hate it, and always end up with a very stiff bottom! The things we put ourselves through to look gorgeous.😉

Other than picking up a few bits and pieces in the supermarket for the hordes descending tomorrow, two are sleeping over, not much else doing today.

@ColinUK congratulations on another HS.

Have a good ‘un. 🙂
06:03 BS 8.4 ok ish 🙂

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

Yesterday was another messy day full of mistakes: only meal I got right was breakfast on 48; lunch, a cross between a snack & a bit of food correction & a MUCH delayed dinner on 44 were just complete disasters! So, it definitely IS 48 NR across the board & trying less just causes more bother, time & effort! Also, however I calculate it, I ate & had NR 4 times yesterday although, technically dinner at 01:30 in the morning due to hunger is TODAY rather than YESTERDAY! 🙄

So, I’ll have to learn all the new food profiles & portion sizes to keep within the 48NR for a decent ish BS to start at finish at & get stuck on, which is around 8’s now! Ahhh! That’s a positive! It was 10’s I got stuck on then, 9’s & now 8’s AND THAT WAS DESPITE THE MISTAKES YESTERDAY! :D “Ja Yao, Lanny!” my, in italics, pinyin Chinese into English, not the official thing that I actually find hard to get my head around, basically meaning a “Cheer”, as in cheerleaders I suppose, “Come On!/Way To Go/Keep It Up etc. etc. Lanny”!:rofl:

Breakfast now & a new day in “The New Adventures of Lanny’s Insulin Needs”! Although, it’s more about learning the completely changed food profiles & portion sizes now since I have a ceiling of 48 NR! :confused: for learning & o_O for it’s doing my head in a bit! :rofl: It’s getting there!:D
Good morning. 6.4.

Off for my bone scan this morning.

AI and data gathering strikes again. Had to complete a form which asked all about exercise - what, when, how often, how long etc. Since it was tick boxes my responses should upset their computer...I do exercise, daily for 3 hours, but I do not exercise at all as it is not possible...Obviously the form does not contemplate intermittent problems like palindromic arthitis, COPD, AF and angina!! On a good day (or week) I put in the hours well knowing that at any moment I may have to grind to a halt gasping or that I may pay for today's efforts with 3 days in bed and an inability to get off the loo or a chair...Hey ho, one day we may return to actually talking to a human being, whether a medic, a check out operative, or a phone compliants department, instead of pandering to a machine which can only managed on/ff responses! I have a dream...

Well done @ColinUK - a very nifty HS.

Have a good day all.
Would this do? A mere 1.9million but yours for free.
It would do I guess. :rofl:

Gardens are spectacular but not overly keen on the house itself. I’d furnish it in a softer, dare I say even chintzy way to get more warmth in and soften some of those hard lines. But the lake and the grounds and the location would all be a huge plus.

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Morning all. 5.4 after 2 hypos overnight. I had pizza for tea as well, very unusual as i tend to avoid it because of spikes. Oh well...

Cloudy and windy here today. Where is the summer?

@ColinUK congrats on the HS
Good morning everyone. Strangely up very late this morning at 6:30am.

Had my yearly shower at 7am 🙂. Breakfast soon at 9:30am delayed as my first two med have to be timed and taken on an empty stomach. Sigh.

BG 5.1
BPP 120/78
Pulse 53

Today I'm tackling the last few song sheets. Not a nice job as the OCR software can't understand the scribble all over the sheets so I have to do them all manually. Yawn. Mind you some of the sheets are over 30 years old and the original 'documents' have been lost a long time ago, so the job needs to be done.

@ColinUK congratulations on yet another HS. House with a water view coming up...


You can catch your own fish for breakfast...lunch...tea... or maybe a crocodile bap...

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Good morning - 7.4 at 8:00

Wifi is back working for most homes and businesses now. Went past where Openreach were working on the issue yesterday and there were about 7 vans working on it 😱
Well done @ColinUK on the HS. I've been yo-yoing under and over it the past few days. 5.1 this morning. 🙂

5.6 on this bright and sunny Berkshire morning. Pleasant change from yesterday's deluge. Thankfully no rain forecast for today.

Swim later, and hopefully the pool not as chaotic as it was on Tuesday. I always choose the lane swimming sessions where the pool is divided into fast, medium and slow lanes and everyone swims up one side of their lane and down the other, but on Tuesday there were people in there who didn't seem to be able to grasp this simple principle.

@ColinUK congratulations on another HS.

Have a good day everyone.
6.0 this morning after a 1am correction to a high of 13.2 - some bad choices last night. Oh well, another day beckons!

Attempting to cheat the weather and get some washing dry outside before the forecast rain this afternoon. What a summer!

Managed to get my diabetes review sorted with the GP Health Centre yesterday and got the bloods, feet tickle, BP, etc. all in one visit instead of two! The results follow up is by phone, so just the one trip to the Health Centre - result! It did appear they had lost me in their system as I should have had the review back in March, hopefully all back on course now.

Congratulations @ColinUK on your HS, you’ll need a new country soon for all these houses!

Hope everyone has a good day!
Morning all, 7.8 fir me today. Day off work so I'm watching Guardians of the Galaxy 3 and painting a couple more pots ready for the fair I'm doing on Sunday.
Morning all, 7.8 fir me today. Day off work so I'm watching Guardians of the Galaxy 3 and painting a couple more pots ready for the fair I'm doing on Sunday.
Ooh I watched that last night. I thought it quite fun.
There’s two post credit scenes that you could easily miss.
Forgot to post yesterday.... it was 8.4 and an 8.2 this morning. Both very level overnight graphs so I got the Levemir dose right but just too high a level going to bed. Last night I ate really late and it was cauliflower halloumi and chickpea curry and the chickpea release probably offset the exercise I did yesterday, so in some respects quite impressive that I got an horizontal line.
Amazing how quickly Libre registers a rise in BG as soon as I wake up. Libre ordinarily takes 15 mins to catch up with a sudden change in BG but it always shows my levels rise immediately on a morning and it is particularly noticeable when they have been very level throughout the night like last night and then suddenly jump up 1-2mmols within 5 mins of waking and then come back down as my Fiasp kicks in.
Anyway, despite my higher than I would like waking readings, I am on a pair of unicorns the last 2 days, so things are not going too badly.
Congrats to @ColinUK on yet another House Special! Can see what you mean about that house. Absolutely beautiful outside but a bit harsh inside.