Group 7-day waking average?

A very good morning all. A very nice 6.1 and a unicorn. Two this week.

Yesterday remained dry, we got a bit of sunshine and it was quite warm, I did some gardening and had to have my hoodie surgically removed! It’s been a permanent feature since beginning of July!

Also, drum roll please, found out yesterday we are expecting grandchild number SIX! Zara is going to be a big sister! This baby is due around about her third birthday, she’s very excited and wants a baby brother!

Have a wonderful Wednesday, we will, even though it’s going to rain all over the country our home will be filled with sunshine. 🙂
Good morning - 7.8

Openreach are giving everyone affected £9:33 a day for each day without wifi. For all the homes affected it’s not so bad but for all the businesses affected who would have lost loads of money as they couldn’t accept card payments it’s nowhere near good enough. No wifi here still

Have a great day everyone
4.5 this morning for me.

Did the iOS update to 16.6 and pleased to say LibreLink (v2.10.1.7653) is still working - phew! Just had to do a NFC scan to connect it again, but other than that all ok! Just in time to tell me I’m now 2.9😱

Finally managed to do a basal test for the evening/night period from 7pm onwards. Actually did from 4pm to 10pm, by which time I didn’t feel like eating so just went to bed, hence the lower readings this morning I guess. But lovely flat line to prove that the Levemir is still working right through the 24 hour period for me :


and a lovely flat fish overnight as well!


Need to phone the GP this morning to sort out my annual diabetic review.

@goodybags - hope all goes well today with your consultant!

Hope everyone has a great day!
Another 5.3 for me this morning. 🙂 And loadsa rain forecast.

Good morning everyone. Woken up at 2:30am by very loud thunder.

Yup rain, rain, rain here

BG 5.1
BP 118/78
Pulse 53

Yesterday was very stressful. I decided to apply the major update to my new keyboards operating system. It promised lots of improvements. Of course if it went wrong then I would have a very expensive brick and another headache to sort it all out. The update took a long nail biting time but it was successful. I could have done with a drink afterwards tho. 🙂

Today a few settings to change and then its all sorted.

Back to sorting out the last folder of church songs as well

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Sadly i cannot see me doing that long term.
I think that's the key, really - being able to do keto in the long term. There's a couple in my Welsh learner choir that lost lots of weight by going keto, but they just can't keep it up and the weight's creeping back on...which is hard, when they had so much success to begin with.

Morning folks. 🙂 A cheeky 4.4 for me.

Well, the sink, bath and shower are spanking o_O clean (what a Carry On!). We're going out for lunch today at a local seaside town. The weather's doing a little bit of everything at the same time - humid, sunny, windy, cloudy, blue skies, rainy. What to wear?!! (Bikini, pacamac, short wellies - perfect!)
Have a lovely day. i enjoyed the seaside yesterday. I never want to go home.
It’s a sunny morning here but can see black clouds in the distance so rain is on its way.

Anyway it’s a nice 5.7 again for me today. Now where’s my porridge I’m starving.
I am doing Diabetes UK low carb but do not ever get that low . Even my coffee with cream adds the carbs. A tomato less salad would be awful and so much meat yuck i might do it starving for a day but well done those who can achieve this longer.
I'm not sure why you think coffee with cream has any carbs. For most people very, very low carb is not realistic for many people.

6.7 cold still in full flow, now in my throat and chest, got an appointment with a nurse this afternoon for weight, so going to ask her to listen to my chest.
I'm not sure why you think coffee with cream has any carbs. For most people very, very low carb is not realistic for many people.
on my app its not high but one cup is 0.9 carbs with whipping cream . A two egg salad was 14.8 8 carbs . So thats over 15 for lunch alone . my yoghurt breakfast came in at 3 something so thats 18 and sometimes the evening meal can be that again . That to me is a good low carb but i fo drink too much coffee so yes its low but it soon adds up it is not free. i count as best i can on the app. i am sure it never goes higher but the calories I dont want to look at those.
oh dear.
I am doing okay.
i am doing okay.
on my app its not high but one cup is 0.9 carbs with whipping cream . A two egg salad was 14.8 8 carbs . So thats over 15 for lunch alone . my yoghurt breakfast came in at 3 something so thats 18 and sometimes the evening meal can be that again . That to me is a good low carb but i fo drink too much coffee so yes its low but it soon adds up it is not free. i count as best i can on the app. i am sure it never goes higher but the calories I dont want to look at those.
oh dear.
I am doing okay.
i am doing okay.
It was just because my Carbs and Cals say 0 carbs for cream. So I stand corrected.
Good morning. 6.00.

Quite agree that below 20 carbs is very difficult to manage. I did it for 2 years but have put much of the weight back on once off it. I can drop my BG easily by doing zero carbs for a few days but I weaken when its very hot (icecream is a wicked invention) or just bored to death with meat and salad. Cannot bring myself to liking any of the keto substitutes such as nut flour, pastry made of cream cheese etc. Nonetheless my jeans are getting tight so I'll be having another go. Diabetes is a tedious ailment.

Managed to get most of yesterday's pruning burned. Not raining at the moment but sky thickly overcast with evidence of heavy rain earlier and more forecast. Fridge is a yawning void so off to do a big shop - quite depressing to have to walk past 99% of goodies. Prof Tim Spector is against processed foods and I am a cook from scratcher - so overpriced rubbish isn't a problem - but what sort of deity invented peaches and then said "but not for you lot and put down the grapes"?

Hoping everyone can avoid the rain and have a good day.
on my app its not high but one cup is 0.9 carbs with whipping cream . A two egg salad was 14.8 8 carbs . So thats over 15 for lunch alone . my yoghurt breakfast came in at 3 something so thats 18 and sometimes the evening meal can be that again . That to me is a good low carb but i fo drink too much coffee so yes its low but it soon adds up it is not free. i count as best i can on the app. i am sure it never goes higher but the calories I dont want to look at those.
oh dear.
I am doing okay.
i am doing okay.
Caffeine puts up BS in some people, I’ve learnt on this forum, & it affects me a lot: 10NR to have a cup of coffee, for me; it’s why I’m a tea person & I don’t drink coffee that often usually! Of course, it could also be that I find it impossible to drink coffee without sugar in it but, the sugar doesn’t amount to that much & it’s the caffeine that affects my BS! I love having a cinnamon latte in coffee shops when out & about, a long quite a few years ago now, & I would need 10NR for it!
Morning all and it was a 5.4 for.

According to the weather forecast there may be a dry day next Thursday.

Down to the studio this aft and got to look at some festivals for potential gigs next year as we have fallen out with our UK/Europe booking agent.

Have a good day everyone.
Morning all. Deluge. 8.3 today due to butties. Gonna give the Newcastle a whirl from Monday, it has to be a Monday, that's the Peter Kay rule. Eggs would be just as good though I think. I did that one day detox last week, felt really good and not hungry at all. Just had my four pints of water and six boiled eggs interspersed throughout the day and lost five pounds overnight, inch of middle and felt really good, slept like a top but I usually do. 🙂

I'm the same as you @Grannylorraine absolutely full of it. Bleck. I'm slathering on the Vicks.