Group 7-day waking average?

Just as well I cut the grass out back yesterday as it's pretty wet out there right now. Hopefully it's not the same at The Oval and we'll get a full day's cricket in. Still pretty grey here at the moment, though it's a little brighter than it was when I nipped down to Morrison's before breakfast.

Off to the pool later. Expect it will be as busy as it was Tuesday now that schools are out. Having said that I just logged in and booked my place and there are more spaces available at the moment than there were when I did so on Tuesday, so maybe not. Bus again as my wife and our eldest are in the office today, so might have lunch in town as I won't have to be watching the clock to ensure I don't overstay wherever I've parked (our council brought back traffic wardens last year).

At long last..................


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Morning all.

And it’s a 4.7 on another grey day.
@Martin.A in honour of your swimming, and to save you parking headaches, I give you this bijou residence…

It looks quite unassuming from this (admittedly cropped) photo of the front entrance.

It has a little swimming pool out back that you might like.


That’s one of two pools.

Here’s a picture of the other one…

Yup that entire water park is the pool belonging to this house. Enjoy!
Good morning 7.0 today

just been to see GP Hba1c was 50 so that’s good, one of the results to do with my liver was abnormal
so will repeat that part of blood test in 6 weeks time (as he said it could be abnormal following the surgery I recently had)

we spoke about my blood pressure, which I monitor myself
and as it’s much lower than previously,he recommended stopping one of the two blood pressure meds I take daily

congratula on the HS @Martin.A
Morning all. Another wet day up here in North East. Only light rain . Put waterproofs on this afternoon and get dog out for a good walk . 4.7 for me this morning. 100% in range so happy days. Hope everyone is doing well and have a good day folks
Morning all - pretty uniformly grey, though nowhere near as horrid as yesterday, which was all day drenching drizzle leading into fairly heavy rain late afternoon. Hope it picks up for Saturday as we are due to go to a wedding that's being held on a farm.

6.3 this morning, quite pleasing considering I hit 15.3 yesterday after dinner.

Got an appointment with the nurse yesterday afternoon as I was coughing up so much stuff. She listened to my lungs and said I don't have a chest infection, I have an upper respiratory infection and they don't prescribe ABs for that. So just have lots of hot drinks & take the cough lozenges. Albeit they are sugar free, but 97g carb per 100g they don't seem to affect BG thank goodness.

Doing nothing much today, except maybe making apple and ginger jam if I can beg some empty jars off neighbours as I don't have enough.

@Nayshiftin, honestly you have no need to fret as much over your numbers. I'm not suggesting you should ignore them, but stress will push them up, not to mention Dawn Phenomenon and Foot on the Floor syndrome. HUGS.

@Martin.A congratulations - that is some house Colin has given you!

Have a good day all...
Morning all - pretty uniformly grey, though nowhere near as horrid as yesterday, which was all day drenching drizzle leading into fairly heavy rain late afternoon. Hope it picks up for Saturday as we are due to go to a wedding that's being held on a farm.

6.3 this morning, quite pleasing considering I hit 15.3 yesterday after dinner.

Got an appointment with the nurse yesterday afternoon as I was coughing up so much stuff. She listened to my lungs and said I don't have a chest infection, I have an upper respiratory infection and they don't prescribe ABs for that. So just have lots of hot drinks & take the cough lozenges. Albeit they are sugar free, but 97g carb per 100g they don't seem to affect BG thank goodness.

Doing nothing much today, except maybe making apple and ginger jam if I can beg some empty jars off neighbours as I don't have enough.

@Nayshiftin, honestly you have no need to fret as much over your numbers. I'm not suggesting you should ignore them, but stress will push them up, not to mention Dawn Phenomenon and Foot on the Floor syndrome. HUGS.

@Martin.A congratulations - that is some house Colin has given you!

Have a good day all...
Thank you, oh i wish you better. Go back if that chest infection persists but hopefully you are on the mend . Not nice . It will be good if you have a lovely day for the wedding . Fingers crossed.
Yes , me fretting is like asking will the moon come out tonight. its always there even if you cannot see it. I am doing good . Its better than it was.
Just got to settle tummy down but I was up for that. I knew it was part of it. Still a million times better than on medication.
Got a DN appointment to book for my review as did not go as cancelled last one as voukd not argue over medication without feeling shed give me anti depressants too.
I must brave it one day. if not ill lose my GP i think.
Had a wee doze after lunch earlier & missed one last scan before the end of the sensor. New one fitted just now on the inside of the same left arm as I’ve got a few bruises on the inside of the right arm from where I injected NR earlier for breakfast & lunch! 🙄

First hew sesor reading just now & it’s more or less where I started lunch on, four hours ago, BS 8.7 before & BS 8.4 now. Today I can’t seem to get lower than 8’s but, basal is definitely right & I only had 1 correction after breakfast so, from that knew I needed for lunch! I also, hopefully know what I need for dinner later? 🙂

I’ll stick in the same 78 tresiba in about an hour now & maybe just some final minor reductions, I hope, in NR doses as tresiba is more or less up to speed but, I’m still fine with the NR doses of 60, 60 & 80 if it keeps me on an even keel? But, it does still seem a lot of NR to me! I did ask one question I still haven’t worked out the answer to: is it better to use more basal & less bolus; or less basal & more bolus?:confused: Maybe get that answer from my DSN on Monday?:confused:
I think I DO know the answer to that! I couldn’t maintain the hospital’s carefully worked out routine, that’s why they were injecting an hour after eating to see what was needed & I did that too at times, on 88 tresiba as it meant tea & biscuits every hour in between meals! 😱 Now, with this routine I can eat if I want to & not eat if I don’t want to &, hopefully, never HAVE to eat because I MUST!🙂
5.5 for me this morning and I am caught up with the thread I think. Congrats to @Martin.A and @Gwynn on your House Specials today and congrats to @Nayshiftin on getting a reading in the 6s today. That is an achievement worthy of a gold star for you at your stage in the journey. You were in the teens a couple of weeks ago, so that is huge progress. It might take another few weeks or possibly months to get down into the 5s but don't lose sight of the tremendous progress you have made. It is also important to bear in mind that it takes consistent effort at your diabetes management to get regular readings in the 5s in order to be in with a chance of getting a House Special and if they were easy and frequent (@ColinUK's recent run aside) they simply wouldn't be... well... "special".
You have made fantastic progress so far but that progress will slow down as you get more into range, so you have to become more patient. Why would you consider throwing that away and stopping the regime which is working well for you and given you massive improvement, simply because you aren't getting perfect results after 2 weeks. It takes time and patience and steady commitment to it. @Martin.A and @ColinUK and @Gwynn have been working at this for years, not just weeks. Keep going! You are doing great and today's result is a reflection of that! But don't be despairing again if tomorrow is a 7. The important thing is that you got a reading in the 6s today and maybe 2 or 3 6s next week.
Rome was not built in a day! .
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I think I DO know the answer to that! I couldn’t maintain the hospital’s carefully worked out routine, that’s why they were injecting an hour after eating to see what was needed & I did that too at times, on 88 tresiba as it meant tea & biscuits every hour in between meals! 😱 Now, with this routine I can eat if I want to & not eat if I don’t want to &, hopefully, never HAVE to eat because I MUST!🙂
It's not a case of more Tresiba or more Novo, it's a case of you need what you need. As a rule of thumb, most people fall somewhe 60/40 range or 40/60, but your basal should hold you steady when you are not eating i.e. when all bolus insulin is out of your system. You really need to do a basal test to find out what that level of Tresiba is. See attached


5.5 for me this morning and I am caught up with the thread I think. Congrats to @Martin.A and @Gwynn on your House Specials today and congrats to @Nayshiftin on getting a reading in the 6s today. That is an achievement worthy of a gold star for you at your stage in the journey. You were in the teens a couple of weeks ago, so that is huge progress. It might take another few weeks or possibly months to get down into the 5s but don't lose sight of the tremendous progress you have made. It is also important to bear in mind that it takes consistent effort at your diabetes management to get regular readings in the 5s in order to be in with a chance of getting a House Special and if they were easy and frequent (@ColinUK's recent run aside) they simply wouldn't be... well... "special".
You have made fantastic progress so far but that progress will slow down as you get more into range, so you have to become more patient. Why would you consider throwing that away and stopping the regime which is working well for you and given you massive improvement, simply because you aren't getting perfect results after 2 weeks. It takes time and patience and steady commitment to it. @Martin.A and @ColinUK and @Gwynn have been working at this for years, not just weeks. Keep going! You are doing great and today's result is a reflection of that! But don't be despairing again if tomorrow is a 7. The important thing is that you got a reading in the 6s today and maybe 2 or 3 6s next week.
Rome was not built in a day! .
Thank you so much for the encouragement. Yes I have got it way down from where it was
I cant really
compare but on the whole it has to be better for my health.
5.8 a long time ago this morning when I woke. Not bad after an impromptu Chinese takeaway last night which meant I spent most of the night hovering round 12:(. In contrast I managed to keep a lovely flat line around 6 for the day (after the breakfast spike).

Managed to catch up on this thread whilst waiting for my NR bolus to start taking effect then I’ll have some dinner, I’m at risk of snacking so best to eat a proper meal.

Congratulations @Martin.A on your HS today.

@Nayshiftin, you’ve got lots of support here on this group and are doing really well. I think we all sometimes expect the body to behave more like a machine and react instantly to any changes. Unfortunately (or perhaps fortunately?) it doesn’t and it will take time to bring your BG readings down, but they will come down as you continue on your journey, don’t get despondent.

Hope everyone has had / is having a good day!
5.8 a long time ago this morning when I woke. Not bad after an impromptu Chinese takeaway last night which meant I spent most of the night hovering round 12:(. In contrast I managed to keep a lovely flat line around 6 for the day (after the breakfast spike).

Managed to catch up on this thread whilst waiting for my NR bolus to start taking effect then I’ll have some dinner, I’m at risk of snacking so best to eat a proper meal.

Congratulations @Martin.A on your HS today.

@Nayshiftin, you’ve got lots of support here on this group and are doing really well. I think we all sometimes expect the body to behave more like a machine and react instantly to any changes. Unfortunately (or perhaps fortunately?) it doesn’t and it will take time to bring your BG readings down, but they will come down as you continue on your journey, don’t get despondent.

Hope everyone has had / is having a good day!
Thank you
@Nayshiftin[/USER], you’ve got lots of support here on this group "
Yes, everyone has been ace, I could not ask for more, people are so so kind and I will say I do not know how I'd have done these last couple of weeks.

Thank you all so much.
Under pressure to give you all the success even if its mine but you know what I mean when my HbA1c comes back in better shape. It will be down to the support I have got here.
Good morning 7.0 today

just been to see GP Hba1c was 50 so that’s good, one of the results to do with my liver was abnormal
so will repeat that part of blood test in 6 weeks time (as he said it could be abnormal following the surgery I recently had)

we spoke about my blood pressure, which I monitor myself
and as it’s much lower than previously,he recommended stopping one of the two blood pressure meds I take daily

congratula on the HS @Martin.A
hello my Diabetic friends
many thanks for the Stars,

I just logged in (whilst relaxing)
and was suprised to see I was showered with stars, WOW

sometimes I feel I’ve come a long way, since I first found this forum
back at a time when my HbA1c was was SKY high,
I must ask my GP one day for how many years it was over 100 and just how high it was, back when my Diabetes was totally out of control (for to many years)

it means a lot to receive the support we share & give each other
Thank You
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04:10 BS 7.1 :D My body clock is back AND my very first “Flat Fish”:-


And it was one more hour later, 5 hours after eating & NR, that I dropped another mmol from 8’s into 7’s: it’s not the 1st time that’s happened; something to bear in mind that my BS gets a little stuck at the 3 hour after mark & doesn’t go down much at all at the 4 hour after mark then, shift down another mmol around the 5 hour after mark! :confused: So, apart from a couple of little wiggles, I pretty much stayed in the 7’s for 17 hours since 11:00 yesterday! I slept for most of that & I needed it & finally got my body clock back!😛

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

I’m hungry now & going to have breakfast! A Drooling emoji! :rofl: