Group 7-day waking average?

What’s disconcerting is when I realised the kids born in the year I started secondary will be in nursery from September
Don't go into teaching, its even worse when you have children in a class and you knew their parents as children! That makes you feel old!
Don't go into teaching, its even worse when you have children in a class and you knew their parents as children! That makes you feel old!
Considering I want to work in pastoral I’ll probably get that a lot. You must have worked at the same school a while!
6.2 this morning after another night hovering around 10 from midnight until a NR correction around 1am. Typical when this is the 2 week period leading up to my DSN appointment. But, I guess this is real life and things happen, better to have some help / instruction on issues rather than being untypical “good” for the period leading up to my appointment!

Congratulations @ColinUK and @freesia on your HS today!

Have a Good Friday everyone!
Considering I want to work in pastoral I’ll probably get that a lot. You must have worked at the same school a while!
In 2003 I worked in a Sure Start Children's centre. More than one young mum who was nursing their babies then are now becoming grandmothers!
Good morning. Runnning late - 6.3.

Spent yesterday mostly on cleaning house. Had a poor night as back rewarded my virtue by going into spasm. Decided to get up at 7.30 and promptly fell asleep. Today it is chicken catching and seeing old friend whose daughter is having the hens.
Tomorrow is booked in for rat murder...The disgusting beasts have taken up residence in a bank near the hen runs and appear, from the amount of excavation, to have built a subterrainian city. I miss my old collie who had a brisk way with the wretches - Wolf just looks vauguely puzzled, sniffs, and walks by.

Congats to those managing HS - seems a long time since I managed one.
In 2003 I worked in a Sure Start Children's centre. More than one young mum who was nursing their babies then are now becoming grandmothers!
Time really does fly!
Morning all - bit mixed, black cloud and sun.

A ghastly 12.8 this morning at 08:30 after going to bed at 10pm, not that long after prawn linguini. Seems it's been that level all night. Still coughing for England, so I guess that's probably affecting it. On the other hand making linguini possibly wasn't the best idea!

I've finally got enough jars to make apple and ginger jam today. It transpired that the chap who said he'd left me a load of jars on the doorstep had left them at the same number house, wrong street. Took some detective work around the village to get them back.

@eggyg big Hugs... hope you are feeling better today.

@ColinUK and @freesia well done on those HSs. @ColinUK it's becoming a habit - a good one.

@freesia I know what a triumph it is for a T1! Have a lovely holiday.

Have a good day all.
Good morning 6.6 today
cloudy grey sky here in Northampton but not raining yet

another lazzzy day, I only just got up
need to get moving and cook up a breakfast
or maybe I will wait and have brunch

it’s going to be a shock to my system when I get back to work
which realistically will be in a few weeks time (I’ve been off since 22/05 now)

well done @freesia @ColinUK on those HS’s

have a Fabulous Friday everybody 😎
Morning all. 4.7 for me this morning. Lost my 100% in range last night at 7.30 was a 10 .4 strange. Was back down to 6.7;at 9.45 when I got in with dog. Stayed in range all night . See what today brings. Hope everyone is doing well and have a good day folks
Looking at the ridiculous day my DF gave me yesterday I’m well chuffed with this…

And no I don’t know what I’m doing right but I’m rolling with it.

Lunch yesterday was ridiculously high in carbs and was very indulgent. Last night I slept atrociously. I was awake for most of it writing things that I was ruminating on down.
Some will coalesce into topics I’ll take to therapy, some will just sit and I’m come back to them from time to time and see if I’m feeling/thinking the same after some time.

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Go with it . Well done, hsppy thst you are in a good run of HS. Have a good day
I saw the Consultant who did my knee surgery following my accident as I was feeling progress was not as good as it should be and I was unable to do some of the things the physio though I should. He agreed there was a problem and called in the specialist knee surgeon (the big cheese) who identified the problem as being the repaired tendon was too long so the knee cap was too high which affected being able to straighten my leg and lift my foot and also meant the knee was more unstable. It may involve more surgery, with risks as it could make it worse, to shorten the tendon but he wants a MRI to see. The alternative would be a fixed knee brace or just put up with it.
None of the options sound particularly good but at least I now have an explanation for what is happening or not happening as the case maybe. A lot to think about.
I saw the Consultant who did my knee surgery following my accident as I was feeling progress was not as good as it should be and I was unable to do some of the things the physio though I should. He agreed there was a problem and called in the specialist knee surgeon (the big cheese) who identified the problem as being the repaired tendon was too long so the knee cap was too high which affected being able to straighten my leg and lift my foot and also meant the knee was more unstable. It may involve more surgery, with risks as it could make it worse, to shorten the tendon but he wants a MRI to see. The alternative would be a fixed knee brace or just put up with it.
None of the options sound particularly good but at least I now have an explanation for what is happening or not happening as the case maybe. A lot to think about.
Oh heck! I think I'd not make a decision until after the MRI. Hope that will shed more light on the risks and that you get it done soon!
Morning all, only just though!

It was a 4.7 for me at 9.15 on this grey breezy day.

Have a good day all and stay safe.
I saw the Consultant who did my knee surgery following my accident as I was feeling progress was not as good as it should be and I was unable to do some of the things the physio though I should. He agreed there was a problem and called in the specialist knee surgeon (the big cheese) who identified the problem as being the repaired tendon was too long so the knee cap was too high which affected being able to straighten my leg and lift my foot and also meant the knee was more unstable. It may involve more surgery, with risks as it could make it worse, to shorten the tendon but he wants a MRI to see. The alternative would be a fixed knee brace or just put up with it.
None of the options sound particularly good but at least I now have an explanation for what is happening or not happening as the case maybe. A lot to think about.
A lot to decide . My hip was wrong so i went for the revision . it was a success . whatever you decide not an easy choice. At least you know why now … Hugs
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Tomorrow is booked in for rat murder...The disgusting beasts have taken up residence in a bank near the hen runs and appear, from the amount of excavation, to have built a subterrainian city.
There's a big earth bank behind our back garden, they took up residence there and were all over our back garden eating windfalls from the vines when we got back from holiday last September. Ordinary rat poison is useless....the EHO told us to go to the farm shop and get a product called "sapphire". It comes in blister pack type things like washing machine pods. We watched them go for it, sitting eating it up - within 24 hours not a rat to be seen and we've not seen any since.