Group 7-day waking average?

I'm South Wales - Caerleon.
I love ❤️ Wales thats near Newport. Been through outskirts not been there. My daughter went to University and lives in the North. My niece went to Cardiff.
Gradually catching up... as well as the lack of time to spend online due to time spent with bf, I have been transitioning to my new phone and only just got around to trying to log in on it today. Couldn't remember the password and took 3 attempts before the website finally emailed me a link to change it through the forgotten password button....

BG this morning 6.0. Had a couple of 6.6s this week which while OK I'm not that happy with, I think I might start taking my meter to bed to do actual first thing readings before any "exercise" 😉 and see if that improves them. Bf has been staying over more often recently, but tbh I have also relaxed carbs a bit more than I meant to. Maybe I should start tracking food properly again (I had stopped more because my old phone was refusing to log me back into Samsung and Samsung Health was refusing to let me access it to put food in rather than originally intending to stop tracking. New phone has logged me in properly)
It was a 4.6 for me this morning but it took 2 separate JBs through the night to get there. I guess I need a Levemir reduction tonight. Can't decide whether to just use 1unit or not bother at all.

Many congratulations to @ColinUK on yet another HS and delighted to see @freesia get one today.

Lovely flatfish there @Lanny Well done and looks like @Robin had a nice one too. My FOTF is like that if I don't jab for it. Thankfully I rarely need to get up for the loo, so I jab before I get up and don't see it. This morning was odd because I just jabbed one unit as I wasn't planning to have breakfast and levels stayed low and I needed a few carbs on top of my milky coffee to keep me up and in fact I am having a bit of a daytime flatfish despite a lunch of turkey stew which included potatoes and carrots as a very rare treat! It is almost like @eggyg is getting my erratic BGs and I have her stable ones
Don't worry Elaine, the DF will spot the mix up soon and swap them back. In the meantime I am enjoying a few carb treats to keep me mostly out of the red. Sun is shining and there is a nice drying wind, so need to hang my washing out and then cut some grass as I will be busy at shows all weekend and the grass has got away the last couple of weeks with it being wet. Hope everyone has a lovely weekend and the weather stays fine for all of us.
Hi again everyone, 6.3 for me this morning. Coming to the end of our time in Canada now - currently staying at a cabin on a lake near Riding Mountain National Park, we drove through there and saw a bear yesterday! Heading back to the city of Winnipeg tomorrow and then flying home Sunday afternoon. We’ve done so much - visited Lake Winnipeg that was more like visiting the beach for us, saw polar bears at the zoo, went on a river tour, been to the Winnipeg Fringe Festival (biggest Fringe Festival outside of Edinburgh), been to a pool party, did grocery shopping at Walmart; went to the mall and saw the Barbie movie there too, as well as road trips, swimming in lakes and an escape room! It’s been so much fun, and I really wish we were here for longer. My sugars have been pretty okay too, I’ve demanded ice creams whenever we’ve passed a shop and the portions are so big, the first one we had I didn’t realise quite how big, bg went up to 17! But soon came down again when I corrected, also had a high of 14 after an ice cream, but generally not too bad. I have eaten terribly here, but I am on holiday and have not beaten myself up about it, I’d say I’m more bothered about my waistline than my sugars! My weekly average is 95%, no worse than when I am at home, so very pleased!

People who’ve travelled recently - @eggyg @Pattidevans - do you put your used sharps in your hand luggage or carry on? A lot of public toilets here seem to have sharps bins, so I might be able to get rid of some before my flight home!


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Hi again everyone, 6.3 for me this morning. Coming to the end of our time in Canada now - currently staying at a cabin on a lake near Riding Mountain National Park, we drove through there and saw a bear yesterday! Heading back to the city of Winnipeg tomorrow and then flying home Sunday afternoon. We’ve done so much - visited Lake Winnipeg that was more like visiting the beach for us, saw polar bears at the zoo, went on a river tour, been to the Winnipeg Fringe Festival (biggest Fringe Festival outside of Edinburgh), been to a pool party, did grocery shopping at Walmart; went to the mall and saw the Barbie movie there too, as well as road trips, swimming in lakes and an escape room! It’s been so much fun, and I really wish we were here for longer. My sugars have been pretty okay too, I’ve demanded ice creams whenever we’ve passed a shop and the portions are so big, the first one we had I didn’t realise quite how big, bg went up to 17! But soon came down again when I corrected, also had a high of 14 after an ice cream, but generally not too bad. I have eaten terribly here, but I am on holiday and have not beaten myself up about it, I’d say I’m more bothered about my waistline than my sugars! My weekly average is 95%, no worse than when I am at home, so very pleased!

People who’ve travelled recently - @eggyg @Pattidevans - do you put your used sharps in your hand luggage or carry on? A lot of public toilets here seem to have sharps bins, so I might be able to get rid of some before my flight home!
I don’t bring my sharps home. Put them in a plastic water/coke bottle and put them in the general waste.
It is almost like @eggyg is getting my erratic BGs and I have her stable ones
Fingers crossed I’m almost back to (my) normal. I think in part it’s because I’m eating my own food and able to pre bolus, but also I’m feeling so much better. Hope this doesn’t jinx your good streak. I apologise in advance if it does. 😉
Fingers crossed I’m almost back to (my) normal. I think in part it’s because I’m eating my own food and able to pre bolus, but also I’m feeling so much better. Hope this doesn’t jinx your good streak. I apologise in advance if it does. 😉
Just glad you feel better
03:32 BS 8.7 Ok ish 🙂

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉


Not such a flat fish overnight as I was guessing NR yesterday: Breakfast bang on with 48; lunch WAY to little on 36 that left me in the 17’s so, instinctively felt that 40 was for dinner but, went with 38 just in case! So, more or less worked out to try 48, 44 & 40 today? :confused:

Just cooking breakfast now so, in the 9’s but, it’ll come down then, up once I start eating! 😛
Well it was an 11.3 for me this morning and your apology @eggyg is accepted! 😉
I knew opting for 0 Levemir last night was a mistake but I really didn't need want to risk any hypos.
Got to get going as it is an early start for Kelsoe and I have my beasties to do first and I will be waiting a while before I can have breakfast now with levels that high, but don't want to skip it as I will be unlikely to have time for lunch although I am taking a salad with me.
Hope everyone has a good day.
Oh! Forgot to mention. I didn’t leave my BS in the 17’s after 4 hours after & overestimated the correction with half oatcake a bit of 20 NR & REALLY must remember that the old correction factor of 2NR/mmol I want to go down is a bit too much: wanted to go down 10, from 17 to 7, & stuck in 20 NR; brought me down to the 5’s 4 hours later & ate dinner then! I overshot by 2mmol! :confused:
Average this week was 9
I am content with that as below ten in my opinion is not in the red zone .
Still aim to get it down .
At the moment i am loving my food on the diet.
i struggle at night after dinner.
Still get i want something more to eat.
Still miss treats in the evenings when hubby goes out. Its really determination thats stopping me. On other diets there has been an allowance .
i did have wine last evening and nuts that i allowed. I however felt i wanted to nibble more and would have been tempted had there been snacks sbout.
I guess if i want to get healthier and get the pros of my back . I need to try.
Good morning everyone.

BG 5.1 snap @ColinUK

Audition yesterday went really well but I was exhausted by the end of it.

Today an evening practice with the church group before tomorrows service.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Pretty much 2 weeks without Metformin.
Doesn’t seem to be making a difference.

Good morning! With a reading of 4.2 a basement rather than a house today!

Had some bloods done earlier in week and it appears the vampire did the wrong one as online results have no HbA1c or FBC but include others like CRP not on the online request form. I wanted to check but they knew better!

I have also updated my My Poorly Leg thread.

Catching up on housework today! :(
Good morning - 5.0

Back home, I love holidays but I do love the ability at home to leave my phone anywhere and not lose Dexcom signal because of the size of the house!