Group 7-day waking average?

At mum and dad’s yesterday and were talking about “stuff”. The opportunity came up to open up more about the source of my trauma etc and I took that opportunity and ran with it.
I used the “r” word with them for the first time.

We talked. As adults. For about three hours. I cried. Mum almost managed to not go to the “what did we do wrong” place but was only there briefly. Dad remembered that he in fact already knew because he’d read a piece I wrote about it all but he’d forgotten.

Rest of the family came over for dinner. I told them that I’d told mum and dad but it didn’t come up over dinner or during the most hilarious game of Uno ever.

Have spoken with the folks again today for a couple of hours and yes they’re in pain because their baby was hurt but as dad said things make more sense about me know as some of the missing jigsaw pieces have been popped into place.

We’ll continue to talk about it as necessary but it’s objectively A Good Thing.
Good afternoon! 5 today.

Day off and I was struggling to decide if I should go out for lunch or have something at home. Decided on the later as I was getting hungry already and it was cloudy, sure enough in the 10 minutes I took to make lunch it was sunny again! I will go out soon for a leisurely stroll, maybe browse some shops, and get a coffee somewhere. I am going out tonight and there's a chance I get dinner out then, so having lunch out as well seemed a bit much :D

On a side note, looking for accommodation in London has been a journey. So many options, I struggled to ignore the cheapest hostels but I knew I wanted more comfort...there was even some underground hotel promising "escape from the chaos and noise of above ground London", which seems a clever marketing to make a room with no windows seem appealing. The price and location were quite good, to be honest. I tried to convince myself that the lighting was cool and futuristic, but it gave me some Black Mirror vibes. No thanks!!! Went for something else at the end.
Possibly a 7.0 this morning from the new sensor applied last night along with some blood. Not sure of its accuracy though

First time that has happened to me, but remembering reading somewhere on here that “a bleeder is a reader” I thought I’d be ok once the bleeding stopped. Got readings overnight according to the graph, but then got the dreaded “reading unavailable, try again in 10 minutes”. After around an hour of this I decided to give up on it as we were going out and I really wanted a working sensor. On removing the sensor it started bleeding again and I now have a little lump, so obviously must have hit a large capillary or even nicked a vein? Pleased to say the new sensor on the other arm is now working just fine. Thankfully I have enough spares due to various other replacements from Abbott and a mistake made by the pharmacy on two occasions to submit my repeat prescriptions. Having not waited the 2 hours that Abbott recommend for these errors I don’t feel I can claim another replacement.

Congratulations to @harbottle on your HS and commiserations to @ColinUK for losing your winning streak, I mean 5.1, come on, what were you thinking? :rofl:

@ColinUK , so good to hear you have been able to talk to your parents, I’m sure that must have been really hard to do, but ultimately so helpful.

@pawprint91 - love the Canadian pictures! Still want to go, so definitely on the plans for future holidays for us!

Hope everyone is having a great day!
Good evening all. Still not got any blood. :rofl: Well none I can get out. 🙄 Will try again tomorrow. I'm on a detox today, just my waters (four pints) and hard boiled eggs, because I've been feeling crook with an old pain, all around my middle and like I said to my sister who laughed, I've got a lot of middle! It will go but in case it's digestive I went with the eggs. Have a good evening all. Endeavour's on. 🙂
03:55 BS 6.4 🙂 That’s now 7.1 for a call of nature & now sitting in bed typing this post.

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉


A bit of a change of plan for dinner last late afternoon in that I wanted something light so, had a small breakfast fry up of mostly protein:- 2 sausages, 1 bacon, 1 fried egg & half a can of coke, I’d opened a can yesterday to have half a can with my lunch, & went half dose of 20 NR which, needed another 6 units to correct.

I’m going back to pre bolusing now that the doses are set to get a flatter profile as I’ve been going 5/6 mmol up in the first hour before coming down: when pre bolusing before & testing every half hour quite a few times to find this out/confirm it I peaked much lower at 90 minutes; why I used to test at the 90 minutes after mark!

So, NR in already & will have breakfast now! 😛
Guess who ate his feelings yesterday?


Still, my 7 day average is 6.2 so no significant damage done.
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Good morning everyone. Yesterday was a bright sunny warm day. This morning it is grey, windy, cool. Someone has stolen the sun.

BG 5.3

Today I am playing keyboard at the church. Yesterdays practice went reasonably well too.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Good morning 5.1 today

I didn’t get a decent nights sleep, so was pleasantly suprised to see a slightly more respectable number than yesterday,

have a sensational Sunday everyone 😎
Guess who ate his feelings yesterday?


Still, my 7 day average is 6.2 so no significant damage done.
What I’m pleased about, once the levels have stopped bouncing around because of the crap I shoved down my gullet yesterday, is how steadily they fall.

Morning all, 4.9 here, and climbing. Woke up to a 2.9! Had a glass of water and shot up 2 mmol. No, I haven’t discovered that water is the ultimate hypo treatment, I was just very dehydrated, and the Libre was consequently telling porkies. (if I’d really been 2.9, I'd have felt it big time).
Morning all. 8.2 for me today. Its been my weekend off work. Had the house to myself most of the day yesterday so spent most of it painting. Will do the same again today. Hope the weather gets better for when I've got 2 weeks off work.

back from my holiday, which was lovely and weather wasn’t too bad, although we had rain at some point most days we also had sun, and got outside and kids on the beach during the bright sunny periods. Bloods ranged from 5 to 6.9 yesterday. Was a high 7.1 today, highest for a while now, but I have sinusitis and started using a steroid nasal spray yesterday.

@ColinUK - so pleased you were able to talk to your parents about your trauma, i think eating your emotions is perfectly normal.

congratulations to those who have had HS during the last week, I haven’t caught up on all the posts yet.
Disappointing 9.7 for me this morning but overnight levels were very stable with a nice flat horizontal line so at least I got my Levemir right, but should have gone to bed with levels lower than the 8.1 I did. Had a very long day. Hypoed 5 times in total, 3 times in the morning because I needed a big correction before breakfast with waking so high but got caught out by 2 in the car on the way up to the show, the second one hitting me hard just as we pulled onto the show ground.... to te point that I staggered over to the toilet block but then couldn't figure out which toilets were the ladies and which the men's. Stood ages looking at the signs next to the doors and trying to relate the figure to a gender..... I could not comprehend the figure with a skirt was the one I was looking for. It didn't help that there were arrows on the signs at the end of the building indicating which way to go for each set of toilets but they were badly marked with arrows that went through 90 degree bends. Hypos really are weird in how they affect your mental process!

Anyway, we entered 4 classes and we won the prestigious the one that Ian really wanted to win, although when they pulled us in first, I was convinced they were doing it in reverse order, because the other turnouts were really good and personally I didn't think Zak was going very well. Ian was really overwhelmed at winning particularly as the judge is very highly thought of. Unfortunately Zak lost concentration in the other classes and was disappointing, but it was a very long day and I think 4 classes was just too much. Didn't end up eating or drinking until about 5pm on the way home in the car by which time I was very dehydrated and levels had gone high, so needed a correction but then when we got back there was lots of physical work to do unloading and seeing to my beasties which I just hadn't factored in so I hypoed twice at 9 and 10pm mucking out and feeding my horses. Didn't get to eat until about 11pm and went to bed just after midnight.

Just one class today and it is local, so I had a lie in till 7. Must get a wriggle on now.
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A 4.8 for me today. 🙂

@Grannylorraine Thank you.
I agree it’s a normal reaction to what happened. We also spoke for two hours yesterday morning on the phone and some truths came out about what they knew at the time. Specifically about a massive cri de cœur after the first incident.

Mum’s spent 40 years point blank denying that it ever happened yet yesterday she said that now it made sense.
I’m of course now angry that it’s taken her so long to admit that it occurred rather than being gaslight about it and even wondering if I’d imagined it.

Being compassionate towards her means that I have to acknowledge that her denial that I was suffering so much so that they thought they were going to lose me was all she was capable of handling at the time. But my God it’s tough to not scream “Do you not know what you put me through?!” at her, and by extension to dad.
Clearly there’s things to discuss about it and I’m just so, so upset about that part of the whole thing I’m not sure how long it’ll take for the anger to dissipate.
And I’m not good with anger. I fear it.

I almost got in a car and drove over there yesterday to hug them both and talk more but didn’t. Instead I wallowed in a family sized chocolate trifle. I had planned to head out clubbing for the first time in about 7 years but didn’t do that either as I doubted I’d be able to cope with that.
I’m meeting a friend and his spaniel puppy for breakfast in a bit. He’s a useless listener but it’ll be useful nevertheless.
I’ve written loads yesterday and already this morning. There’s clearly more to write.
Partly I just want to get away from everything and everyone as well. I’ve looked at remote cottages up in @eggyg ’s neck of the woods to see if I can find somewhere away from everything for a few days.

I make zero apologies for the venting here just now but instead I’m say I’m so grateful that this forum exists, that it’s populated by and large by some of the most compassionate, considerate, caring people I’ve ever met and I’m likely to vent more so you’ve been warned!
Morning all. A lie in (of sorts) and 6.8 and a fairly steady overnight line.

Had torrential rain, after a dry day, from about 11 last night, just spitting now but very gusty. No plans today, Mr Eggy is insistent he’ll get some of the greenhouse done. Hmmmm…..good luck with that darling.

@rebrascora well done on your win yesterday. I know what you mean about the signs on loo doors. I remember being in a very smart Thai restaurant and went to the loo and the signs were flip flops supposedly male and female flip flops but I couldn’t fathom it at all. I had to wait until someone came out before I could go in!

Have a super Sunday.
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Disappointing 9.7 for me this morning but overnight levels were very stable with a nice flat horizontal line so at least I got my Levemir right, but should have gone to bed with levels lower than the 8.1 I did. Had a very long day. Hypoed 5 times in total, 3 times in the morning because I needed a big correction before breakfast with waking so high but got caught out by 2 in the car on the way up to the show, the second one hitting me hard just as we pulled onto the show ground.... to te point that I staggered over to the toilet block but then couldn't figure out which toilets were the ladies and which the men's. Stood ages looking at the signs next to the doors and trying to relate the figure to a gender..... maybe all this trans stuff is interfering with my brain but I could not comprehend the figure with a skirt was the one I was looking for. Imagine being transgender, hypo and trying to figure it out!! It didn't help that there were arrows on the signs at the end of the building indicating which way to go for each set of toilets but they were badly marked with arrows that went through 90 degree bends. Hypos really are weird in how they affect your mental process!

Anyway, we entered 4 classes and we won the prestigious the one that Ian really wanted to win, although when they pulled us in first, I was convinced they were doing it in reverse order, because the other turnouts were really good and personally I didn't think Zak was going very well. Ian was really overwhelmed at winning particularly as the judge is very highly thought of. Unfortunately Zak lost concentration in the other classes and was disappointing, but it was a very long day and I think 4 classes was just too much. Didn't end up eating or drinking until about 5pm on the way home in the car by which time I was very dehydrated and levels had gone high, so needed a correction but then when we got back there was lots of physical work to do unloading and seeing to my beasties which I just hadn't factored in so I hypoed twice at 9 and 10pm mucking out and feeding my horses. Didn't get to eat until about 11pm and went to bed just after midnight.

Just one class today and it is local, so I had a lie in till 7. Must get a wriggle on now.
A brilliant well done for winning the prestigious class!

And a caring emoji for the hypos