Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all. A lie in (of sorts) and 6.8 and a fairly steady overnight line.

Had torrential rain, after a dry day, from about 11 last night, just spitting now but very gusty. No plans today, Mr Eggy is insistent he’ll get someone of the greenhouse done. Hmmmm…..good luck with that darling.

@rebrascora well done on your win yesterday. I know what you mean about the signs on loo doors. I remember being in a very smart Thai restaurant and went to the loo and the signs were flip flops supposedly male and female flip flops but I couldn’t fathom it at all. I had to wait until someone came out before I could go in!

Have a super Sunday.
Aren’t flip flops basically unisex?

Was in a restaurant once that had a spoon on one door and a fork on the other. Idiots!
@ColinUK Keep venting as much as you need to. We are here for you and we love you for who you are. (((HUGS)))
5.5 this morning, and the stats from my app show me that the average BG after two weeks of no Metformin is... exactly the same as it was with 500mg of Metformin a day. I didn't see a reading over 6 yesterday, probably helped by a long walk through a local park to a 'rival' suburb (Cheylesmore, where I believe someone of this forum dwells!) to get some spices from a small supermarket that specialises in ethnic foodstuffs.

Number 2 child is away on holiday with a friend's family, and expected back today. It's been quite peaceful without him! The other child, a sullen school leaver, appears not to actually want to move any more and spends all day doing nothing.
Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear! Shaking my head & sighing emoji!

Second day of a complete disaster for breakfast: I got it bang on the nose for 48 NR two days ago; mind you I was eating less carbs! So, maybe that’s the key! So, here I am stranded on BS 14.? It was at 16.? about 1 hour 45 minutes ago at 4 hours after mark & I’ve decided to leave until lunch to a) see what happens & b) correct then with food as my stomach’s empty now, not that it’s I’m hungry, but, it’s been digested! A quick ramen WAS NOT A GOOD CHOICE FOR BREAKFAST! I’m thinking of having a lunch of breakfast fry up! :rofl: Should switch that around tomorrow!:rofl::rofl::rofl: So, I can try less NR for a mainly protein meal but, I’ll have to add , test before eating it to confirm, about 8 NR to a slightly bit more, according to dinner yesterday, half meal dose! Definitely need the calculator to work THAT out! Best leave the carby stuff for dinner, really, but, never been a breakfast person & feel TBH feel lazy in the mornings!😳 I’ll nail this yet! A Determined Gritting My Teeth emoji!
What I’m pleased about, once the levels have stopped bouncing around because of the crap I shoved down my gullet yesterday, is how steadily they fall.

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are you on anything other than metformin? Or id it that your at the right weight too?
I am just trying to think why i am get such spikes all the time.
I feel i cant eat much less.
I’m back!


This sensor is doing well! Got a real spot on my other arm after the failed sensor from Friday night bit the dust yesterday so it really must have hit a capillary square on. First time that’s happened to me in 32 sensors now, all part of the experience!

Tried a couple of garden centres yesterday but again came back without anything. I’m guessing it is now too late in the season for much as nowhere had anything inspiring. We are looking for a couple of plants to brighten a border up, had thought of Kniphofia (red hot poker) but can’t find any other than small plants online. Might have to buy some of those and grow them on. Beginning to think we should have bought some plants from the lovely garden centre we stopped at in Ambleside back in April, it was really well stocked and had such a variety available then. Maybe next year?

@rebrascora , despite your hypo pleased to hear you did well at the show, good luck today! Your confusion over toilet signs would have been worse at a nearby Starbucks here - one sign is of a person with an upright triangle, the other with a downward triangle. Nobody can work out which is male or female, I guess the upright triangle is meant to represent a dress(?) and the downward triangle is broad shoulders of a man? It is amazing how a hypo affects mental processes though.

@ColinUK it is good that you can share on here, there is so much support on the forum. Sending you hugs.

Have a great day everyone!
are you on anything other than metformin? Or id it that your at the right weight too?
I am just trying to think why i am get such spikes all the time.
I feel i cant eat much less.
I’m about 2 stone heavier than I “ought” to be.

I get massive spikes at times but I think for me it’s about being very mindful of the numbers from the sensor. And boy do I spike!

I’m back!

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This sensor is doing well! Got a real spot on my other arm after the failed sensor from Friday night bit the dust yesterday so it really must have hit a capillary square on. First time that’s happened to me in 32 sensors now, all part of the experience!

Tried a couple of garden centres yesterday but again came back without anything. I’m guessing it is now too late in the season for much as nowhere had anything inspiring. We are looking for a couple of plants to brighten a border up, had thought of Kniphofia (red hot poker) but can’t find any other than small plants online. Might have to buy some of those and grow them on. Beginning to think we should have bought some plants from the lovely garden centre we stopped at in Ambleside back in April, it was really well stocked and had such a variety available then. Maybe next year?

@rebrascora , despite your hypo pleased to hear you did well at the show, good luck today! Your confusion over toilet signs would have been worse at a nearby Starbucks here - one sign is of a person with an upright triangle, the other with a downward triangle. Nobody can work out which is male or female, I guess the upright triangle is meant to represent a dress(?) and the downward triangle is broad shoulders of a man? It is amazing how a hypo affects mental processes though.

@ColinUK it is good that you can share on here, there is so much support on the forum. Sending you hugs.

Have a great day everyone!
What about crocosmia (sp?) as it self seeds quite easily and doesn’t need any particular care?
Good morning - 6.0 at 8:00

Have a great day everyone
Good morning! Up at 8.1. I suspect from lightly overreacting a hypo in the early hours.

Weather looks a mixed bag today. Hope Spa stays dry as I dislike it when drivers gain a massive advantage through the safety car coming out. I would close the pit lane for the duration of the safety car but then I would change a lot of things if the FIA gave me a job!
Good morning 6.1.

Grey overcast but not raining. Had a frustrating afternoon yesterday - the topper wasn't working proporly after being "serviced". I shall be on the phone on Monday using some Anglo-Saxon. So one very rough cut padock and the rest to do.

However did manage to get most of the windbreak trimmed back - my neighbours were using both their cars so no danger of any accidental damage. I wish they could sort out their beastly neighbour who is driving through their garden out of sheer nastiness and, I suspect, trying to get a lot more money for giving up the historic right of way. Meanwhile their parking here doesn't usually incommode me.

More trimming, prune the roses, and give the dear little rats some more nice green corn...I do hope they are really hungry.

Wishng everyone a lovely Suday.
Not quite caught up with the backlog yet but getting closer...

6.3 this morning. I did it in bed to see if it would be below 6 then but to be fair it wasn't the first time that I woke. Probably yesterday's carbs - breakfast wasn't too high in carbs (one slice of beans on toast plus a slice of cheese) but there weren't really any low carb options available at Pride in Liverpool so I had a South African BBQ burger in a roll. Didn't eat all the roll but most of it. Fair amount of walking though. Then for tea we decided to go for easy option and get frozen pizza - kids had asked for pizza and we were deciding at the supermarket what to get for us that was quick, and bf found a gluten free dairy free pizza for him. I went for a thin crust pepperoni and then had some strawberries and blueberries with Baileys strawberry cream for a dessert. Pre- meal 5.5, post meal around 9 (first check 9.6 so washed fingers and pricked again and 8.7). So the insulin resistance is definitely still there. Then I might have had some chocolates with a g&t after bf had gone home...
Ah Hah! Lightbulb emoji! Good thing I decided to keep scanning the libre to see what happens? Pre bolusing doesn’t work: should have suspected it, really as corrections without food don’t work; pre bolusing just delays everything as I’ve been coming down steadily after the 4 hour mark! I’m now in the 10’s: yesterday I ate lunch sooner & added a correction; I’ll wait a bit longer, though I’m starting to get a bit hungry, till it’s back down below 8’s, or CAN it get back to 6’s, & usual, not 100% certain yet, 44 NR for lunch! It IS a slightly flatter profile than not pre bolusing BUT, it stays an elevated level that’s too high for about 3/4 hours before it start moving! o_O 😱 Food with insulin REALLY IS THE KEY, for me: without food I just resist/tolerate the insulin; everything is slowed down!:confused:
Not quite caught up with the backlog yet but getting closer...

6.3 this morning. I did it in bed to see if it would be below 6 then but to be fair it wasn't the first time that I woke. Probably yesterday's carbs - breakfast wasn't too high in carbs (one slice of beans on toast plus a slice of cheese) but there weren't really any low carb options available at Pride in Liverpool so I had a South African BBQ burger in a roll. Didn't eat all the roll but most of it. Fair amount of walking though. Then for tea we decided to go for easy option and get frozen pizza - kids had asked for pizza and we were deciding at the supermarket what to get for us that was quick, and bf found a gluten free dairy free pizza for him. I went for a thin crust pepperoni and then had some strawberries and blueberries with Baileys strawberry cream for a dessert. Pre- meal 5.5, post meal around 9 (first check 9.6 so washed fingers and pricked again and 8.7). So the insulin resistance is definitely still there. Then I might have had some chocolates with a g&t after bf had gone home...
Ooh how was Pride? This year is likely to be the first time I’ve not been to once since 1999.