Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning! After yesterday's pizza shenanigans Two Fat Ladies, 8.8. Looking at reviews the place is now making aot of mistakes. Sad as does the tastiest pizza in the area but this is second time in three orders they have messed up!

Think autumn is here. It is grey and misty!

For my first heart angiogram was wanted me in for 7:00 but had me in the catch lab at 9:00 as BG around 7 but starting to rise. Was discharged around 17:00 but will never forget the day as all TV channels in my room were covering the Grenfell fire. Think it is time to demolish it and create a memorial garden.

Hope it all goes well for your mum...
Morning all and I’m on the 7.1 step with @Northerner and I also had a unicorn day. After the struggles of the last few days I’m very happy. What I’m not happy about is my TIR for the last seven days is 80%, which I know some would kill for, but I’m generally around 96%. Hopefully whatever I had has done one.

A wet and grey morning. I was wrong about yesterday it did dry up, still very gusty, but Mr Eggy got on great with Project Greenhouse and I got some photos before he covered it up for the night. He’s got the roof struts/ beams on and it’s looking like a building now. With the plastic sheeting over he’s planning on using it like a work shop to do his woodwork stuff. It looks quite cosy.

Oh dear @freesia what a nasty surprise. Glad it’s sorted for you though. Lesson learnt, for me, I would never think to check fridge temperature when I stay in a cottage etc. I will now. Enjoy your holiday.

@ColinUK hope your mum’s procedure goes well and she’s in and out in no time. Been there and done that quite a few times. Mr Eggy is a bleeder and he was always in ( sometimes he had stay overnight) for ages.


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For my first heart angiogram was wanted me in for 7:00 but had me in the catch lab at 9:00 as BG around 7 but starting to rise. Was discharged around 17:00 but will never forget the day as all TV channels in my room were covering the Grenfell fire. Think it is time to demolish it and create a memorial garden.

Hope it all goes well for your mum...
Thanks @MikeyBikey
I slept very fitfully and every time I went back to sleep I had the same dream but it kept repeating from the beginning so I don't know the ending. Hope it is a happy one? 🙂
I woke in a sweat as I’d just dreamt I’d spent £798 in Tesco and I couldn’t find my receipt to check if it was correct. I was going round the shop snatching everyone’s receipts from them to check if they had mine. I’d bought Christmas Crackers and boxes of sweets, a bottle of whiskey but nothing to eat! (That sounds familiar.) I was worried I’d gone overdrawn and my direct debits were going out the next day. TBF it wasn’t a dream, it was a prediction for the very near future I think!
Good morning everyone

BG 5.3

Playing at the church yesterday went well. Rest today....maybe

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Good Morning.
Last night 2 hrs after food 7.6 having gone up 0.5
Todays it up at 8.2
So whether Leadinglights is correct and that 7.6 is the same as 8.2 all I know was yesterday I had 8.6 on waking 7.7 before breakfast 2hrs post 8.2
Sausage egg Mushroom and tomato for breakfast 9.9 carbs (C) 5.9 before lunch A sandwich cheese spread and salad for lunch 59.2 C the bread alone was 54 C 8.4 2 hrs after 7.1 before dinner
Pork Schnitzel , green beans and courgette 7.6 C then 7.6 after
glass of red wine
coffee {11.3}
cream for coffee some black
In total worst day ever for Carbs but still under the 130g at 88g of carbs and was just because I had a sandwich.
This morning I awoke at 8.2
5.9 Unicorn

I’m exhausted and today won’t be restful. Mum’s having an angioplasty today and likely another stent so dad’s accompanying her to hospital. When he gets chucked out we’ll meet for coffee and a stroll before I take him home. Then when mum’s discharged later I’ll ferry her home.
Last time she was in for the same procedure she had to be at the cardio ward for 07:00 and wasn’t discharged until 23:45. This time she’s not got to check in until 10am so Lord only knows when she’ll be discharged. It could be anytime from say 3pm onwards so I’m going to be on tenterhooks.

As for my emotions, I’m exhausted still. I have mellowed a bit and won’t be bringing up anything sensitive or triggering with mum today that’s for sure!
All I can say is thinking of you and hope all goes well for your mum. Hope its not too long a day. She is in a place where they will do their best for her and make sure she is safe to return home. Sometimes a lot of waiting as they attend all. Consultants have a habit of taking on a lot and then having to have tea before they can recall and chat to patients so it all takes time and your mum could be just waiting around most of it. If not she may need sleep.
No point saying be calm I am thinking of you and just say try to go easy on yourself.. Here if you need to pm do.
Good morning - 4.6

Have a good day everyone

7.4 however run out of diabetes meds on Sat, went to pharmacy yesterday to pick up new prescription and had not been put through, turns out internet connection must have gone down (very patchy where we were staying), while I was requesting new prescription. So considering how heavy my cold is now and started coughing, I am relatively happy with that.

@Robin - congratulations on your HS

@ColinUK - hope mums procedure goes smoothly and she is out at a reasonable time.
Congratulations. So it is true, a glass of red a day IS good for you. 😉
I am thinking its what has caused my sugar to rise this weekend. Its gone now hubby helped me so no more for a while. I just think you are all doing so good to be in the 5's in the morning. I have to be pleased its not in the teens or twenties so I am achieving something.
Well done @Robin on the HS. 5.9 for me today. 🙂

6.1 this morning for me today.

Congratulations @Robin on your HS and good tip on the benefits of red wine 😉

@eggyg - loving Project Greenhouse, it’s really looking the business now!

@ColinUK , hope all goes well for your Mum today and she gets out of hospital early without having ages waiting around. Thinking of you all!

Have a good day everyone!