Group 7-day waking average?

I am thinking its what has caused my sugar to rise this weekend. Its gone now hubby helped me so no more for a while. I just think you are all doing so good to be in the 5's in the morning. I have to be pleased its not in the teens or twenties so I am achieving something.
I think you're doing brilliantly. 😎
Ah Hah! A Lightbulb emoji! In the latest discovery of “The New Adventures of Lanny’s Insulin Needs” I find that I CAN have a full protein meal with no carbs in it at all, ran out of bread with no toast yesterday or today, & I won’t hypo before the protein starts releasing: I think NR is slowed down by my resistance/tolerance so, the two actually balance each other out; got a hint of that after yesterday’s lunch when I only went up 2mmol, dropped a mmol & stayed there for hours on BS 9’s & 10’s fluctuating a mmol! I started lower, for breakfast, in the 6’s by the time I finished cooking & it went up to 8’s in the first hour & now in the 7’s &, I’ll have to keep scanning to confirm, I think it’ll stay there fluctuating a bit going by what happened yesterday after lunch? :confused:

NOTHING is behaving as it used to do & I’m so glad to the libre to see what’s going on & learn new ways of doing things! o_O:confused:🙂
I am thinking its what has caused my sugar to rise this weekend. Its gone now hubby helped me so no more for a while. I just think you are all doing so good to be in the 5's in the morning. I have to be pleased its not in the teens or twenties so I am achieving something.
When you started posting about your 'New You' your HbA1C was over 100 mmol/mol which is why your readings were in the teens. But the changes you have made and the sort of readings you are now getting will I'm sure be reflected in a lower HbA1C however it is not instant and people who are posting morning readings of below 7mmol/l have a much lower HbA1C so comparing with yourself at the moment is not realistic and it is better to be looking at your trend week to week. Blood glucose goes up and down due to all sorts of reasons on a day to day basis and if you look at that table of variations in readings for any given mmol/l you will see that the readings you post with small differences are really the same.
It's like my blood pressure readings, one day it can be 150/84 in the morning and 130/71 in the evening, the next 129/68 in the morning and 145/70 in the evening, in other words all over the place. Meds the same doing nothing different.
Morning all

And on another grey and windy morning it’s a happy 5.6 for me.

Have a good day all and stay safe.
More news on the frozen insulin front. I went to Boots as told by 111. They don't have either of the insulins in and cannot even get one of them.They referred me to Lloyds who have one. I went to Lloyds, they said they have the Tresiba but not the Apidra but could get it hopefully by the end of today. However, because 111 referred me to Boots i have to ring my GP and get them to send a script to them. GP prescription clerk getting onto it and should hopefully have it by lunchtime. Thank you Lloyds for saving my holiday!

Oh, and this morning i woke to 5.7 but currently 10.2 with the stress.

Congrata to @Robin on the HS.
@ColinUK I hope your mum is ok.
7.5 for me today which I am not overly happy about as I had to inject lots of insulin in small corrections to keep on top of but then I didn't sleep long or deeply enough and I haven't exercised enough over the weekend to help levels come down. Should probably have increased my Levemir by another unit last night.... hindsight is a wonderful thing. Must swing the legs today!

Many congratulations @Robin on scoring a House Special today for us Type 1s. I have had to stop drinking red wine as it has started upsetting my stomach. Even just half a glass with some sparkling water. :( That said, I get no noticeable reduction in BG from alcohol and a small port, which I love and doesn't upset my stomach, needs insulin as it sends my levels into orbit and I really can't justify injecting insulin for an alcoholic drink. The odd G & slimline T is OK BG wise with neutral effect and a rum and diet coke is OK so those are my go to options, but never seen any lowering effect from them, even when I have 2 or 3.
Morning all on another grey day.

8.1 this morning. It's been a hectic weekend and I can't recall when I last posted on this thread. Sufficient to say that BGs have been all over the place.

It stayed lovely and sunny all day on Saturday for the wedding. Just as well as the ceremony took place out of doors, with the bride and groom under a sort of raised pagoda and the rest of us sitting on rows of benches. They had actually got properly married earlier at the registry office. The "ceremony" was lovely, very touching, a bit like the ones on "married at first sight". Afterwards we had a surprisingly good meal in the prettily decorated barn. The only down side was having to sit on a hard backless bench. It does no good for old bones! Some friends we only see about once a year were staying nearby in a B&B so we invited them for sunday dinner. Did a quick rush around the supermarket on Sunday (whilst fending off a hypo) and managed to produce smoked salmon blinis, roast beef, buttered carrots, peas , braised fennel with parmesan, strawberries in cointreau served with creme fraiche and a cheeseboard by 5pm. The weekend vanished in a pleasant flash!

@freesia, I had a similar run around trying to get Apidra when 350 miles from home and on a Saturday. Ended up at the local hospital who gave me novorapid. It is indeed extremely stressful. Hope you can get the fridge to behave for the rest of your holiday.

Congratulations @Robin on the HS. Well done indeed.

@ColinUK fingers crossed for your mum.


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YIPPEE! :D Finally cracked breakfast & any other low or carb free meal, I think?:confused: The flattest profile I’ve had for a meal & now after 4 hours after NR it’s fluctuating nicely between 5’s & 6’s:-


Have a wee break, hunger permitting, & see what happens before I cook & eat lunch? :confused:
More news on the frozen insulin front. I went to Boots as told by 111. They don't have either of the insulins in and cannot even get one of them.They referred me to Lloyds who have one. I went to Lloyds, they said they have the Tresiba but not the Apidra but could get it hopefully by the end of today. However, because 111 referred me to Boots i have to ring my GP and get them to send a script to them. GP prescription clerk getting onto it and should hopefully have it by lunchtime. Thank you Lloyds for saving my holiday!

Oh, and this morning i woke to 5.7 but currently 10.2 with the stress.

Congrata to @Robin on the HS.
@ColinUK I hope your mum is ok.
i am sorry your stressed. Bless you
hope it all gets sorted in time for the holiday.
i am sorry your stressed. Bless you
hope it all gets sorted in time for the holiday.
We're already on holiday. The ones that were frozen were the spares i bought with me as i'll run out in the week. I'm going back to Lloyds in a bit and hopefully they'll have my prescription and the delivery so i can get both insulins.
We're already on holiday. The ones that were frozen were the spares i bought with me as i'll run out in the week. I'm going back to Lloyds in a bit and hopefully they'll have my prescription and the delivery so i can get both insulins.
oh lets hope so
Koko. Couldn't be bothered to measure. Have a good day all. 🙂
Just got call back from DSN & the Hab1c done in hospital when I was admitted was 75 so, that was already down from 31st May’s 92: I was REALLY afraid, given the huge struggle & wrangling to move high BS down before going in, it would have risen even higher to over 100; the last few days now the libre estimate has gone down to 69 although I don’t know how accurate that is? :confused:🙂

I told her my findings of:- insulin without food doesn’t work be it corrections or prebolusing; don’t need any carbs with all protein meals as NR is slowed down anyway with my resistance/tolerance; to be confirmed yet but, no noticeable lessening in resistance as the day goes on so, 48 NR across the board & I’ve decided not to correct at all albeit having half an oatcake DOES move BS down it delays things & has knock-on effects on the next meal/s.

DSN looked over all the data & agrees with me! 🙂 I could hear her smile in her voice as she said well done & I’m doing really well now: today, so far, has been the flattest day on the graph; still gathering data from lunch right now & still dinner to do later!😛:D
Oh! Forgot to add, in case you’re wondering, if I get things wrong I’ll wait until the next meal & add a correction with food: half oatcake corrections work slowly & I end up using quite a bit more NR trying to BS down a few mmol that way; at least 20 as a zero baseline plus how many mmol I want to go down so, to move 6mmol down yesterday I injected 26NR & was still 2mmol too high so, another 22NR with another half oatcake to get down further! Fell asleep in the end after the 2nd correction & was aiming for 7mmol but, overshot by 2mmol to wake in the 5’s so, a) my guesses were a bit wrong & b) it’s just much faster & less NR to correct with a full meal of food! 🙄
How about for a bit of fun if people who test in the mornings post their waking levels? I think it would be interesting to see what the average works out at after a week 🙂

I'll start with mine - I was 6.0 when I woke up this morning 🙂

(please don't let me be the only person to enter one! 😉)
I was 5.1. I was told a week ago that i'm prediabetic
Update: i have the Tresiba but their delivery with the Apidra hasn't come and they don't know why. I really hope it comes tomorrow, i have about a day and a half left, possibly two if i'm careful
Update: i have the Tresiba but their delivery with the Apidra hasn't come and they don't know why. I really hope it comes tomorrow, i have about a day and a half left, possibly two if i'm careful
Oh that cannot feel good I hope you get it first thing .....
Koko. Couldn't be bothered to measure. Have a good day all. 🙂
That to me says your confident coping with this. Have a brilliant day. Well done 🙂