Group 7-day waking average?

Morning folks. 6.8 on this dry and bright morning! It’s only 8c though, a bit fresh.
We’ve had 48 hours of non stop rain, what a washout of a weekend for lots of people. We were fine, we just hibernated, Mr Eggy watched Interstellar and listened to classical music, I read and finished a book and made a delicious Mediterranean style stew with veggies from the garden, plus a tin of toms and a tin of butter beans.

It’s our Zara alternative Monday today. As it’s going to be quite pleasant I’m going to walk into town with her, and Mr Eggy is going to do some Project Greenhouse. I’m a bit nervous as it’ll be my first time taking her out for more than an hour since she became fully potty trained. There’ll be lots of visits to loo whilst we’re out! And lots of spare clothing, although, fingers crossed, accidents have been few and far between.

Your meal out @ColinUK sounds delicious, the sort of thing I would chose. I might look out for Cotê when we’re in Manchester this week, haven’t been to one for years. We don’t have one but been to one in Newcastle, on my own, when Mr Eggy was having a procedure on his heart at the Freeman hospital and I needed distraction whilst I waited. I don’t remember much about it to be fair! I think I had chicken.

Have a good day all, and I hope it’s dry where you are.
Lost connection with the sensor overnight but who cares when I wake up to this…
Good morning! 7.8 for me this grey overcast morn!

Gettinng ready to go downstairs before they start servicing both lifts as have podiatry appointment late morning. This mob could organise the proverbial in a brewery as a few on this floor aren't safe on stairs...
Morning all. 5.7 for me. Just looked at the weather app, rain forecast every day for the next 2 weeks!!! Where is the summer?!

@ColinUK the meal sounds delicious, i'm glad you all had a nice time. Congrats on the HS.
@eggyg i hope your trip out with Zara goes well with no little incidents.

Have a good day everyone.
Morning folks. 6.8 on this dry and bright morning! It’s only 8c though, a bit fresh.
We’ve had 48 hours of non stop rain, what a washout of a weekend for lots of people. We were fine, we just hibernated, Mr Eggy watched Interstellar and listened to classical music, I read and finished a book and made a delicious Mediterranean style stew with veggies from the garden, plus a tin of toms and a tin of butter beans.

It’s our Zara alternative Monday today. As it’s going to be quite pleasant I’m going to walk into town with her, and Mr Eggy is going to do some Project Greenhouse. I’m a bit nervous as it’ll be my first time taking her out for more than an hour since she became fully potty trained. There’ll be lots of visits to loo whilst we’re out! And lots of spare clothing, although, fingers crossed, accidents have been few and far between.

Your meal out @ColinUK sounds delicious, the sort of thing I would chose. I might look out for Cotê when we’re in Manchester this week, haven’t been to one for years. We don’t have one but been to one in Newcastle, on my own, when Mr Eggy was having a procedure on his heart at the Freeman hospital and I needed distraction whilst I waited. I don’t remember much about it to be fair! I think I had chicken.

Have a good day all, and I hope it’s dry where you are.
I was tempted to opt for the french onion soup and then the burger with truffled fries. But I’m learning (still) that if I do opt for those kind of meals I suffer. I did nick one of dads chips though.
Good morning. 6.9

Managed to get some gardening done yesterday afternoon when the rain stopped and it turned relatively summery. Now have a huge pile of hedge/shrubbery clippings - weather doesn't look promising for a bonfire. Very dull and grey so far and forecast poor.

Having a hard time resisting carbs at the moment but got rid of a bucket of spuds/beans/coourgettes and eggs to a neighbour who has broken her knee. Decided to ride her horse in from the field - climbed onto gate, GG moved, fell between the two. Ouch!

Wishing everyone a good day.
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7.7 again but i did have strawberries so fruit and i dont seem to hit. It almost stayed the same all day yesterday. But its going the wrong way for me again . even on 65 carbs which is half the 130g they suggest. Maybe without meds ill not go to HS.
Shall i give it a month ?
Morning all, 5.8 here. Didn’t have my usual mug of tea after evening meal yesterday, and feel a bit thirsty this morning. Sure enough, there are two neat and classic compression dips on my Libre graph overnight, when I was lying on the sensor. It only seems to happen if I’m dehydrated.
Good morning - 8.0

Have a great day everyone!
Last night 22:40 BS 8.7 🙂 Body clock beginning to slowly move around!🙄

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

AND wouldn’t you know it: have routine that works & my cycle was over went I woke last night; wasn’t completely sure before going to bed last afternoon but, it’s definite now! 🙄

Needed to tweak NR doses up for MY breakfast & lunch last night & earlier this pre dawn morning & it did better for breakfast leaving me in the mid 8’s but, lunch increased dose wasn’t quite enough & just about ran out of steam leaving me in the mid 12’s for the last 2 hours! Ah well! Go up even more for dinner later. But, will leave message for DSN, wait for the call back & maybe still stick in 70 tresiba, if it’s after midday she calls back, even though I’m thinking of going back up to 74 tresiba. In either case, I have to compensate with more NR anyway as tresiba needs 3 days to get up to speed! 🙄

Two steps forward; one step back! But, it’s getting there! 🙂
4.8 for me this morning. 🙂
Grey skies but no rain forecast for today.

4.8 for me this morning. 🙂
Grey skies but no rain forecast for today.

We have rain here in Cambridgeshire and good it is for gardens too. Hubby is not cycling to work today another day work from home. So I am happy about that. I wish I could get 4.8 are you super fit ?
Chiming in on this one just in case anyone wonders what “clinically significant” means.

Metformin stays in the body for 96 hours. It has an elimination half-life of 17.something hours I think. So if you’re taking 500mg once a day it takes four to five days for there to be enough of the drug in your system to be “clinically significant”.

That's the time it takes to get the concentration up to a 'therapeutic concentration.' (I also believe the drug's half life in plasma is far lower than the half life in blood cells.)

It did used to be thought that 1500 was the minimum dose to make a difference, but I've seen some papers based on trials that found 500mg can help with 'mild' hyperglycaemia.
That's the time it takes to get the concentration up to a 'therapeutic concentration.' (I also believe the drug's half life in plasma is far lower than the half life in blood cells.)

It did used to be thought that 1500 was the minimum dose to make a difference, but I've seen some papers based on trials that found 500mg can help with 'mild' hyperglycaemia.
Which explains why so many of us are on 500mg a day I guess.
I wish I could get 4.8 are you super fit ?
I try to keep as active as I can (for my age 😛) and aim to manage 12,000 - 15,000 steps a day either by walking if the weather permits or using my exercise bike if not.

Oh and forgot to say congrats earlier to @ColinUK on the HS. 🙂
