Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all, 6.8 this morning for me.

We have the grandchildren today and overnight, going to pick them up in another hour or so. We are planning indoor activities due to the rain here today (it’s already pouring), going to the Think Tank in Birmingham, there looks to be lots to do for them and it’s all inside. My wife bought some board games we can use to keep them entertained when we’re back home later.

Congratulations @harbottle on your HS.

Hope everyone has a good day despite the rain!
Good luck @Lucyr - I hope that headache stays away. How low-carb did the dietitian want you to go?
She didn’t give a specific amount but to start with try very low carb breakfast (eg spinach/cheese omelette, scrambled eggs, yoghurt with berries), and a small single carb source at other meals with more protein and veg content.
Morning all, 6.8 this morning for me.

We have the grandchildren today and overnight, going to pick them up in another hour or so. We are planning indoor activities due to the rain here today (it’s already pouring), going to the Think Tank in Birmingham, there looks to be lots to do for them and it’s all inside. My wife bought some board games we can use to keep them entertained when we’re back home later.

Congratulations @harbottle on your HS.

Hope everyone has a good day despite the rain!
We were lucky yesterday, it stayed dry all day so the girls played out most of the day. Football, “tennis” etc. Then went to the river, literally across the road, played Pooh sticks on two bridges. Came home and watched Matilda ( 5 year old’s choice), not quite 2.5 year old Zara proclaimed it boring and promptly fell asleep on my knee! Her big cousins had tired her out. It can be hard work entertaining grandkids but you can’t beat a good board game. Good luck.

Here’s four of my favourite people in the whole world.


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5.7 today, getting ready to go off on our holiday to Norfolk, keep your fingers crossed that we get some dry spells to get the kids out doors.

@harbottle - congratulations on your HS today.
Good morning 7.7 today

looks like I forgot to post yesterdayI was up early for delivery from gravel suppliers
then wife and I spent most of the day landscaping the back garden.

have a great day everybody 😎
Woke to a 9.8 with an upward sloping arrow. That will be the chickpeas from my midnight feast curry. Wouldn't care but I gave it plenty of Fiasp just before I ate it. No rice or anything and all made from scratch, so I know what went into it but chick peas and lentils really are my nemesis.
Anyway, I jabbed 10 units (overkill I know!) correction and for breakfast.... I actually injected 9 and then my Libre clicked up to 10.6 with a vertical upward arrow so I added another unit and then went back to sleep rather than have to wait an age for it to come down, but slept longer than I intended and woke on 4.2 with a vertical downwards arrow 😱 , so got to have a 4 jelly baby starter before my main course of yoghurt and berries. They didn't prevent me hitting the red but I have leveled out nicely at 5 so recovered it pretty well and it was nice to eat my breakfast straight away without sitting looking at it for 45 mins!

Congrats to @harbottle on your House Special today. Seems like you are cured! :D

Off to visit my Uncle Bob today. It's his 101st birthday tomorrow, but I am away at a show all day, so going today and my sister will visit him tomorrow. He is still living independently and does his own cooking and cleaning despite badly breaking his hip a few years ago and needing a built up shoe and a zimmer. He can't manage the garden anymore but he has a few containers in his little yard where he grows a few veg. He misses my Aunty Marion terribly but he remains positive and is planning for the next 5-10 years. Unfortunately he is deaf as a post so conversation is a real struggle but his mind is still really sharp and he keeps abreast of current affaires and sport with the newspaper and TV. He is an amazing guy!
chick peas and lentils really are my nemesis.
It’s strange how different we all are. I don’t bolus for legumes ever. They don’t seem to effect me. Mashed potatoes and porridge are my nemeses. Never get it right, although I never eat porridge anymore because of that but find mash hard to resist, small potions only though now. :(
@eggyg Matilda is one of my favourite childhood movies! Maybe because I was an avid book reader at the time. I found the headteacher scary and the chocolate cake scene very unpleasant tho.
Good afternoon everyone! I don't know what to put as waking BG. Was awaken a couple times by low alarms that I totally ignored. Why? Because I didn't take any insulin for the past 48h. When I finally got to the bathroom and did a finger prick, it was 6'1 versus the 4'6 in Libre.

I've had a cheeky McDonald's lunch and one hour later Libre showed 4'6, quite unbelievable in my opinion, so did another finger test and was a 7. If you see my Libre graph today it looks like it's stuck in the 4s! It has 3 days left so maybe it's getting a bit wonky. Anyway, I just gave myself 1 unit of Levemir and from tomorrow go back to my usual morning basal. Looks like I'm on baby doses at the moment and is so tempting to just skip them, but I don't think that's the best idea.

Spent my day off doing stuff that I don't necessarily enjoy, but feel better when it's done. Aka laundry and hair removal. I also cooked 2 different meals to have over a few days: a bean chili and a new recipe with broccoli and paneer from a low-carb cookbook I got from Poundland. Is not bad! Might post it in the Food section. I used half a red chilli in total for the 4 portions of food. I know, I'm a tough girl 😛

After I had a friend and her girlfriend coming for a cuppa and chat. I meant to do some cleaning as well but it got late and I was tired from the housework, so I'm gonna tackle that when I'm done posting. Thank goodness I am off tomorrow evening as well so I'll have a chance to do something more fun, or nothing at all!
Oh, I just remembered I had a random dream where my mum was checking my insulin pen and she dialed and air shot 200 units (that's not even possible). It looked yellowish and smelled SO strong...I was like, WTF are you doing mum??? To be honest I imagine that amount of insulin would smell strong lol
@harbottle congratulations on the HS. FWIW I understand from the DSN that really the lowest effective dose of Metformin is 1500mg. So the 500mg was probably not doing an awful lot. The other thing to consider is that Metformin isn't "instant". It ramps up over a period of perhaps 14 days and it takes time to leach out of your body when you stop it.
Afternoon all.

I forgot to post this morning as I had a bad night sleep-wise and finally got off at about four this morning and didn't wake until eleven. Anyway, when I finally did a fingerprick it was a 5.3 which I'm happy with.

It's been raining most of the night and it's still raining now so no gardening for me today which means I can have a lazy day in front of the television with my feet up, Happy days.....
I’m type 2 diet controlled and don’t eat after about 8 pm at night but still am between 9 and 10 at about the next morning ! But I have also tested about 2 hours after my breakfast at 8 am which is shredded wheat and have been 6-7 so doesn’t make sense to me ?? !! This is very confusing !! Lol xx