Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all and 6.6 for me.

Received an Email from our immigration lawyer wanting to know details for visa application so best get that sorted.

@Pattidevans no such luck in going the scenic route. One of the stops is either going to be Vegas or Salt Lake City so quite a way inland.

Have a good day everyone.

Ha, we were talking about you in the pub the other night - a friend of mine went to a Goth festival in Leeds and picked up your new album. Told me it’s very good and the gig was excellent. (He goes to all the Goth events.)
So I have not really had any Metformin for a week…

I’m starting to think that maybe it’s not really doing much, as I’m not saying any different in blood sugar.

Good morning! Was planning a lay in but but rudely awoken by cramp in the legi haven't got and stinging around the maceration on the other. BTW BG was 7.2.

Is a Unicorn 24-hour period or a day? 3 hours from the first, 18 from the second!

Will probably have a cuppa or two and try for another hour.

Grey as grey can be.
Oh, no I really hate cramp, so to have it as phantom pain must be awful. Perhaps the pain increased the BS slighty I think mine increases with pain too. Wish you better.
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Morning yawning. 7.9 at 5.30am when I had to get up. Happy with that as we did go out to an Indian restaurant last night. No pre bolusing obviously and I was cautious with my split doses. BGs almost 12 when I went to bed at 10.30. Held my nerve as I still had active insulin floating about.

I’m all ready and dressed, made grandson’s packed lunch, he made his own breakfast, and ready for the off soon to take him to work for 7am. 20 mile round trip. Then I’ll come home and take my basal and bolus, I’m starving already. I never leave the house without breakfast. I’ll be back by 7.30 at the latest all being well. Nana nap this afternoon I think as I haven’t slept well, Mr Eggy doing the two pints and big meal snoring, a pigeon sounded like it was on my, opened, en-suite window at 5am and I was so hot and sweaty. Luckily, we’ve no plans today, Mr Eggy can do the granddaughter job run. She doesn’t start until 11am. We had a lovely day/evening with all our grandchildren yesterday, we’re tired, and broke, but we wouldn’t have it any other way. ( But not every day or even week, thanks very much). 😉

Congratulation @harbottle on your HS.

Have a grand Saturday everyone. It’s very wet here and only 12c. :(
Morning yawning. 7.9 at 5.30am when I had to get up. Happy with that as we did go out to an Indian restaurant last night. No pre bolusing obviously and I was cautious with my split doses. BGs almost 12 when I went to bed at 10.30. Held my nerve as I still had active insulin floating about.

I’m all ready and dressed, made grandson’s packed lunch, he made his own breakfast, and ready for the off soon to take him to work for 7am. 20 mile round trip. Then I’ll come home and take my basal and bolus, I’m starving already. I never leave the house without breakfast. I’ll be back by 7.30 at the latest all being well. Nana nap this afternoon I think as I haven’t slept well, Mr Eggy doing the two pints and big meal snoring, a pigeon sounded like it was on my, opened, en-suite window at 5am and I was so hot and sweaty. Luckily, we’ve no plans today, Mr Eggy can do the granddaughter job run. She doesn’t start until 11am. We had a lovely day/evening with all our grandchildren yesterday, we’re tired, and broke, but we wouldn’t have it any other way. ( But not every day or even week, thanks very much). 😉

Congratulation @harbottle on your HS.

Have a grand Saturday everyone. It’s very wet here and only 12c. :(
Grandchildren are the best enjoy.
Good morning, 6.4.

Pitta and kebab probably not the best choice for dinner but I was starving after mowing the lawn and the orchard. Had a happy pain free day. Not much sleep tho' woke at 02.30 and couldn't get back off. Need to get back into the 5s but obviously not being sensible about evening meals.

Hope everyone has a good weekend - forecast for rain for 2 weeks. That bloke Swithin has much to answer for.
Good morning - 8.4

Yesterday we had a whole school assembly, love the community spirit but we all have to sit on the floor as there isn’t enough room for chairs. Only sad bit was that one of the best support staff is leaving.

Frome is absolutely lovely, we are staying overlooking the river as well

@freesia that’s a really late date for end of term but when do you go back?
Morning all. I woke to a 3.6 and graph shows i've been hypo for a while :(. The alarm woke me about an hour or so before. I had dextrose and went back to sleep, obviously not enough though. Now just had juice and waiting for it to go up so i can eat breakfast.

All day rain forecast for today. It looks very grey, wet and windy out there. I think i'll get the jobs done this morning then this afternoon sit with my book or crochet and coffee. A nice, easy tray bake is for dinner tonight so looking forward to that.

Have a good Saturday everyone.
that’s a really late date for end of term but when do you go back
1st September. Its a much shorter summer this year. I'm counting the hours now, not the days!+
@freesia , that’s a ridiculously short summer!
We don’t go back until the 6th and Year 7 on the 4th
@freesia , that’s a ridiculously short summer!
We don’t go back until the 6th and Year 7 on the 4th
Its definitely too short. Everyone is so tired and the holiday will fly by. I need to make the most of every minute
8.3 this morning, going to start the lower carb today, as well as needing to do a lot of tidying up at home!
Morning all on this very wet and grey day. I'm not too sorry as it will be cooler for turning the 4kg plums into jam.

8.3 this morning with a flat line more or less. Still coughing up green phlegm but not so much. However, completely lost my voice late afternoon. Throat isn't sore, just feels rather strained.

Fell asleep on the sofa after dinner. Woke up half an hour later and went straight to bed, hence being awake at crack of dawn this morning.

@eggyg sounds like you have a fantastic family and enjoy them a lot.

Stay well everyone.... and have a super Saturday.
Good morning everyone

BG 5.1 so close!

Woke at 2:30am did all my tests. Weight 72.1Kg. Decided to go back to sleep. Woke at 7:30am reweighed myself. 72.6Kg. My conclusion...sleep makes you put on weight! So to lose weight do not sleep! Easy.

BP 118/75
Pulse 53

Today, as it looks like it will rain all day, lots of keyboard practice. Oh, and my friend is coming over for, excellent!

And @ColinUK my daughters daughter (aged 5) loves unicorns!!! Mind you, so do I. I get her unicorn stuff whenever I can.

Have a great day today wherever you are swimming
Morning all. 🙂 4.7 here.

It's great to read that you're feeling more positive @Nayshiftin. Tbh, I don't make the best choices sometimes, so I'm going to follow your example and do some forward planning. I think it might help me tighten my belt! 😛

Good luck @Lucyr - I hope that headache stays away. How low-carb did the dietitian want you to go?

Woohoo! @harbottle. Looking good. :D
Morning all. 🙂 4.7 here.

It's great to read that you're feeling more positive @Nayshiftin. Tbh, I don't make the best choices sometimes, so I'm going to follow your example and do some forward planning. I think it might help me tighten my belt! 😛

Good luck @Lucyr - I hope that headache stays away. How low-carb did the dietitian want you to go?

Woohoo! @harbottle. Looking good. :D
Thank you.
Grey skies this morning but no sign of rain yet, nor did it rain overnight. I think we're on the edge of the forecasted deluge, down here in the south east, so we might well miss some of it. Not so the cricket up in Manchester, I fear. Australia won't mind - they only need a draw to retain the Ashes and the weather is their best hope. At least it's unlikely to be pouring with rain Down Under when the Lionesses kick off, so there's football to watch if there's no cricket.

Wife and I are on our own this evening as our youngest has a 2-10 shift at Sainsbury's and our eldest is off to see Barbie with his mates, followed by Nando's, so we're planning on eating out at our favourite country pub a short drive away, a treat usually reserved for special occasions like birthdays and anniversaries.

Congratulation @harbottle on your HS. I almost joined you - 5.3 this morning, same as yesterday. I do wish that DF would stop messing me around.

Whatever your plans enjoy your Saturday.
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Well done @harbottle on the HS. A near miss for me with 5.3. 🙂
Have a good day everyone.
