Group 7-day waking average?

Willow tree stumped, arms and legs still attached. Was super careful and, apart from working up a sweat and a couple of transiently spastic fingers on the rt hand, no ill results. Think the latter is something inflamed in neck trapping a nerve. It comes and goes - quite weird watching a couple of fingers playing their own game. Ah the joys of aging.
Good morning - 9.4

Last day of term and going on holiday as soon as I get in from school - to Frome

Have a great day everyone
After pub, piles of crisps and two pints… a 3.1.
Only had 500g of Metformin in the last week.
Morning all. 10.9 and been out of target since yesterday morning with corrections not working :(. So tired.

Happy holidays @Lily123. We don't finish until next Tuesday.

Have a good Friday everyone.
5.5 for me… since last Friday I have only had 500mg of Metformin. Does not seem to have made any difference.

Made some bread last night:
View attachment 26757
This is spelt based and used yeast - taken from the latest Caldesi book.
looks yummy . I dare not try as ill want bread again and again .
Morning all. 10.9 and been out of target since yesterday morning with corrections not working :(. So tired.

Happy holidays @Lily123. We don't finish until next Tuesday.

Have a good Friday everyone.
Have a good one . Go easy on yourself . Stress does not help. Have a good weekend . Enjoy life and focus when you can .
Good morning everyone

BG 4.8

My BG has settled back to the low 5's upper 4's since I stopped the growth hormone injections (and BP is lower too). I am sure the endocrinology consultant will not be happy (assuming they care) but it turns out that the risks of taking synthetic growth hormone are more significant than a raised BG level and the benefits at my age are few and disputed/unconfirmed.

Today lots of practice on the keyboard now that I have this weeks song sheets all sorted. Some exercise too but trying to rest my foot a bit as I have hurt it slightly.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Morning all. 6.1 when I woke at 6.40, the plan was to get up at 6! Oops! So mad rush now before the tribe descends. Already been showered and breakfasted, hopefully I’ll manage to fit Wordle in before Zara arrives at 8.30. Two more at 10am and the two big ones late afternoon. It must be the Summer Holidays! 😉

I had a better day yesterday, stomach wise, don’t know why but I’ll take it. Long may it last. Project Greenhouse now on hold for a week. Kids all day today, heavy rain all weekend, Zara Monday and we’re going away Tuesday to Thursday, and then the three little ones next Friday. At least I’ll get a break from the damn sawdust! It gets everywhere. 🙂

Enjoy your holidays @Lily123, not long now @freesia just hang on in there. Our kids finished Wednesday.

Have a fab Friday. 🙂
Another sunny start here, though it rained overnight. Fingers crossed for the cricket up in Manchester but it doesn't look too good, at least not for this morning.

Big Shop Day so will be heading over to Sainsbury's after breakfast, and then the Greengrocer at our local garden centre. Don't need to buy blackberries at the moment. The bush in our garden is producing a bumper crop. Nothing beats fresh berries from the garden. Aim to get the shopping all done by 11 o'clock on the off-chance the cricket starts on time.

Friday is BP check day - 104/61, so no problems there. BG 5.3 this morning, so have hopped from one side of an HS to the other. Come on, DF - stop messing about.

Have a good Poets' Day.
Morning all, 5.0 on the nose. Had a jelly baby at 2am when I was 4.0 but probably needn’t have bothered, the line on the graph was basically flat at the time, it does a little bump after the JB, then settles back down to 4.0 for a while, before starting the long slow dawn rise. It’s already 5.5 in the 10minutes I've been reading and typing. Time to get some Novorapid in. Which means I’ve just gone through the HS station without stopping, maybe I should get an overnight sleeper instead of a house.
CCC from Marriage of Figaro will be unavoidably delayed today.

I’ve scored IMAX tickets for Oppenheimer this afternoon after my appointment with the surgeon.

I’ll try and make sure I don’t muddle the plots up when I write them both up for a double corner!
Happy Friday everyone!

5.0 this morning (I managed better last night but still had to do a little correction in the night to tame a spike up to around 10).

Seeing @Gwynn do BP readings jogged me into checking mine, something I haven’t done for ages, so here it is this morning : 126/74, pulse 83. Feel happy with that.

Congratulations @MrPixels on your HS.

@Lily123 - enjoy your last day and start of your holiday in Frome !

@eggyg - glad your stomach is getting better.

@freesia - hope you manage to get some good rest soon.

Hope everyone has a good day!
8.9, waiting to have bloods taken for quarterly check on my high white cell levels