Group 7-day waking average?

You’re very welcome but pick a korma and you’re out on your ear! We’re ‘ard up north, Vindaloo or nowt! :rofl:
I’ll bring yogurt and homemade Peshawari naans. See you at 6pm!

GP rang at 9.10! She said my “issues” are way beyond a GPs remit so she’s referring me back to the Lower GI consultant who I was referred to back in January but sent me a letter to say he didn’t need to see me and to just keep having my two yearly bowel cancer screening like all over 60s get offered! What a carry on. Goodness knows when my appointment will be but the ball is rolling again and that’s the main thing.

Now I’ll have to shower and get to Aldi. Life goes on gastric problems or not.
Looks like another nice day in store down here in leafy Royal Berkshire. Sun's shining and forecast says it's going to be like this all day. Lull before the storm, I think. Have you seen the forecast for the weekend? Not just here - almost everywhere looks to be in line for a soaking including, unfortunately, the cricket. Managed to watch all three sessions yesterday, which I don't often do. Not so today, though - swim day so I'll miss most of the morning's play.

5.1 again for me this morning. I seem to be having a spell of consistently low readings at the moment, averaging 5.1 fasting for the last 9 days. I even got a 4.7 post-prandial last night (switched hands and did a second test to double-check and it was 4.8) after Chilli Chicken & Cauli Rice. Not that I mind, of course - it's just that I haven't changed anything. Sometimes it's all just a big mystery to me. I expect it'll turn round and bite me at some point. I blame the DF.

Hope everyone has a good day.
Good morning. 5.9 which is a miracle after the amount of ice ceam consumed yesterday evening. I just couldn't get cool after all that willow sorting on a high humidity day. I was mugged guv, mugged I say. Anyway 90% of the job is done so my braodband is protected from interference by tree.

Neighbour, having offered to do so, is fighting shy of bringing his chain saw (or using my rather better one) to cut the stump down to the roots. So I plan on being very careful later on today and doing it myself. Should be OK as long as I make sure to get a solid place to stand and do not carry on once the wrists start aching. It isn't a job which one wants to be doing in an out of conrol sort of way. I do miss Taras when I am cutting trees, the lad was whizz with a power saw of any kind.

Weather overcast but met says low chance of rain.

Hope everyone has a good day.
Morning all.

On a nice calm sunny morning, it's a happy 5.6 for me.

Have a good day and stay safe everyone.....
Morning all and 6.0 for me.

Been out in the garden and come back in dry. The sky isn't leaking at the moment.

Got our tour schedule for the USA there is some serious driving involved. San Diego to Seattle and various points in-between.

Have a good day everyone .
Well, I got one of these this morning .....
Long time, no see!
Congratulations @rebrascora I had my first one for ages yesterday....
M orning all. Yesterday turned into a glorious day. Today started with a cloudless sky, but it's starting to cloud over.

9.8 this morning, but a more or less straight line. Tried to correct before bed, but it wouldn't allow me as I still had IOB from a late supper. All day yesterday I was just skimming the top of range. I'm wondering if it's because my leg is painful and I am taking Neurofen+ just to get moving. I think they might be affecting BGs as I was high after lunch, which was just a chicken caesar salad with absolutely inedible croutons - maybe I need to increase bolus a touch all across the day.

Picked up 4 kilos of plums in Lidl @ £1.38 a kilo to make jam for the village fete. Was going to do it this afternoon but now I discover hubby has to go out later, so I'd rather not be alone in the house with a vat of boiling jam. I think I'll leave it until Saturday when it's due to rain anyway.

@Lanny I don't want to speak out of turn, but if I understand correctly what you are saying then I'm inclined to think you are injecting too much insulin for your meal, which is causing you to crash and then you are "propping it up" by eating carby foods. All this is causing those nasty spikes you are seeing. Try cutting down the Novorapid before meals to avoid the crashes and think about pre-bolussing by at least half an hour if not 45 minutes to avoid spiking after the meal.

@harbottle - you are clearly cured!

@khskel - if you can, drive up on the coastal road (Big Sur) it's absolutely spectacular - rather than the inland route which is very boring, being mostly just scrub.

Have a good day all.
I'm not cured, but it seems the low carb diet is doing the trick. (Low carb with the occasional excursion into something 40g+.)
You’re very welcome but pick a korma and you’re out on your ear! We’re ‘ard up north, Vindaloo or nowt! :rofl:
Korma is the only curry I eat. I better stay in the South then! 😳 :rofl:

Mind you, curry was not a thing where I grew up and is very rare I get one.
Afternoon (well, nearly) all. :D 4.3 here this morning.

The basal testing event continues - intensely-frustratingly boring, but extremely-enormously necessary. Dum-di-dum. 🙄😉

I hope your appointment comes thru asap @eggyg - not nice to have ongoing stomach issues.
Korma is the only curry I eat. I better stay in the South then! 😳 :rofl:

Mind you, curry was not a thing where I grew up and is very rare I get one.
I’ll make an exception for you. 😉
PS I don’t really eat Vindaloo ( far too hot) but do love a spicy curry like a Madras.
5.8 this morning after loads of NR last night to tackle the carbs I had for evening snacks. Really must do better but at the moment I’m indulging in evening snacks which is causing BG to steadily rise.

Congratulations @rebrascora on your HS today!

Have a good day everyone!
Appointment went okay, have agreed to try a lower carb diet. With nervousness as I have previously found this causes headaches.

I’m currently eating 120-200g carb a day, she recommended a cookbook and gave a few pointers on where to start.