Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning everyone

BG 4.9
BP 115/73
Pulse 53

All good. Amazing since my wife made bread yesterday and I had a big slice, really good.

Incredibly I completed the 6th folder of church songs last night. It was a particularly difficult one as most of the song sheets were hand written and the OCR software hadn't a chance. Still, they are all done now. Just one more folder to go. Such exciting times ! 🙂

I Seem to have a pain (a bit like a constant cramp) in the arch of my left foot. Not sure why...too much exercise?

Today I MUST stick to my diet...none of that lovely bread!!!

And I finally got the list of songs for when I am playing at the church a week on Sunday. Some good songs...I need to practice them though. My wife will assist as she plays the drums.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Morning all. 7.7 and definitely no unicorn.

Had a rollercoaster day yesterday and I’m almost 100% certain it’s my digestive system playing up again. Two hours after lunch, the usual, a one slice of bread sandwich and a packet of Sunbites, I felt unwell, headache, sweaty, weak and nauseous.I took a glance at my Libre, 4.2, checked against meter, 4.3. I checked my pen incase I’d made a mistake with my bolus. No I hadn’t. Sat down with a glass of water and the alarm went off, 3.8. Then 3.6 so had 15 grms of Kendal Mint Cake which wasn’t easy as I felt so sick. Had two paracetamol to ease my stinking headache, BGs stayed the same but I held my nerve. An hour later 11.4! Headache had gone but I felt so tired. Eventually felt better but BGs were still 10.4 at 6pm before tea. Added a one unit correction to my bolus and ate my tea. Half an hour later, headache, very, very bloated, nauseous. BGs down in the fours. Didn’t eat anything but just kept an eye on it. Eventually got into the fives and as my bloating went down my BGs went up! Went to bed at 10 as I was exhausted and was 8.4. Been steady through the night though. Today I’m going to change my ratios and look at my food intake again, I’m struggling a bit at knowing what to eat, I’ve mostly eaten low residue foods after my episode last week, but it’s not easy and it’s boring. Perhaps it’s time to pick up that phone at 8am and sit for half an hour listening to lift music only to be told the doctor will call me back a fortnight on Monday between 8am and 5pm! I’m the meantime I’ll plod on, as I do. Today that means a trip to Aldi as it’s now the school holidays and we have three youngest coming tomorrow morning until teatime, and the two big ones coming later ( after grandson finishes work) and staying over. My WiFi is already hiding in the corner and my debit card is shaking in its boots! :D

Have a grand day all.
Good morning everyone

BG 4.9
BP 115/73
Pulse 53

All good. Amazing since my wife made bread yesterday and I had a big slice, really good.

Incredibly I completed the 6th folder of church songs last night. It was a particularly difficult one as most of the song sheets were hand written and the OCR software hadn't a chance. Still, they are all done now. Just one more folder to go. Such exciting times ! 🙂

I Seem to have a pain (a bit like a constant cramp) in the arch of my left foot. Not sure why...too much exercise?

Today I MUST stick to my diet...none of that lovely bread!!!

And I finally got the list of songs for when I am playing at the church a week on Sunday. Some good songs...I need to practice them though. My wife will assist as she plays the drums.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing

If the foot doesn't improve in a week to 10 days @Gwynn see a GP or podiatrist as it could be Plantar fasciits I saw it a few times when I was
involved in computerised gait analysis.

One of my unicorns got taken out and shot by ice cream yesterday so here’s hoping I get one to replace it soon.

Yesterday was a long and tiring day. MH was a bit fragile, as it’s been since the email from the police last week. Hopefully it’ll improve after today as I’ve two things in my calendar for today; deciding how to present to the police exactly what I want to convey to them when we do meet and then a bit of culture tonight at the opera house.

Seeing Marriage of Figaro which means CCC tomorrow! Was supposed to be going to a showcase of up and coming opera singers on Saturday afternoon at ROH as em but cancelled that as I’m there again on Sunday and I quite face seeing if I can manage a Barbenheimer across Friday and Saturday. There’s no way I can do it in one day.

About the police meeting, I’m thinking of maybe putting together a deck rather than just talking but I’m undecided. I’ll start to play around with some ideas today though and see what happens.
Morning all. 7.7 and definitely no unicorn.

Had a rollercoaster day yesterday and I’m almost 100% certain it’s my digestive system playing up again. Two hours after lunch, the usual, a one slice of bread sandwich and a packet of Sunbites, I felt unwell, headache, sweaty, weak and nauseous.I took a glance at my Libre, 4.2, checked against meter, 4.3. I checked my pen incase I’d made a mistake with my bolus. No I hadn’t. Sat down with a glass of water and the alarm went off, 3.8. Then 3.6 so had 15 grms of Kendal Mint Cake which wasn’t easy as I felt so sick. Had two paracetamol to ease my stinking headache, BGs stayed the same but I held my nerve. An hour later 11.4! Headache had gone but I felt so tired. Eventually felt better but BGs were still 10.4 at 6pm before tea. Added a one unit correction to my bolus and ate my tea. Half an hour later, headache, very, very bloated, nauseous. BGs down in the fours. Didn’t eat anything but just kept an eye on it. Eventually got into the fives and as my bloating went down my BGs went up! Went to bed at 10 as I was exhausted and was 8.4. Been steady through the night though. Today I’m going to change my ratios and look at my food intake again, I’m struggling a bit at knowing what to eat, I’ve mostly eaten low residue foods after my episode last week, but it’s not easy and it’s boring. Perhaps it’s time to pick up that phone at 8am and sit for half an hour listening to lift music only to be told the doctor will call me back a fortnight on Monday between 8am and 5pm! I’m the meantime I’ll plod on, as I do. Today that means a trip to Aldi as it’s now the school holidays and we have three youngest coming tomorrow morning until teatime, and the two big ones coming later ( after grandson finishes work) and staying over. My WiFi is already hiding in the corner and my debit card is shaking in its boots! :D

Have a grand day all.
Tell the one who’s working that he’s treating you all to dinner!

Hope you get through to the gp and get an appointment pronto AND feel better soon of course.

4.7 which I can’t understand as I ate bread and an ice cream yesterday evening after running. Fallen off the wagon a bit lately with eating again and doesn’t help when hubby brings home a lovely sourdough loaf. Anyway did manage 6k run.
Well I’ll go to the bottom of our stairs! I take it all back. I got through to GP at 8.02 and a doctor will call back this morning! 😱 I’m actually in shock. Now I daren’t go in the shower incase I miss it. I’ll just have to sit in my PJs and read my book and hope no one knocks on the door!🙂
Tell the one who’s working that he’s treating you all to dinner!

Hope you get through to the gp and get an appointment pronto AND feel better soon of course.
We’ve decided we’re going to take the two big grandchildren out for a curry as a treat for getting through their GCSEs and procuring apprenticeships. The little ones are getting sandwiches for their lunch!
We’ve decided we’re going to take the two big grandchildren out for a curry as a treat for getting through their GCSEs and procuring apprenticeships. The little ones are getting sandwiches for their lunch!
I did ‘O’ Levels at their age so can I come?!
My waking and pre-meal readings have been floating around the 4.5 mark for the last 4 or 5 days. Last night I thought I'd try a little experiment and treated myself to a few squares of Lindt Mint chocolate to see if it affected this morning's reading.
Result 4.7 🙂 Looks like choccy could become a regular habit. :D

6.7 this morning though rapidly climbing as usual.

Bit nervous today as I have a hospital appointment today and it’s the first one since raising the communication issues. It’s with the dietician who I’ve seen before and have no problems with though. Going to talk to her about breakfast issues hopefully.
Good morning everyone

BG 4.9
BP 115/73
Pulse 53

All good. Amazing since my wife made bread yesterday and I had a big slice, really good.

Incredibly I completed the 6th folder of church songs last night. It was a particularly difficult one as most of the song sheets were hand written and the OCR software hadn't a chance. Still, they are all done now. Just one more folder to go. Such exciting times ! 🙂

I Seem to have a pain (a bit like a constant cramp) in the arch of my left foot. Not sure why...too much exercise?

Today I MUST stick to my diet...none of that lovely bread!!!

And I finally got the list of songs for when I am playing at the church a week on Sunday. Some good songs...I need to practice them though. My wife will assist as she plays the drums.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
My Other half had plantar fasciitis which was 'cured' by orthotic insoles in his shoes. Your symptoms sound similar, he was assessed by the Scholl shop.
5.5 for me… since last Friday I have only had 500mg of Metformin. Does not seem to have made any difference.

Made some bread last night:

Two hours later... after yoghurt, almond butter, raspberries, and a slice of the bread... 5.7.