Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning. 7.4

Oops - the result of 2 large baps full of Aberdeen Angus and salad for dinner. Should have eaten the beef and ditched the buns but they cheered me up at the time. I was watching the 1953 floods on the TV - weird I just about remember them as we were stationed in East Anglia. Quite glad to be living up a hill these days.

No need to ask what the weather is doing but the Met promises improvement later so I will be able to get on with chopping up the willow tree I have felled. Using a bow saw - old fashioned but safer than my chain saw these days - I just don't trust my wrists any more.

Hope everyone has a good (and dry) day.
05:21 BS 5.6 but, only been quickly scanning as I turned over, quite literally, in bed while sleeping then, 05:34 hang on! I’m heading towards the floor again BS 5.4 & got up, sitting up in bed really, very groggily & reluctantly! Holding steady there at 5.4 so, posting before I make breakfast.

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

Just typing this post is starting to wake me up now so, I’ll make an omelette & have tea & toast first, maybe, & try half a dose of 10 or 12: 24 was too much last night as I needed to eat tea & toast about 3 hours later which got me through the rest of the night with no bolus at all; ah, that’s it then, 10NR it is! Omelette in range doesn’t need any bolus & half dose is for the tea & toast! :confused:🙂


Still a bit hilly but, not as mountainous & smoothing out a bit: getting there; hopefully basal is almost there or there about? :confused::D
Gpod morning - 5.2

I’m going on a school trip ti the Somme for a couple days in October and my mum had a phone call with the trip leader yesterday about my diabetes and who needs to know what. It went very well so less stressed about that now.
Good morning everyone.

1953: I was born at the time of the floods/storm so I don't remember it (obviously), but it looked horrendous in the programme last night. Must have been a terrible, horrendous time for everyone.

BG 4.8 excellent
BP 114/72 excellent
Pulse 50

Interesting, I re-started growth hormone injections a short while back and one of the effects of it is to affect blood glucose in a good way. However, my body being at odds with the universe decided that the effect would be to push my BG up to borderline diabetes. Stopped the injections and the BG returned to its lower levels. Coincidence? Was it something else that I had changed but have not associated with the hotter weather, weight loss ? I will re-try again in the near future and see what happens. At least hot weather won't be a factor!

Today, same as ever, but good none the less

Oh, and my weight is coming down nicely (another possible factor). I had puposely been putting on weight after I had reached my tough goal of 55Kg at Christmas (and everyone said that I looked dreadful) but went a tad too far the other way. I am now seriously correcting that. I think a goal of 65Kg will suit me better. Only 7Kg to go...

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
@Lily123 Congrats on your HS!

And in recognition of your trip you get a bijou house with a garden bordered by the Somme river.

It comes with a small garden complete with a lovely little greenhouse but I hope it’s enough… apparently there’s a little series of linked ponds that’s just a smidge over 10 hectares in total and a couple of places for guests to sleep. I’m thinking they’re tents somewhere maybe. Certainly nowt grand.



6.1 and I might need to extend the stables as I’ve got to squeeze in another unicorn somewhere.

Physio yesterday. And what a dishy young man he was. Made me come over all queer he did!

Anyway he’s happy with progress and said I could return to yoga. I’m seeing the surgeon Friday so I want his permission as well as I really don’t want to risk ripping the tendon again.
Morning all. 8.4 after a couple of low alarms needed a dextrose. Yesterday was an almost unicorn day, spoilt by a teeny hypo around 9pm. Still, at least it stayed at 99% yesterday, the best in a while.

Congrats @Lily123 on your HS.

I put a load of washing in overnight to hang out today, but now the weather is saying showers (last night it said it would be dry 🙄) so i'll have to find the airer and hang it indoors. Better get going, i hope the rain keeps offer wherever you are. Have a good day.
Thought so! Not enough wriggle room & had tea & toast first then, still sitting I prepped my cheese & mushroom omelette, cooked it & ate it before putting in 10NR after eating: quick dip into the 4’s but, didn’t last long as the 1st lot of food brought me up to the diagonal 9’s; going vertically up around 10 just now when bolus went in. Hopefully, that’ll hold me up until I reach midday, tresiba, & the afternoon when I’m most stable? 🙂:confused::D
Good morning 6.0 (yesterday was 6.2)

Busy day yesterday
probably didn’t rest as much as I should’ve
but everything good with me
haven’t read through peoples posts
hope everybody’s ok

have a fabulous day everybody 😎
5.3 for me!

After a few nights of bad sleep, I’m staying away from the ‘skull crusher’ coffee!
Morning all from misty Cumbria. We’ve lost Skiddaw completely! 6.4 for me and a unicorn.

Yesterday was a terrible day, it rained non stop until about 8pm. It was so miserable and damp we flicked on the heating mid afternoon! We did have a visit to see Zara, which was lovely, still not 100% but eating much better. Today, fingers crossed, should be mostly dry. No big plans, fill the birds feeders, again, and do a bit ironing and I might Hoover the stairs. Such excitement.😉

@Lily123 congratulations on your HS.

Have a wonderful, and hopefully not wet, Wednesday. 🙂
Well done @Lily123 on the HS. 🙂
Another 4.5 for me today.

Morning all. Been busy sorting some papers which somebody gave me to photograph and email, all heaped in a bag, now they're all labelled and in a lever arch file. What is this need for order from chaos? Kill me now as I'm in a rush for the bus! 8.0 but I think it was a false reading as I could hardly get any blood out. Have a good day all. 🙂
It’s been a long time coming but at last it’s a
IMG_0187.jpegI had my first hypo yesterday, forgot to eat lunch as I was busy, not bad as it’s been 13 months since diagnosis, had to open a year old bag of JB’s and they still worked!!
Grey skies here again first thing. Cool, too. Cricket starting today so checked the forecast for Manchester and there's a 20% risk of showers and thunderstorms this morning. Typical.

Salmon steak for tea yesterday with celeriac chips, carrot and green beans. I stopped testing post-prandial for that meal a while back as over a total of 10 tests I averaged 5.5, so I didn't see the need anymore. Out of curiosity I did test this time - 5.4, so although that was a waste of a lancet and test strip at least it showed that nothing's changed as far as that meal's concerned.

@Lily123 & @Barrowman - congratulations on your HSs. I got close with a 5.4 this morning.

Have a good day, everyone.
I might need to extend the stables as I’ve got to squeeze in another unicorn somewhere.
Apparently the collective noun for a group of unicorns is a “blessing of unicorns”, who knew and how appropriate!