Group 7-day waking average?

was in the 12s after dipping low overnight. Back in the 7s now 🙂

Off for some bloods today. Dr wasn't happy with the last lot at my appointment yesterday. Still got inflammation markers (nothing new there) but this time red cell and some others that are tied into those are low. Iron is still within range but has taken a nose dive too.
Anyway when booking the bloods, was impressed with the ease of getting an appointment as they were marked on the request as urgent and they then have more powers about overriding the system to fit patients in :D
No further forward as to why everything keeps going off.
Still have ongoing digestive issues and a horrific period probs didn't help one bit. Haematology referral (upgraded to urgent) is still sitting with them and nothing from gastroenterology yet apart form the sample they requested which has been handed in.

Anyway time to get showered and ready, hoping my numbers stay stable this morning because I fancy going out for lunch while I'm in town and we all know its carbs on carbs usually as choices in local cafes.
Morning all. 4 4 for me this morning. Not raining here (yet ) though looking out the window as I write this it won't be long . Be waiting for me and the dog to set foot out the house . Waiting in for a phone call. Said between 10 am and 11;. Hope it's soon . Hope everyone is doing well and have a good day folks
4.5 this morning.

Attempted to do a basal test last night from 7pm onwards to my Levemir dose. Failed and had to eat something at about 8:30pm, but my BG was nice and flat all that time. Really must try to do 8pm through to about 10pm to check that period which would be when the Levemir effect is tailing off.

Congratulations @Lily123 and @Barrowman on your HS today! @Lily123 glad everything is ok for your trip to the Somme and you are less stressed about it now.

Have a good day everyone!
Good morning. 7.4

Oops - the result of 2 large baps full of Aberdeen Angus and salad for dinner. Should have eaten the beef and ditched the buns but they cheered me up at the time. I was watching the 1953 floods on the TV - weird I just about remember them as we were stationed in East Anglia. Quite glad to be living up a hill these days.

No need to ask what the weather is doing but the Met promises improvement later so I will be able to get on with chopping up the willow tree I have felled. Using a bow saw - old fashioned but safer than my chain saw these days - I just don't trust my wrists any more.

Hope everyone has a good (and dry) day.
The weather is playing fast and loose this morning, checked the forecast, no rain predicted, put some washing out and a deluge before I had even hung it all out. Now bright sunshine, DO I TRUST IT????
Morning all - blue sky and black clouds but no rain forecast.

9.4 this morning. I really don't know what's going on. Odd really as I have been dropping overnight every night except last night when it was steady. I've put a temp basal of +10% on for 2 hours. Blooming T1 is such a contrary condition.

Lots on today, meeting a friend in town for lunch then there's a village Residents' Association meeting tonight at 6:30 then over the road for a quick drink with friends before salmon and prawn stir fry for dinner.

Congratulations to @Lily123 23 and @Barrowman on the HSs.

Have a good day all...
Good moaning! Woke feeling rather shakey at 3.6. Treated and trying to get back to sleep!

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Good morning! Take 2 was 7.1.

Hope you all had a better day yesterday than mine which was wheely frustating! I waited all day for the wheelchair repair service having reported a slow puncture last week. They would only say they would come between 8:00 and 4:00 but would text half-an-hour before. Hearing nothing by 3:30 I rang the office. They said I was last on his list but he would be here before 6:00. He finally rocked up at 7:30, pumped up the tyre (soft within two hours) and took a photo of the wheel with his iPad. He said he will now order an inner tube, and come and fit it. I waited 5 days for this incompetence!

Today's plans include a DN visit, supermarket and Amazon deliveries, and phoning the wheelchair company.

The Martian spacecraft appeared for 10 minutes earlier to break the grey monotany, and it is now raining.
Morning all and 5.9 for me.

Been to the vampires this morning for haematology. Investigation required into low iron. Luckily it was the phlebotomist I know so none of this confirming your identity malarkey.

Fine at moment. Risked some washing out so we're bound to have a deluge.

Just been warned that the first set of questions for USA visa applications are on their way. Could be fun.

Have a good day everyone.
Morning (just)

5.8 which I was pleased about as I ate pizza and ice cream yesterday. Getting myself in a strop as we are off to Norfolk on Saturday for a week, and the forecast is rain all everyday near enough, we could go out sightseeing but that is not much fun for the grandchildren who range from 4 to 11.

anyway going running in the rain tonight.

@Lily123 and @Barrowman congratulations on your HS today.

congratulations to the trio of HS yesterday.

@Kaylz - sorry to hear about your roof leaking, hope they come and repair at the times they specified. Really sorry to hear about Bruce, hope he is still resting up and being watched over by Bubbles.
7.4 . Feeling rather sad as was hoping it would be lower. It made a huge leap at first now it seens to be lingering . i guess its not 17 or in the twenties.
Just a bad day i guess. I seem to get a lot if them
7.4 . Feeling rather sad as was hoping it would be lower. It made a huge leap at first now it seens to be lingering . i guess its not 17 or in the twenties.
Just a bad day i guess. I seem to get a lot if them
7.4 is only just above range and it is still very early days. You really need to try to be less emotional about individual numbers and look for the general downward trend which you have already had amazing success with from where you were in the high teens just over a week ago. It will fluctuate day to day.... a little up a little down, particularly as you get closer to being in range. Don't let a very minor rise dent your progress or demotivate you because that is the nature of diabetes and you have to learn that you don't get to win every day even when you have been really good. As long as you have success/progress most days, that is all you can hope for and don't lose sight of how well you are doing and what you have achieved to get to where you are. You are doing great! Keep at it!
It was a 3.2 for me this morning according to Libre but 4.3 on a finger prick so not overly concerned about that, just the large amount of red on my graph again which looks bad on my Libre stats. Have started to log my BG double checks on the LibreLink notes as that is something I wasn't able to do with the reader as the notes didn't allow for it, unless you use the reader as a BG meter. Just 4 days to go with this sensor, so I am trying to log a positive of LibreLink as well as the negatives I find, so that I can make an objective decision come Sunday.

Lost my circadian rhythm again and mental health not great the last 2 days but managing my levels a bit better. Need to get myself bucked up as we have our first "show" of the season on Sunday and it is an early start so if I don't get my sleep pattern turned around I will not get any sleep that night/day and that really won't help me mentally or with my levels.

Of course the changeover of my Libre sensor will be due right when we are in the middle of showing. It is tempting to perhaps go back to finger pricking for half a day and start the sensor Sunday evening instead as otherwise my sensor changes will fall in the middle of showing throughout the summer. Of course the convenience of Libre means that I really value it when we are at a show with the horses, but one day of adjustment with finger pricks will make the other shows later in the summer easier, so I need to bite the bullet I think.

@Kaylz. So sorry to hear about the trauma you and Bruce are going through. Hope he is feeling better today and the repairs go as smoothly as possible.
4.8 for me today - we went out for dinner last night to a pizza place (first restaurant pizza I’ve eaten since being diagnosed!) and I didn’t spike, stayed in range for both the initial eating and the second wave 5 hours later! Did get a low alarm as obviously over did the second part of my bolus, but overall I am really pleased with that!
Good night everyone! BG was 5'1 in the morning if I remember well. Seems late to post but I never find the moment during the day, and today I wanted to do it.

I just feel I had a really good day. I didn't have big plans, it was a regular, split shift work day. What made it better was that I was in a very good mood. To start, I was able to sleep one hour more than the previous days. My shirt was ironed and my skirt was new and the appropriate size. I did my hair a bit differently and put on nice earrings. Sometimes one feels good when she looks good 🙂

I skipped breakfast at home and tried a little artisan bakery that's on the way to work. I always walk past and is open very early, but I never have the time to pop in. A few days ago I decided it was time. I sat for a few minutes in calm, with my breakfast, a lovely view and a nice loaf of bread for later. This change from my usual morning rush did set the mood for the rest of the day.

Also, my man came for a short visit in the afternoon. We don't have many days off in common so we try and squeeze meetings in our schedules when we can. Had a good time and then he said, with a big smile, that he wants to buy a watermelon and eat it with me. Such a small plan, and still made me so excited. Yes, I'm looking forward to eat watermelon with him! I wonder if that comes from my positive mood of the day or my feelings 😛:D

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! An Extremely Frazzled Lanny propping myself up for a 🙂 to greet you lovely lot!

Just when I thought basal was about there & I could have a more peaceful night & actually sleep through: NO; I started crashing down fast about 1 hour ten minutes after eating dinner around 21:00 with 24NR as I started a little higher on BS 8.1!

It was a steep rise at first, as it has been all week, BUT, peaked at BS 13.6 only 29 minutes later. I wasn’t sure at first as it only went down to BS 13.0 but, I kept testing & the drops got bigger in between the short intervals I was scanning so, at 1 hour & 2 minutes after 22:26 BS 8.3 I definitely KNEW something was very wrong & I started drinking a full 330ml can of coke. 22:53 BS 5.1 after most of the can drunk I had to go to the loo & my period had snuck up on me, as it always does these days, with a BANG very heavy! And I knew it was going a night of scrambling to keep my BS up! Which it was as I finished the coke & made myself toast afterwards trying to keep ahead of my crashing BS! Look at those narrow steep peaks of the graphs, in two because 00:00 is technically a new day:-



Still barely keeping up so, had a can of soup as well: been keeping them in the bedroom with can opener & had it cold right from can around 01:00 which took me back up to the mid 12’s. BUT, after 01:30 ish & 4 hours of active NR it stayed there all night & I was relieved at first so, slept turning over in bed to check every now & then. But, now it’s rising, the first sign I’ve seen this week of my usual morning rise DP & most insulin resistant time for me: basal is finally about there? So, I’ve stuck in a very conservative 2NR & then another 2NR as I woke a bit earlier 04:49 BS 14.1 to get my BS back down a bit but, don’t want it to come crashing down!

It’s been a rollercoaster night! 😱
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Good morning - 7.2

Have a great day everyone
5.5 for me… since last Friday I have only had 500mg of Metformin. Does not seem to have made any difference.

Made some bread last night:
This is spelt based and used yeast - taken from the latest Caldesi book.