Group 7-day waking average?

Well done @MrPixels on that 5.2. A 5.6 for me today. 🙂

Good morning. 6.3

Hope the rain holds off but the sky is depressingly grey so I may not have a chance to do the lawns. What is the point of finding gardeners if they do not come? Another few days and it will be like a jungle.

Hope everyone is planning exciting things to do indoors for the weekend - forecast is vile. Tempted to build an ark.

5.8 today, after eating garlic bread for tea yesterday , but I was decorating my grandson’s birthday cake, so I am sure despite washing my hands multiple times the sugar from that is still on them.

Off to Norfolk for a week of rain tomorrow, Wi-Fi is very poor where we stay so I might not be able to post much.

@MrPixels - congratulations on your HS

@Lilly23 - enjoy your holidays, kids in my area finished yesterday, my grandkids who live in London Boroughs finish today. it Is the last day at Primary school for my eldest granddaughter today.
And it’s a 5.3 for me on a grey overcast morning with just a gentle breeze, forecast is for rain later so will have to get my jobs outside done this morning.
Well that was confusing, apparently the blood tests I was there for weren’t on the system but a diabetes review was so she did those instead. That’s now 3 hba1cs I’ve had taken in under a month, which is just a waste of money.

Note the diabetes review didn’t involve taking off shoes. BP was ok at 119/70 though
6.0 for me this morning but I think there was a JB involved overnight..... actually it looks like there were 2 JBs involved looking at my graph, one at 3ish am and the other at 6am..... I was very sleepy.... but it seems I managed to log them both on my phone before I lost consciousness again, so I must at last be getting my head around using the app. The second JB probably wasn't necessary but I was just responding to the alarm. Anyway, I clearly didn't get my basal quite right, but not too far off. Proably the half unit I increased it because I didn't get out for a walk yesterday.
A MUCH better night & woke 08:41 BS 8.3 which sometimes happens dropped to 7.9 by the time I had cheese omelette tea & toast made with 12NR 09:06 BS 7.9 🙂

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

Basal WAS about there, or close, & the nights are when I drop, even bigger drops at night during my cycle, but, I know that now & less NR: still steadily sliding down with a bit too much basal, only because of my cycle; hopefully won’t last long & no point in reducing it & then lag behind when it needs raising again after it’s gone! Was prepared for the drop last night: cycle came out of the blue AFTER eating & after NR the night before last; reduced the NR for dinner & an initial rise in the first hour & a steady slide back down from mid 11’s after 4 hours to wake on 8.3 about 5.5 hours after that. 🙂
Good morning! After yesterday's morning's hypo and having very similar evening meal I was slightly staggered buy a 9.9 this morning. I can only think it is the stress of the ongoing leg and wheelchair sagas, and less than competent people. I was promised they would sort the wheelchair on Wednesday before 4:00. At 3:30 it became before 8:00! As expected by now nobody turned up. When I rang yesterday they wanted to send somebody when I would be in the middle of physio. As I only get one one hour amputee physio session a week it's not something I could miss! They say are they are coming today and if they don't their name will appear on this forum and elsewhere together with formal complaints! I think part of the problem is they took over the contract and despite being given records of the various wheelchair users build spec failed to import the data correctly.
Having done data import during my career it is not really a great problem if approached methodically. However these days there are a lot of people who think they are very clever and then do not do specification, design and test plans! I have also encountered many who do not really understand databases and have next to no idea! The wheelchair problem is deeply frustrating as I nearly fell at both physio and in the bathroom yesterday as one working break makes it unstable.

Cloudy here but more a pale grey than the dark depressing grey earlier this week.
Morning all and 6.6 for me.

Received an Email from our immigration lawyer wanting to know details for visa application so best get that sorted.

@Pattidevans no such luck in going the scenic route. One of the stops is either going to be Vegas or Salt Lake City so quite a way inland.

Have a good day everyone.
Good morning everyone

BG 4.8

My BG has settled back to the low 5's upper 4's since I stopped the growth hormone injections (and BP is lower too). I am sure the endocrinology consultant will not be happy (assuming they care) but it turns out that the risks of taking synthetic growth hormone are more significant than a raised BG level and the benefits at my age are few and disputed/unconfirmed.

Today lots of practice on the keyboard now that I have this weeks song sheets all sorted. Some exercise too but trying to rest my foot a bit as I have hurt it slightly.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing

Pity I can't inject it into my stump and grow a new leg! :(
Morning all. Yesterday turned out glorious, with cerulean blue skies, though forecast said it would cloud over. Today it's mostly blue, with flocks of fluffy little white sheep. Again, it's forecast to cloud over. We'll see!

4.5 this morning. I did do a 1.75 correction at 11.50pm The chilli/garlic chicken had sent me to 13.1. I said yesterday I thought something was pushing BGs up. Was coughing bubbly stuff up all night. Seems to have got better since I have been up apart from a runny nose. Just doing a covid test which looks as though it's going to be negative.

We're going into town to meet friends this afternoon. Hopefuly we'll find somewhere with outdoor seating.

no such luck in going the scenic route. One of the stops is either going to be Vegas or Salt Lake City so quite a way inland.
Oh what a pity, Maybe you can do just a bit of it though.

@eggyg glad to hear you had a better day yesterday and hope it continues.

@MikeyBikey I do hope they get your chair sorted out sooner rather than later.

@Mr Pixels, congratulations on your HS.

Have a feel good Friday all!
I’ve scored IMAX tickets for Oppenheimer this afternoon after my appointment with the surgeon
Oooh let us know what its like. We have tickets for Sunday.
5.5 Unicorn (by the skin of my teeth but a unicorn nevertheless).
6.4 and first nights sleep I feel relaxed from. My eyes too are improving ever so slightly I'm scared to say folks told me so just yet.
I am so pleased with my sugar reading I know its still high but its almost half way down single figures. Before this it was definitely 15 to 17 plus each morning and going up in the 20s in the day. Even I knew it was spiralling out of control, my HbA1c was 108 and that is not good for anybody. Yes some are higher but i really want to succeed.
So today I am saying I am doing good. Will keep going and that I really enjoy my food even if I could have eaten four times as much fathead Pizza last night. it was yummy but note to hubby and self cook more, at least for him.
This weeks menu is looking good too. However it is not set in stone as I swap n change as I feel.
Days of weekbreakfastlunchDinner
SunbrunchCooked breakfastLamb
TuesmuffinsoupCourgette bake
WedeggssaladButternut Squash
ThursdaymuffinsaladHubby steak/ sausages
FridayYoghurtsoupCreamy Aubergine Curry
Good morning! Was planning a lay in but but rudely awoken by cramp in the legi haven't got and stinging around the maceration on the other. BTW BG was 7.2.

Is a Unicorn 24-hour period or a day? 3 hours from the first, 18 from the second!

Will probably have a cuppa or two and try for another hour.

Grey as grey can be.