Group 7-day waking average?

Good day all. 🙂 Forgot to post yesterday, I was too busy reading. I got books! Thank you @eggyg Who knew Grace Dent was so entertaining, funny and informative. Can't put it down. Daughter wants to read it next.

Post lady brought it first thing. Shame she didn't bring my Sharpies. They've gone awol. A 'Sharon' sent me a nice picture of somebody's porch. 🙄
Just taken @TinaD 's tip and taken all the leaves off my Basil plant, torn them into little pieces and mashed them into soft butter. I then rolled the lot into a sausage using cling film and popped it in the fridge to firm up so I can slice it and freeze. Very quick to do!
We were lucky yesterday, it stayed dry all day so the girls played out most of the day. Football, “tennis” etc. Then went to the river, literally across the road, played Pooh sticks on two bridges. Came home and watched Matilda ( 5 year old’s choice), not quite 2.5 year old Zara proclaimed it boring and promptly fell asleep on my knee! Her big cousins had tired her out. It can be hard work entertaining grandkids but you can’t beat a good board game. Good luck.

Here’s four of my favourite people in the whole world.
Fabulous picture.
Good day all. 🙂 Forgot to post yesterday, I was too busy reading. I got books! Thank you @eggyg Who knew Grace Dent was so entertaining, funny and informative. Can't put it down. Daughter wants to read it next.

Post lady brought it first thing. Shame she didn't bring my Sharpies. They've gone awol. A 'Sharon' sent me a nice picture of somebody's porch. 🙄
Glad you got them and are enjoying Hungry. She’s a funny lady.
A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

Decided not to post readings since the day before yesterday: they REALLY ARE WEIRD; I’m confused & so is DSN & you lovely lot will be confused too! o_O

I really do have very high resistance, doctors in hospital called it tolerance, to/for insulin that’s not only apparent around noon through the afternoon but, also, trying to correct BS after eating WITHOUT food if I don’t quite get it right with the dose when eating WITH food! :confused: The corrections bring me down but, I go back up again quite quickly: down & up; overall staying the same on too high a reading! It’s EVEN harder during that middle period of the day after noon! So, day before yesterday I just left myself at BS 16.? & slept through it because it was in THAT sate of mind that I ended up injecting that MASSIVE dose of NR & it SHOULD have killed me but, I, in italics, have since worked out it was apnoea that saved me: it exacerbated the problem that I, in italics, started in my determination to move BS down when it was stuck with me never getting enough sleep to think clearly; also, saved me though as I kept waking up with my heart racing after it had stopped in my sleep after the bigger & bigger NR doses went in! I woke in the early evening still around BS 16 but, just moving around cooking I dropped quite quickly to 11’s before eating which I ALMOST got the dose right so, a bit of wrangling afterwards with BS down & up to the correction. Yesterday I got the doses more or less right apart from that middle part of the day & BS was much easier to control!🙂 I’ll try a new increased dose for that time period today & see how that goes? If I can get that part of the day right; I’ll be there? Two Hands Together Pleading emoji!

It’s been a STRANGE learning curve but, I’m getting my head around it a bit better! 🙄:confused:🙂
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5.3 for me this morning, My hair has been tamed, gelled and netted and breakfast going in and then I will be out the door to feed beasties before we head off to Newby Hall for what will be a very soggy, muddy first show of the season for us. Can't say I am looking forward to it. It has rained all night here! I think there will be a lot more cleaning to do on our return than before we set off!
Good morning everyone. A bit dark, cool and overcast this morning

BG 5.4
BP 117/72
Pulse 54

All good

Except I have a bad stomach this morning probably due to the lemon cheesecake I ate yesterday at tea time plus a lot of stuff I shouldn't have eaten. Enjoyed it but suffering a bit this morning.

Today church, keyboard practice, exercise, more practice, rest, even more practice...

Did I mention practice 🙂

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
@harbottle congratulations on the HS. FWIW I understand from the DSN that really the lowest effective dose of Metformin is 1500mg. So the 500mg was probably not doing an awful lot. The other thing to consider is that Metformin isn't "instant". It ramps up over a period of perhaps 14 days and it takes time to leach out of your body when you stop it.

I’ve read that 1500mg is the lowest ‘clinically significant’ dose as well.

it takes 4 days to be completely gone, but by that time the concentration in blood cells and plasma will be very low due to the half life.

I was 5.3 this morning.


Today’s the day I’m taking mum and dad out. I’ve a Zipcar booked so I’ll go pick that up, drive to theirs then bring them back into Covent Garden for lunch (I’ve booked a table at Côte) before a matinee at the Opera House.

I think they suspect it’s opera I’m taking them to see but they don’t know for sure.

What I do know is that none of it may actually happen.

Mum’s not well. She called yesterday saying she’d spent the day in A&E as there was something wrong with her eye and face. Apparently it’s all swollen and it might be shingles but it might be cellulitis. She said she feels fine and isn’t in pain so it’s unlikely to be shingles I guess.

She also said she won’t be wearing make up today but is ok with going out for lunch and ‘a show’. Whether that’s the reality once I get there to pick them up who knows.

On a different note, I had another one of my unexplained dizzy spells yesterday. I had thought they may be BG related but clearly they are not. So I’ve messaged the GP surgery and expect a call tomorrow at some point.
I’ve read that 1500mg is the lowest ‘clinically significant’ dose as well.

it takes 4 days to be completely gone, but by that time the concentration in blood cells and plasma will be very low due to the half life.

I was 5.3 this morning.
Chiming in on this one just in case anyone wonders what “clinically significant” means.

Metformin stays in the body for 96 hours. It has an elimination half-life of 17.something hours I think. So if you’re taking 500mg once a day it takes four to five days for there to be enough of the drug in your system to be “clinically significant”.

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Today’s the day I’m taking mum and dad out. I’ve a Zipcar booked so I’ll go pick that up, drive to theirs then bring them back into Covent Garden for lunch (I’ve booked a table at Côte) before a matinee at the Opera House.

I think they suspect it’s opera I’m taking them to see but they don’t know for sure.

What I do know is that none of it may actually happen.

Mum’s not well. She called yesterday saying she’d spent the day in A&E as there was something wrong with her eye and face. Apparently it’s all swollen and it might be shingles but it might be cellulitis. She said she feels fine and isn’t in pain so it’s unlikely to be shingles I guess.

She also said she won’t be wearing make up today but is ok with going out for lunch and ‘a show’. Whether that’s the reality once I get there to pick them up who knows.

On a different note, I had another one of my unexplained dizzy spells yesterday. I had thought they may be BG related but clearly they are not. So I’ve messaged the GP surgery and expect a call tomorrow at some point.
Star for the HS & “Care” for your post! Hope your mum is ok? 🙂
Star for the HS & “Care” for your post! Hope your mum is ok? 🙂
I’m sure she’ll be fine and I’m just doing that thing we all do in the time between hearing a loved one isn’t well and actually seeing them for ourselves.
Good moaning/morning! Very strange! I was around 6 all night but in the 30 minutes before I woke it shot to 10.3 (was having a weird dream where I had limped painfully on my prosthetic to a bus stop behind where I used to work which was crowded with baby machines who packed the bus which runs on a different route 10 miles away) A cuppa and half-an-hour it's dropped to 8.4. Phantom pain has also locked in. Wonder if that was the pain when I was dreaming?
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Well done @ColinUK on the HS. 4.8 for me this wet and windy NoSun day. 🙂

Here you go @ColinUK your house. Needs a bit of redecoration, a lick of paint, but the views from the balcony (admittedly now on the ground) are superb...

Morning all, was 5.2 at 6am, but went back to sleep for a bit and woke up again at 6.6. Rain started with a vengeance ten minutes before riding yesterday, but fortunately eased off to a heavy drizzle during the lesson, so I got wet but not soaked. Supposed to be 'helping' daughter with her garden this afternoon (ie, doing it), hope her jungle isn’t too soggy, must remember the mozzie repellent.
9.4 before breakfast, bit lower when I first woke up. 2 eggs scrambled and a slice of cheese for breakfast, no time for spinach omelette making today